Changeset - 92555101ea56
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Drew Perttula - 11 years ago 2014-06-13 06:52:41
add colorSolid
Ignore-this: 94d80a16d3629a588ccf0320c8a8242b
1 file changed with 7 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -56,24 +56,31 @@ def hsv(h, s, v, light='all', centerScal
    if light in ['right', 'all']:
        lev[80], lev[81], lev[82] = r,g,b
    if light in ['center', 'all']:
        lev[88], lev[89], lev[90] = r*centerScale,g*centerScale,b*centerScale
    return Submaster.Submaster(name='hsv', levels=lev)

def colorDemo():
    s = ColorStrip()
    s.which = 'L'
    s.pixels = [(0,0,1)] * 50
    return s

def colorSolid(which='L', color=[1,1,1]):
    s = ColorStrip()
    s.which = which
    s.pixels = tuple(color) * 50
    return s
def stack(t, names=None, fade=0):
    """names is list of URIs. returns a submaster that stacks the the inputs

    fade=0 makes steps, fade=1 means each one gets its full fraction
    of the time to fade in. Fades never...
    frac = 1.0 / len(names)

    lev = {}
    for i, uri in enumerate(names):
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