Changeset - 931d2dafca12
[Not reviewed]
0 3 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-11 22:08:37
new feature: values can have their range remapped in the device processing
Ignore-this: 542047e6307a304f2aa52a69d134ba21
3 files changed with 21 insertions and 0 deletions:
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from __future__ import division
import time
import logging
from rdflib import Literal
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF, DEV
from light9.collector.output import setListElem
from light9.collector.device import toOutputAttrs, resolve

log = logging.getLogger('collector')

@@ -39,16 +40,23 @@ class Collector(object):
        self.lastRequest = {} # client : (session, time, {(dev,attr): latestValue})

    def rebuildOutputMap(self):
        self.outputMap = outputMap(self.graph, self.outputs) # (device, attr) : (output, index)
        self.deviceType = {} # uri: type that's a subclass of Device
        self.remapOut = {} # (device, deviceAttr) : (start, end)
        for dc in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['DeviceClass']):
            for dev in self.graph.subjects(RDF.type, dc):
                self.deviceType[dev] = dc

                for remap in self.graph.objects(dev, L9['outputAttrRange']):
                    attr = self.graph.value(remap, L9['outputAttr'])
                    start = float(self.graph.value(remap, L9['start']))
                    end = float(self.graph.value(remap, L9['end']))
                    self.remapOut[(dev, attr)] = start, end

    def _forgetStaleClients(self, now):
        staleClients = []
        for c, (_, t, _) in self.lastRequest.iteritems():
            if t < now - self.clientTimeoutSec:
        for c in staleClients:
@@ -87,20 +95,25 @@ class Collector(object):
        else: # client always provides all the nonzero settings it wants
            prevClientSettings = {}
        self.lastRequest[client] = (clientSession, now, prevClientSettings)

        # inputs that are omitted, implying a zero, should be added
        # back here if they would remap to something nonzero.

        deviceAttrs = {} # device: {deviceAttr: value}
        for _, _, lastSettings in self.lastRequest.itervalues():
            for (device, deviceAttr), value in lastSettings.iteritems():
                attrs = deviceAttrs.setdefault(device, {})
                if deviceAttr in attrs:
                    value = resolve(device, deviceAttr, [attrs[deviceAttr],
                if (device, deviceAttr) in self.remapOut:
                    start, end = self.remapOut[(device, deviceAttr)]
                    value = Literal(start + float(value) * (end - start))
                attrs[deviceAttr] = value

        outputAttrs = {} # device: {outputAttr: value}
        for d in deviceAttrs:
                devType = self.deviceType[d]
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@@ -55,12 +55,14 @@ def resolve(deviceType, deviceAttr, valu
def toOutputAttrs(deviceType, deviceAttrSettings):
    Given device attr settings like {L9['color']: Literal('#ff0000')},
    return a similar dict where the keys are output attrs (like
    L9['red']) and the values are suitable for Collector.setAttr

    :outputAttrRange happens before we get here.
    def floatAttr(attr, default=0):
        out = deviceAttrSettings.get(attr)
        if out is None:
            return default
        return float(out.toPython())
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@@ -18,14 +18,20 @@ dev:f2 a :SimpleDimmer; :dmxUniverse dmx
dev:f3 a :SimpleDimmer; :dmxUniverse dmxA:; :dmxBase 10 .

dev:cycR a :SimpleDimmer; :dmxUniverse dmxA:; :dmxBase 42 .
dev:cycL a :SimpleDimmer; :dmxUniverse dmxA:; :dmxBase 44 .

dev:q1 a :MacQuantum; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 325 .
dev:q1 :outputAttrRange dev:q1rx . dev:q1rx :outputAttr :rx; :start 0.143; :end 0.271 .
dev:q1 :outputAttrRange dev:q1ry . dev:q1ry :outputAttr :ry; :start 0.71; :end 0.821 .
dev:q2 a :MacQuantum; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 352 .
dev:q2 :outputAttrRange dev:q2rx . dev:q2rx :outputAttr :rx; :start 0.097; :end 0.227 .
dev:q2 :outputAttrRange dev:q2ry . dev:q2ry :outputAttr :ry; :start 0.739; :end 0.824 .
dev:q3 a :MacQuantum; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 379 .
dev:q3 :outputAttrRange dev:q3rx . dev:q3rx :outputAttr :rx; :start 0.064; :end 0.198 .
dev:q3 :outputAttrRange dev:q3ry . dev:q3ry :outputAttr :ry; :start 0.765; :end 0.822 .

dev:aura1 a :MacAura; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 406 .
dev:aura2 a :MacAura; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 420 .
dev:aura3 a :MacAura; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 434 .
dev:aura4 a :MacAura; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 448 .
dev:aura5 a :MacAura; :dmxUniverse udmxB:; :dmxBase 462 .
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