Changeset - 94039df5cdd9
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0 6 1
David McClosky - 15 years ago 2010-06-22 04:41:11
create Playlist class which is now used in wavecurve, musicPad, and ascoltami2.
Ignore-this: da54d0239906e81ad5d95741d22f5975
Several other refactorings. Also, totally untested.
7 files changed with 137 insertions and 51 deletions:
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@@ -3,9 +3,39 @@ import web, thread, gobject, sys, optpar
from rdflib import URIRef
from light9.ascoltami.player import Player
from light9.ascoltami.playlist import Playlist, NoSuchSong
from light9.ascoltami.webapp import makeApp
from light9 import networking, showconfig

class App:
    def __init__(self, graph, show):
        self.graph = graph
        self.player = Player(onEOS=self.onEOS)
 = show
        self.playlist = Playlist.fromShow(graph, show)

    def run(self, musicPort):
        # the cherrypy server would wedge when vidref pounds on it; this
        # one seems to run
                          ('', musicPort)))

        mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()


    def onEOS(self, song):


            nextSong = self.playlist.nextSong(song)
        except NoSuchSong: # we're at the end of the playlist

        self.player.setSong(nextSong, play=False)

if __name__ == "__main__":
log = logging.getLogger()
@@ -23,13 +53,6 @@ if not
    raise ValueError("missing --show http://...")
graph = showconfig.getGraph()
player = Player()

# the cherrypy server would wedge when vidref pounds on it; this
# one seems to run
                 (makeApp(player, graph, URIRef(,
                  ('', networking.musicPort())))

mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
    app = App(graph, URIRef(
    musicPort = networking.musicPort()
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@@ -6,20 +6,18 @@ import sys, wave, logging, os
from light9 import networking, showconfig
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.ascoltami.playlist import Playlist
log = logging.getLogger()

introPad = 4
postPad = 9 # 5 + autostop + 4

graph = showconfig.getGraph()
playlist = Playlist.fromShow(showconfig.getGraph(), showconfig.showUri())
# instead of taking a show uri like it should, i just convert every
# path i find in the graph (hoping that you only loaded statements for
# the current show)
for p in sorted(graph.objects(None, L9['showPath'])):
    assert p.startswith("file://")
    p = p[len("file://"):]
for p in playlist.allSongPaths():"read %s", p)
    inputWave =, 'r')

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@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import os, sys, optparse
import run_local
from light9.wavepoints import simp


def createCurve(inpath, outpath, t):
    print "reading %s, writing %s" % (inpath, outpath)
    points = simp(inpath.replace('.ogg', '.wav'), seconds_per_average=t)
@@ -12,8 +11,6 @@ def createCurve(inpath, outpath, t):
    for time_val in points:
        print >>f, "%s %s" % time_val


parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="""%prog inputSong.wav outputCurve

You probably just want -a
@@ -21,18 +18,18 @@ You probably just want -a
                  help="seconds per sample (default .01, .07 is smooth)")
parser.add_option("-a", action="store_true",
parser.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true",
                  help="make standard curves for all songs")
options,args = parser.parse_args()


if options.a:
if options.all:
    from light9 import showconfig
    from light9.namespaces import L9
    from rdflib import RDF
    graph = showconfig.getGraph()
    for song in graph.subjects(RDF.type, L9['Song']):
        inpath = showconfig.songOnDisk(song)

    playlist = Playlist.fromShow(showconfig.getGraph(), showconfig.showUri())
    for inpath in playlist.allSongPaths():
        for curveName, t in [('music', .01),
                             ('smooth_music', .07)]:
            outpath = showconfig.curvesDir() + "/%s-%s" % (
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@@ -9,7 +9,13 @@ import gst, gobject
log = logging.getLogger()

class Player(object):
    def __init__(self, autoStopOffset=4):
    def __init__(self, autoStopOffset=4, onEOS=None):
        """autoStopOffset is the number of seconds before the end of
        song before automatically stopping (which is really pausing).
        onEOS is an optional function to be called when we reach the
        end of a stream (for example, can be used to advance the song).
        It is called with one argument which is the URI of the song that
        just finished."""
        self.autoStopOffset = autoStopOffset
        self.playbin = self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch("playbin2")
        self.playStartTime = 0
@@ -45,12 +51,13 @@ class Player(object):
            if self.lastWatchTime < self.autoStopTime < t:
            if not self.onEOS:
            if self.isPlaying() and t >= self.duration() - .2:
                # i don't expect to hit dur exactly with this
                # polling. What would be better would be to watch for
                # the EOS signal and react to that

            self.lastWatchTime = t
@@ -63,7 +70,7 @@ class Player(object):
            t * gst.SECOND)
        self.playStartTime = time.time()

    def setSong(self, songUri):
    def setSong(self, songUri, play=True):
        uri like file:///my/proj/light9/show/dance2010/music/07.wav
@@ -72,9 +79,14 @@ class Player(object):
        self.pipeline.set_property("uri", songUri)
        # todo: don't have any error report yet if the uri can't be read
        if play:
        self.playStartTime = time.time()

    def getSong(self):
        """Returns the URI of the current song."""
        return self.playbin.get_property("uri")

    def preload(self, songUri):
        to avoid disk seek stutters, which happened sometimes (in 2007) with the
@@ -122,6 +134,3 @@ class Player(object):
    def isPlaying(self):
        _, state, _ = self.pipeline.get_state()
        return state == gst.STATE_PLAYING
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new file 100644
from light9.showconfig import getSongsFromShow
from light9.namespaces import L9

class NoSuchSong(ValueError):
    """Raised when a song is requested that doesn't exist (e.g. one
    after the last song in the playlist)."""

class Playlist(object):
    def __init__(self, graph, playlistUri):
        self.songs = list(graph.items(playlistUri))
    def nextSong(self, currentSong):
        """Returns the next song in the playlist or raises NoSuchSong if 
        we are at the end of the playlist."""
            currentIndex = self.songs.index(currentSong)
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError("%r is not in the current playlist (%r)." % \
                (currentSong, self.playlistUri))

            nextSong = self.songs[currentIndex + 1]
        except IndexError:
            raise NoSuchSong("%r is the last item in the playlist." % \

        return nextSong
    def allSongs(self):
        """Returns a list of all song URIs in order."""
        return self.songs
    def allSongPaths(self):
        """Returns a list of the filesystem paths to all songs in order."""
        paths = []
        for song in self.songs:
            p = graph.value(song, L9['showPath'])
            assert p.startswith("file://"), p
            p = p[len("file://"):]
        return paths

    def fromShow(playlistClass, graph, show):
        playlistUri = graph.value(show, L9['playList'])
        if not playlistUri:
            raise ValueError("%r has no l9:playList" % show)
        return playlistClass(graph, playlistUri)
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import web, jsonlib
from twisted.python.util import sibpath
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.showconfig import getSongsFromShow
from rdflib import URIRef
player = None
graph = None
show = None

app = None

def songLocation(graph, songUri):
    loc = graph.value(songUri, L9['showPath'])
@@ -28,7 +27,10 @@ class root(object):

class timeResource(object):
    def GET(self):
        playingLocation = player.playbin.get_property("uri")
        player = app.player
        graph = app.graph

        playingLocation = player.getSong()
        if playingLocation:
            song = songUri(graph, URIRef(playingLocation))
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ class timeResource(object):
        with a pause/resume command too.
        params =, use_float=True)
        player = app.player
        if params.get('pause', False):
        if params.get('resume', False):
@@ -57,11 +60,9 @@ class timeResource(object):

class songs(object):
    def GET(self):
        playList = graph.value(show, L9['playList'])
        if not playList:
            raise ValueError("%r has no l9:playList" % show)
        songs = list(graph.items(playList))
        graph = app.graph

        songs = getSongsFromShow(graph,
        web.header("Content-type", "application/json")
        return jsonlib.write({"songs" : [
@@ -72,11 +73,15 @@ class songs(object):
class songResource(object):
    def POST(self):
        """post a uri of song to switch to (and start playing)"""
        player.setSong(songLocation(graph, URIRef(
        graph = app.graph

        app.player.setSong(songLocation(graph, URIRef(
        return "ok"
class seekPlayOrPause(object):
    def POST(self):
        player = app.player

        data =, use_float=True)
        if player.isPlaying():
@@ -84,16 +89,15 @@ class seekPlayOrPause(object):

def makeApp(thePlayer, theGraph, theShow):
    global player, graph, show
    player, graph, show = thePlayer, theGraph, theShow
def makeWebApp(theApp):
    global app
    app = theApp

    urls = ("/", "root",
            "/time", "timeResource",
            "/song", "songResource",
            "/songs", "songs",
            "/seekPlayOrPause", "seekPlayOrPause",
    urls = (r"/", "root",
            r"/time", "timeResource",
            r"/song", "songResource",
            r"/songs", "songs",
            r"/seekPlayOrPause", "seekPlayOrPause",

    app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=False)
    return app
    return web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=False)
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@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ def root():
            "LIGHT9_SHOW env variable has not been set to the show root")
    return r

def showUri():
    """Return the show URI associated with $LIGHT9_SHOW."""
    return URIRef(file(path.join(root(), 'URI').read().strip()))

def findMpdHome():
    """top of the music directory for the mpd on this system,
    including trailing slash"""
@@ -59,7 +63,6 @@ def findMpdHome():

    raise ValueError("can't find music_directory in any mpd config file")


def songInMpd(song):
    get the mpd path (with correct encoding) from the song URI
@@ -98,6 +101,14 @@ def songFilenameFromURI(uri):
    assert isinstance(uri, URIRef)
    return uri.split('/')[-1]

def getSongsFromShow(graph, show):
    playList = graph.value(show, L9['playList'])
    if not playList:
        raise ValueError("%r has no l9:playList" % show)
    songs = list(graph.items(playList))

    return songs

def curvesDir():
    return path.join(root(),"curves")

@@ -117,4 +128,3 @@ def prePostSong():
    graph = getGraph()
    return [graph.value(MUS['preSong'], L9['showPath']),
            graph.value(MUS['postSong'], L9['showPath'])]

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