Changeset - 951ef08ce4ad
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-11 21:13:01
don't save zeros in effects. put each fx in its own n3 file
Ignore-this: a2b27986c2aacd3f48fd9110b6d673a0
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -47,31 +47,37 @@ Polymer
  ready: ->
    @currentSettings = {}
    @effectPreview = JSON.stringify({})
    window.gather = (sent) =>
      [dev, devAttr, value] = sent[0]
      return if value == 0
      @currentSettings[dev + " " + devAttr] = [dev, devAttr, value]
      key = dev + " " + devAttr
      if value == 0 or value == '#000000'
        delete @currentSettings[key]
        @currentSettings[key] = [dev, devAttr, value]
      @effectPreview = JSON.stringify(v for k,v of @currentSettings)
  saveNewEffect: ->
    return if not @newEffectName.length
    uriName = @newEffectName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, '')
    return if not uriName.length

    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)

    effectUri = U(":effect") + "/#{@newEffectName}"
    ctx = U('')
    effectUri = U(":effect") + "/#{uriName}"
    ctx = U("{uriName}")
    quad = (s, p, o) => {subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: ctx}

    addQuads = [
      quad(effectUri, U('rdf:type'), U(':Effect'))
      quad(effectUri, U('rdfs:label'), @graph.Literal(@newEffectName))
      quad(effectUri, U(':publishAttr'), U(':strength'))
    settings = @graph.nextNumberedResources(effectUri + '_set', Object.keys(@currentSettings).length)
    for _, row of @currentSettings
      if row[2] == 0 or row[2] == '#000000'
      setting = settings.shift()
      addQuads.push(quad(effectUri, U(':setting'), setting))
      addQuads.push(quad(setting, U(':device'), row[0]))
      addQuads.push(quad(setting, U(':deviceAttr'), row[1]))
      scaledAttributeTypes = [U(':color'), U(':brightness'), U(':uv')]
      value = if typeof(row[2]) == 'number'
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