Changeset - 95ed52dcc3ab
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Drew Perttula - 11 years ago 2014-06-10 08:46:52
remove some old curve api
Ignore-this: 2a49d1f24d73b5cc8d718683c6b41793
2 files changed with 2 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ class Main(object):
        raises SubtermExists if we had a subterm with a sub with the given
        name. what about a no-sub term with the same label? who knows
        assert isinstance(newname, Literal), repr(newname)
        if withCurve:
            self.curveset.new_curve(newname, renameIfExisting=False)
        if newname in self.all_subterm_labels():
            raise SubtermExists("have a subterm who sub is named %r" % newname)
        with self.graph.currentState() as current:
            song = self.currentSong()
            for i in range(1000):
                uri = song + "/subterm/%d" % i
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@@ -343,22 +343,15 @@ class Curveset(object):
    def globalsdict(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('subterm used to get a dict of name:curve')
    def get_time_range(self):
        return 0, dispatcher.send("get max time")[0][1]

    def new_curve(self, name, renameIfExisting=True):
    def new_curve(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, Literal):
            name = str(name)
        if name=="":
            print "no name given"
        if not renameIfExisting and name in self.curves:
        while name in self.curves:

        uri = self.graph.sequentialUri(self.currentSong + '/curve-')

        cr = self.curveResources[uri] = CurveResource(self.graph, uri)
        cr.newCurve(ctx=self.currentSong, label=Literal(name))
        s, e = self.get_time_range()
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