Changeset - 962f46713b63
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David McClosky - 18 years ago 2007-06-15 20:23:43
keyboardcomposer: sort subs by groups first, fix sub cmp
The "None" group goes first, then all groups sorted by names. Within groups,
subs are sorted by names. Subs sort by their __repr__, which could be a
problem in the future.
2 files changed with 5 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -203,25 +203,28 @@ class KeyboardComposer(Frame, SubClient)
            subtk = self.slider_table[(self.current_row, col)]
        except KeyError:
            return # no slider assigned at that column
    def draw_sliders(self):

        rowcount = -1
        col = 0
        last_group = None
        graph = showconfig.getGraph()
        for sub in self.submasters.get_all_subs():
        withgroups = sorted((graph.value(sub.uri, L9['group']), sub)
            for sub in self.submasters.get_all_subs())

        for group, sub in withgroups:
            group = graph.value(sub.uri, L9['group'])

            if col == 0 or group != last_group: # make new row
                row = self.make_row()
                rowcount += 1
                col = 0
            current_level = self.current_sub_levels.get(, 0)
            subtk = self.draw_sub_slider(row, col,, current_level)
            self.slider_table[(rowcount, col)] = subtk
            self.name_to_subtk[] = subtk

            def slider_changed(x, y, z, subtk=subtk,
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@@ -164,25 +164,25 @@ class Submaster:
            keys_set[k] = 1
        all_keys = keys_set.keys()

        xfaded_sub = Submaster("xfade", temporary=1)
        for k in all_keys:
                                 linear_fade(self.levels.get(k, 0),
                                             otherlevels.get(k, 0),

        return xfaded_sub
    def __cmp__(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError
        """Compare by sub repr (name, hopefully)"""
        return cmp(repr(self), repr(other))
    def __hash__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError
        return hash(repr(self))
def linear_fade(start, end, amount):
    """Fades between two floats by an amount.  amount is a float between
    0 and 1.  If amount is 0, it will return the start value.  If it is 1,
    the end value will be returned."""
    level = start + (amount * (end - start))
    return level

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