Changeset - 97c08a1c4351
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David McClosky - 20 years ago 2005-06-17 04:23:07
gyrocontroller: remap buttons, fix keep mode
Also, solo mode is now default, colors are brighter, numeric names for subs
are converted to subs with only that channel up, send zeroes when exiting
1 file changed with 29 insertions and 14 deletions:
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# vi: syntax=python

import run_local
from light9.Submaster import Submasters, combine_subdict
from light9.Submaster import Submasters, Submaster, combine_subdict
from light9.subclient import SubClient

import Tix as Tk

# TODO: move to Utility?
class circcycle:
@@ -37,49 +37,57 @@ class AbstractSimpleController(SubClient
    """Simple controller with minimal input and output:
    Input is 4 directions and 3 buttons.
    Output is an integer and a color and maybe more.
    Left + B1/right + B1: prev/next sub
    Y-axis + B2: set current level
    B3: toggle keep/solo mode
    Double-B3: clear kept levels"""
    Y-axis + B3: set current level
    B2: toggle keep/solo mode
    Triple-B2: clear kept levels"""
    def __init__(self, subnames):
        self.subnames = subnames
    def get_sub(self, name):
            val = int(name)
            s = Submaster("Ch%d" % val, {val : 1.0}, temporary=True)
            return s
        except ValueError:
            return self.submasters.get_sub_by_name(name)
    def refresh(self):
        # reload subs from disk
        self.submasters = Submasters()
        self.all_subs = circcycle(self.subnames)
        self.current_sub = self.submasters.get_sub_by_name(
        self.current_sub = self.get_sub(
        self.current_level = 1.0
        self.kept_levels = {} # subname : level [0..1]
        self.keep_solo_mode = 'keep' # either 'keep' or 'solo'
        self.keep_solo_mode = 'solo' # either 'keep' or 'solo'
    def clear_kept_levels(self):
    def next(self):
        if self.keep_solo_mode == 'keep':
            self.kept_levels[self.current_sub] = self.current_level

        self.current_sub = self.submasters.get_sub_by_name(
        self.current_sub = self.get_sub(
    def prev(self):
        if self.keep_solo_mode == 'keep':
            self.kept_levels[self.current_sub] = self.current_level

        self.current_sub = self.submasters.get_sub_by_name(self.all_subs.prev())
        self.current_sub = self.get_sub(self.all_subs.prev())
    def toggle_keep_mode(self):
        if self.keep_solo_mode == 'keep':
            self.kept_levels[self.current_sub] = self.current_level
            self.keep_solo_mode = 'solo'
            self.keep_solo_mode = 'keep'

    def get_levels_as_sub(self):
        if self.keep_solo_mode == 'keep':
            # send all levels in self.kept_levels
            self.kept_levels[self.current_sub] = self.current_level
            levelsub = combine_subdict(self.kept_levels)
            levelsub = self.current_sub * self.current_level

        return levelsub

@@ -91,30 +99,33 @@ class TkGyro(Tk.Canvas, AbstractSimpleCo
        height = int(self.winfo_screenheight())
        width = int(self.winfo_screenwidth())
        self.left = self.create_rectangle((0, 0, width / 2, height),
            tags='left', fill='black')
        self.right = self.create_rectangle((width / 2, 0, width, height),
            tags='right', fill='black')
        self.levelbar = self.create_rectangle(0, 0, width, 5, tags='level',
            fill='yellow', state='disabled', outline='')

        # the text is disabled so that it doesn't receive events
        self.modetext = self.create_text((width / 2, height / 2), 
            font='Courier 200', fill='white', text=self.keep_solo_mode,
        self.flashtextafter = '' # current after timer for displaying text

        def setfill(item, color):
            self.itemconfig(item, fill=color)
        def setlevel(evt):
            if evt.state & 512:
            if evt.state & 0x400 or evt.num == 3:
                y = (height - evt.y) / float(height)
                self.flash_text('<%d>' % (y * 100))
                self.current_level = y
                self.coords(self.levelbar, 0, evt.y, width, evt.y + 5)

        data = ((self.left, 'left', '#000099', self.prev), 
                (self.right, 'right', '#990000',
        data = ((self.left, 'left', 'blue', self.prev), 
                (self.right, 'right', 'red',
        for item, tag, color, method in data:
            self.tag_bind(tag, '<Enter>', 
                lambda evt, item=item, color=color: setfill(item, color))
            self.tag_bind(tag, '<Leave>', 
                lambda evt, item=item, color=color: setfill(item, 'black'))
            self.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-1>', 
@@ -123,16 +134,17 @@ class TkGyro(Tk.Canvas, AbstractSimpleCo
                lambda evt, item=item, color=color: setfill(item, color), '+')
            self.tag_bind(tag, '<Button-1>', 
                lambda evt, method=method: method(), '+')

        # B2+drag sets current level, double-B2 resets kept levels
        self.tag_bind('all', '<Motion>', setlevel, '+')
        self.tag_bind('all', '<Double-Button-2>', 
        self.tag_bind('all', '<ButtonPress-3>', setlevel, '+')
        self.tag_bind('all', '<Triple-Button-2>', 
            lambda evt: self.clear_kept_levels())
        # B3 toggles between keep and solo mode
        self.tag_bind('all', '<Button-3>', lambda evt: self.toggle_keep_mode())
        self.tag_bind('all', '<Button-2>', lambda evt: self.toggle_keep_mode())

    def toggle_keep_mode(self):
@@ -175,9 +187,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
    root.title("NOTITLE NOBORDER ONTOP")
    root.wm_geometry('%sx%s' % (root.winfo_screenwidth(), 

    gyro = TkGyro(root, subnames)
    gyro.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
    root.bind('<Key-q>', lambda evt: root.destroy())
    def quit(event):
    root.bind('<Key-q>', quit)
    root.maxsize(root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight())
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