Changeset - 9a03605121b7
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Drew Perttula - 18 years ago 2007-06-15 16:51:14
fix usb dmx levels off by one
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -63,25 +63,28 @@ class UsbDMX(BaseIO):

    def _dmx(self):
        if self.out is None:
            from dmx import Dmx
            self.out = Dmx()
        return self.out

    def sendlevels(self, levels):
        if self.dummy:
        packet = ''.join([chr(int(lev * 255 / 100)) for lev in levels]) + "\x55"
        # I was outputting on 76 and it was turning on the light at
        # dmx75. So I added the 0 byte.
        packet = '\x00' + ''.join([chr(int(lev * 255 / 100)) 
                                  for lev in levels]) + "\x55"

class SerialPots(BaseIO):
    this is a dummy object (that returns zeros forever) until you call startup()
    which makes it bind to the port, etc
    def __init__(self):
        # no init here- call getport() to actually initialize
        self.__name__='SerialPots' # i thought this was automatic!
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