Changeset - 9b46e38e2b0f
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-31 05:29:41
lightsample is now draggable into timeline
Ignore-this: 8bf3fcacfbf069383a6312d8f4d64854
1 file changed with 3 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -307,25 +307,28 @@ Polymer

    fromSettings = @graph.objects(uri, U(':setting'))

    toSettings = @graph.nextNumberedResources(effect + '_set', fromSettings.length)
    for fs in fromSettings
      ts = toSettings.pop()
      # full copies of these since I may have to delete captures
      quads.push(quad(effect, U(':setting'), ts))
      quads.push(quad(ts, U(':device'), @graph.uriValue(fs, U(':device'))))
      quads.push(quad(ts, U(':deviceAttr'), @graph.uriValue(fs, U(':deviceAttr'))))
      quads.push(quad(ts, U(':value'), @graph.uriValue(fs, U(':value'))))
        quads.push(quad(ts, U(':scaledValue'), @graph.uriValue(fs, U(':scaledValue'))))

    @graph.applyAndSendPatch({delQuads: [], addQuads: quads})
    return effect
  makeNewNote: (effect, dropTime) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    quad = (s, p, o) => {subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: @song}
    newNote = @graph.nextNumberedResource("#{@song}/n")
    newCurve = @graph.nextNumberedResource("#{newNote}c")
    points = @graph.nextNumberedResources("#{newCurve}p", 4)

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