Changeset - 9c2e1b5c16e9
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 3 years ago 2022-06-01 06:39:58
speed: don't redo uri string replace all the time
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 11 deletions:
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@@ -5,66 +5,62 @@ import { Patch, patchContainsPreds, patc
import { SyncedGraph } from "../SyncedGraph";

type Color = string;
export type ControlValue = number | Color | NamedNode;

const log = debug("effect");

function isUri(x: Term | number | string): x is NamedNode {
  return typeof x == "object" && x.termType == "NamedNode";

function valuePred(graph: SyncedGraph, attr: NamedNode): NamedNode {
  const U = graph.U();
  const scaledAttributeTypes = [U(":color"), U(":brightness"), U(":uv")];
  if (some(scaledAttributeTypes, (x: NamedNode) => attr.equals(x))) {
    return U(":scaledValue");
  } else {
    return U(":value");

// effect settings data; r/w sync with the graph
export class Effect {
  private settings: Array<{ device: NamedNode; deviceAttr: NamedNode; setting: NamedNode; value: ControlValue }> = [];

  private ctxForEffect: NamedNode
    public graph: SyncedGraph,
    public uri: NamedNode,
    // called if the graph changes our values and not when the caller uses edit()
    private onValuesChanged: (values: void) => void
  ) {
    this.ctxForEffect = this.graph.Uri(this.uri.value.replace("", ""));
    graph.runHandler(this.rebuildSettingsFromGraph.bind(this), `effect sync ${uri.value}`);

  private ctxForEffect(): NamedNode {
    return this.graph.Uri(this.uri.value.replace("", ""));

  addNewEffectToGraph() {
    const U = this.graph.U();
    const ctx = this.ctxForEffect();
    const quad = (s: Quad_Subject, p: Quad_Predicate, o: Quad_Object) => this.graph.Quad(s, p, o, ctx);
    const quad = (s: Quad_Subject, p: Quad_Predicate, o: Quad_Object) => this.graph.Quad(s, p, o, this.ctxForEffect);

    const addQuads = [
      quad(this.uri, U("rdf:type"), U(":Effect")),
      quad(this.uri, U("rdfs:label"), this.graph.Literal(this.uri.value.replace(/.*\//, ""))),
      quad(this.uri, U(":publishAttr"), U(":strength")),
    const patch = { adds: addQuads, dels: [] } as Patch;
    log("init new effect", patch);
    this.settings = [];

  rebuildSettingsFromGraph(patch?: Patch) {
    const U = this.graph.U();
    if (patch && !patchContainsPreds(patch, [U(":setting"), U(":device"), U(":deviceAttr")])) {
      // that's an approx list of preds , but it just means we'll miss some pathological settings edits
      //   return;

    // log("syncFromGraph", this.uri);

    // this repeats work- it gathers all settings when really some values changed (and we might even know about them). maybe push the value-fetching into a secnod phase of the run, and have the 1st phase drop out early
    const newSettings = [];

@@ -128,71 +124,70 @@ export class Effect {
      if (existingSetting === null) {
        patchUpdate(result, this._addEffectSetting(device, deviceAttr, newValue));
      } else {
        patchUpdate(result, this._patchExistingEffectSetting(existingSetting, deviceAttr, newValue));
    } else {
      if (existingSetting !== null) {
        patchUpdate(result, this._removeEffectSetting(existingSetting));
    return result;

  shouldBeStored(deviceAttr: NamedNode, value: ControlValue | null): boolean {
    // this is a bug for zoom=0, since collector will default it to
    // stick at the last setting if we don't explicitly send the
    // 0. rx/ry similar though not the exact same deal because of
    // their remap.
    return value != null && value !== 0 && value !== "#000000";

  _addEffectSetting(device: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode, value: ControlValue): Patch {
    log("  _addEffectSetting", deviceAttr.value, value);
    const U = (x: string) => this.graph.Uri(x);
    const ctx = this.ctxForEffect();
    const quad = (s: Quad_Subject, p: Quad_Predicate, o: Quad_Object) => this.graph.Quad(s, p, o, ctx);
    const quad = (s: Quad_Subject, p: Quad_Predicate, o: Quad_Object) => this.graph.Quad(s, p, o, this.ctxForEffect);
    if (!this.uri) throw new Error("effect unset");
    const setting = this.graph.nextNumberedResource(this.uri.value + "_set");

    const addQuads = [
      quad(this.uri, U(":setting"), setting),
      quad(setting, U(":device"), device),
      quad(setting, U(":deviceAttr"), deviceAttr),
      quad(setting, valuePred(this.graph, deviceAttr), this._nodeForValue(value)),
    const patch = { adds: addQuads, dels: [] } as Patch;
    log("  save", patch);
    this.settings.push({ device, deviceAttr, setting, value });
    return patch;

  _patchExistingEffectSetting(effectSetting: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode, value: ControlValue): Patch {
    log("  patch existing", effectSetting.value);
    return this.graph.getObjectPatch(
      effectSetting, //
      valuePred(this.graph, deviceAttr),

  _removeEffectSetting(effectSetting: NamedNode): Patch {
    const U = (x: string) => this.graph.Uri(x);
    log("  _removeEffectSetting", effectSetting.value);
    const toDel = [this.graph.Quad(this.uri, U(":setting"), effectSetting, this.ctxForEffect())];
    const toDel = [this.graph.Quad(this.uri, U(":setting"), effectSetting, this.ctxForEffect)];
    for (let q of this.graph.subjectStatements(effectSetting)) {
    return { dels: toDel, adds: [] };

  _nodeForValue(value: ControlValue): NamedNode | Literal {
    if (value === null) {
      throw new Error("no value");
    if (isUri(value)) {
      return value;
    return this.graph.prettyLiteral(value);
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