Changeset - a07bfbe1e9de
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-06-07 23:03:32
make graph sortKey public
Ignore-this: f4c5a41044eb864d71a4ccb409de3c88
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 7 deletions:
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@@ -363,24 +363,26 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
        throw new Error(
          "list node #{current} has #{rests.length} rdf:rest edges")
      current = rests[0].object
    return out

  contains: (s, p, o) ->
    @_autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, o, null)
    return @graph.getQuads(s, p, o).length > 0

  nextNumberedResources: (base, howMany) ->
    # base is NamedNode or string
    # Note this is unsafe before we're synced with the graph. It'll
    # always return 'name0'.
    base = if
    results = []

    # @contains is really slow.
    @_nextNumber = new Map() unless @_nextNumber?
    start = @_nextNumber.get(base)
    if start == undefined
      start = 0
    for serial in [start..1000]
      uri = @Uri("#{base}#{serial}")
      if not @contains(uri, null, null)
@@ -391,30 +393,32 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
    throw new Error("can't make sequential uri with base #{base}")

  nextNumberedResource: (base) ->
    @nextNumberedResources(base, 1)[0]

  contextsWithPattern: (s, p, o) ->
    @_autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, o, null)
    ctxs = []
    for q in @graph.getQuads(s, p, o)
    return _.unique(ctxs)

  sortKey: (uri) ->
    parts = uri.value.split(/([0-9]+)/)
    expanded = (p) ->
      f = parseInt(p)
      return p if isNaN(f)
      return p.padStart(8, '0')
    return expanded.join('')

  sortedUris: (uris) ->
    _.sortBy uris, (u) ->
      parts = u.value.split(/([0-9]+)/)
      expanded = (p) ->
        f = parseInt(p)
        return p if isNaN(f)
        return p.padStart(8, '0')
      return expanded.join('')
    _.sortBy uris, @sortKey

  # temporary optimization since autodeps calls too often
  @patchContainsPreds: (patch, preds) ->
    patchContainsPreds(patch, preds)

  prettyLiteral: (x) ->
    if typeof(x) == 'number'
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