Changeset - a261a4bc97a0
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-29 06:09:50
straighten out LightSample schema
Ignore-this: 6ed550d64787303a9e8960cf8103f34c
4 files changed with 27 insertions and 18 deletions:
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import os
from rdflib import URIRef
from light9 import showconfig
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.namespaces import L9, RDF
from light9.paint.solve import loadNumpy

def writeCaptureDescription(graph, ctx, uri, dev, relOutPath, settingsSubgraphCache, settings):
        uri, ctx=ctx,
        settingRoot=URIRef('/'.join([showconfig.showUri(), 'capture', dev.rsplit('/')[1]])),
        (dev, L9['capture'], uri, ctx),
        (uri, RDF.type, L9['LightSample'], ctx),
        (uri, L9['imagePath'], URIRef('/'.join([showconfig.showUri(), relOutPath])), ctx),
class CaptureLoader(object):
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph
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@@ -50,27 +50,26 @@ def brightest(img):


class Solver(object):
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph
        self.samples = {} # uri: Image array
        self.fromPath = {} # basename: image array
        self.fromPath = {} # imagePath: image array
        self.blurredSamples = {}
        self.sampleSettings = {} # (uri, path): DeviceSettings
    def loadSamples(self):
        """learn what lights do from images"""

        with self.graph.currentState() as g:
            for samp in g.subjects(RDF.type, L9['LightSample']):
                base = g.value(samp, L9['path']).toPython()
                path = 'show/dance2017/cam/test/%s' % base
                self.samples[samp] = self.fromPath[base] = loadNumpy(path)
                pathUri = g.value(samp, L9['imagePath'])
                self.samples[samp] = self.fromPath[pathUri] = loadNumpy(pathUri.replace(L9[''], ''))
                self.blurredSamples[samp] = self._blur(self.samples[samp])
                key = (samp, g.value(samp, L9['path']).toPython().encode('utf8'))
                key = (samp, pathUri)
                self.sampleSettings[key] = DeviceSettings.fromResource(self.graph, samp)

    def _blur(self, img):
        return scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, 10, 0, mode='nearest')

    def draw(self, painting):
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import unittest
import numpy.testing
import solve
from rdflib import Namespace
from light9.namespaces import RDF, L9, DEV
from light9.rdfdb.localsyncedgraph import LocalSyncedGraph
from light9.effect.settings import DeviceSettings

class TestSolve(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
@@ -29,12 +30,14 @@ class TestSolve(unittest.TestCase):

class TestSolveBrute(TestSolve):
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestSolveBrute, self).setUp()
        self.solveMethod = self.solver.solveBrute
CAM_TEST = Namespace('')
class TestSimulationLayers(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = LocalSyncedGraph(files=['show/dance2017/cam/test/lightConfig.n3',
        self.solver = solve.Solver(self.graph)
@@ -46,45 +49,45 @@ class TestSimulationLayers(unittest.Test

    def testPerfect1Match(self):
        layers = self.solver.simulationLayers(settings=DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], u"#ffffff"),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5 ),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], 0.573)]))
        self.assertEqual([{'path': 'bg2-d.jpg', 'color': (1., 1., 1.)}], layers)
        self.assertEqual([{'path': CAM_TEST['bg2-d.jpg'], 'color': (1., 1., 1.)}], layers)

    def testPerfect1MatchTinted(self):
        layers = self.solver.simulationLayers(settings=DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], u"#304050"),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5 ),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], 0.573)]))
        self.assertEqual([{'path': 'bg2-d.jpg', 'color': (.188, .251, .314)}], layers)
        self.assertEqual([{'path': CAM_TEST['bg2-d.jpg'], 'color': (.188, .251, .314)}], layers)
    def testPerfect2Matches(self):
        layers = self.solver.simulationLayers(settings=DeviceSettings(self.graph, [
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], u"#ffffff"),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5 ),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], 0.573),
            (DEV['aura2'], L9['color'], u"#ffffff"),
            (DEV['aura2'], L9['rx'], 0.7 ),
            (DEV['aura2'], L9['ry'], 0.573),
            {'path': 'bg2-d.jpg', 'color': (1, 1, 1)},
            {'path': 'bg2-f.jpg', 'color': (1, 1, 1)},
            {'path': CAM_TEST['bg2-d.jpg'], 'color': (1, 1, 1)},
            {'path': CAM_TEST['bg2-f.jpg'], 'color': (1, 1, 1)},
                      ], layers)

class TestCombineImages(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        graph = LocalSyncedGraph(files=['show/dance2017/cam/test/lightConfig.n3',
        self.solver = solve.Solver(graph)
    def test(self):
        out = self.solver.combineImages(layers=[
            {'path': 'bg2-d.jpg', 'color': (.2, .2, .3)},
            {'path': 'bg2-a.jpg', 'color': (.888, 0, .3)},
            {'path': CAM_TEST['bg2-d.jpg'], 'color': (.2, .2, .3)},
            {'path': CAM_TEST['bg2-a.jpg'], 'color': (.888, 0, .3)},
        solve.saveNumpy('/tmp/t.png', out)
        golden = solve.loadNumpy('show/dance2017/cam/test/layers_out1.png')
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(golden, out)

class TestBestMatch(unittest.TestCase):
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@@ -5,37 +5,43 @@
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

@prefix set: <> .


:sample0 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-a.jpg"; :setting 
:sample0 a :LightSample; :imagePath <>;
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.2 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

:sample1 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-b.jpg"; :setting 
:sample1 a :LightSample; :imagePath <>;
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.3 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

:sample2 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-c.jpg"; :setting 
:sample2 a :LightSample; :imagePath <>;
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.4 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

:sample3 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-d.jpg"; :setting 
:sample3 a :LightSample; :imagePath <>;
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.5 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

:sample4 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-e.jpg"; :setting 
:sample4 a :LightSample; :imagePath <>;
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.6 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

# note: different device
:sample5 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-f.jpg"; :setting 
:sample5 a :LightSample; :imagePath <>;
[ :device dev:aura2; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura2; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.7 ],
[ :device dev:aura2; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

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