Changeset - a30a73c12554
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-04-20 07:18:00
more code and testing in solve & sim
Ignore-this: cb72fb96cf4a46fa86ccf641c4703fdb
5 files changed with 157 insertions and 43 deletions:
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@@ -15,25 +15,26 @@ from light9.rdfdb import clientsession
import light9.paint.solve
from lib.cycloneerr import PrettyErrorHandler


class Solve(PrettyErrorHandler, cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
    def post(self):
        painting = json.loads(self.request.body)
        solver = light9.paint.solve.Solver(self.settings.graph)
        with self.settings.stats.solve.time():
            out = solver.solve(painting)
            layers = solver.simulationLayers(out)
        self.write(json.dumps({'layers': layers, 'out': out}))

class App(object):
    def __init__(self, show, session):
 = show
        self.session = session

        self.graph = SyncedGraph(networking.rdfdb.url, "paintServer")

        self.stats = scales.collection('/',
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from __future__ import division
from light9.namespaces import RDF, L9
from PIL import Image
import decimal
import numpy
import scipy.misc
import scipy.misc, scipy.ndimage
import cairo

# numpy images in this file are (x, y, c) layout.

def numpyFromCairo(surface):
    w, h = surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()
    a = numpy.frombuffer(surface.get_data(), numpy.uint8)
    a.shape = h, w, 4
    a = a.transpose((1, 0, 2))
    return a[:w,:h,:3]

def numpyFromPil(img):
    return scipy.misc.fromimage(img, mode='RGB').transpose((1, 0, 2))

def saveNumpy(path, img):
    scipy.misc.imsave(path, img.transpose((1, 0, 2)))

def parseHex(h):
    if h[0] != '#': raise ValueError(h)
    return [int(h[i:i+2], 16) for i in 1, 3, 5]

def scaledHex(h, scale):
    rgb = parseHex(h)
    rgb8 = (rgb * scale).astype(numpy.uint8)
    return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(rgb8)
def colorRatio(col1, col2):
    rgb1 = parseHex(col1)
    rgb2 = parseHex(col2)
    return tuple([round(a / b, 3) for a, b in zip(rgb1, rgb2)])

def brightest(img):
    return numpy.amax(img, axis=(0, 1))

def getVal(graph, subj):
    lit = graph.value(subj, L9['value']) or graph.value(subj, L9['scaledValue'])
    ret = lit.toPython()
    if isinstance(ret, decimal.Decimal):
        ret = float(ret)
    return ret

class Solver(object):
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph
        self.samples = {} # uri: Image array
        self.blurredSamples = {}
        self.sampleSettings = {} # (uri, path): { dev: { attr: val } }
    def loadSamples(self):
        """learn what lights do from images"""

        with self.graph.currentState() as g:
            for samp in g.subjects(RDF.type, L9['LightSample']):
                path = 'show/dance2017/cam/test/%s' % g.value(samp, L9['path'])
                img =
                img.thumbnail((100, 100))
                self.samples[samp] = scipy.misc.fromimage(img, mode='RGB').transpose((1, 0, 2))
                self.samples[samp] = numpyFromPil(img)
                self.blurredSamples[samp] = self._blur(self.samples[samp])

                for s in g.objects(samp, L9['setting']):
                    d = g.value(s, L9['device'])
                    da = g.value(s, L9['deviceAttr'])
                    v = getVal(g, s)
                    key = (samp, g.value(samp, L9['path']).toPython())
                    self.sampleSettings.setdefault(key, {}).setdefault(d, {})[da] = v

    def _blur(self, img):
        return scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, 10, 0, mode='nearest')
    def draw(self, painting, w, h):
        surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h)
        ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
        ctx.rectangle(0, 0, w, h)
        for stroke in painting['strokes']:
            for pt in stroke['pts']:
                op = ctx.move_to if pt is stroke['pts'][0] else ctx.line_to
                op(pt[0] / 4.0, pt[1] / 4.0) # todo scale
                op(pt[0] / 4, pt[1] / 4) # todo scale

            r,g,b = [int(stroke['color'][i:i+2], 16) / 255.0
                     for i in 1, 3, 5]
            ctx.set_source_rgba(r, g, b, 1)
            r,g,b = parseHex(stroke['color'])
            ctx.set_source_rgb(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
        # then blur?
        a = numpy.frombuffer(surface.get_data(), numpy.uint8)
        a.shape = (w, h, 4)
        return a[:w,:h,:3]
        return numpyFromCairo(surface)
    def solve(self, painting):
        given strokes of colors on a photo of the stage, figure out the
        best light settings to match the image
        pic0 = self.draw(painting, 100, 48)
        pic0 = self.draw(painting, 100, 48).astype(numpy.float)
        pic0Blur = self._blur(pic0)
        saveNumpy('/tmp/sample_paint_%s.png' % len(painting['strokes']),
        sampleDist = {}
        for sample, picSample in sorted(self.samples.items()):
            dist = numpy.sum(numpy.power(pic0.astype(numpy.float)
                                         - picSample, 2), axis=None)**.5
        for sample, picSample in sorted(self.blurredSamples.items()):
            #saveNumpy('/tmp/sample_%s.png' % sample.split('/')[-1],
            #          f(picSample))
            dist = numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(pic0Blur - picSample), axis=None)
            sampleDist[sample] = dist
        results = [(d, uri) for uri, d in sampleDist.items()]
        import sys
        print >>sys.stderr, results, results[0][0] / results[1][0]

        sample = results[0][1]

        # this is wrong; some wrong-alignments ought to be dimmer than full
        brightest0 = brightest(pic0)
        brightestSample = brightest(self.samples[sample])
        if max(brightest0) < 1 / 255:
            return []

        scale = brightest0 / brightestSample
        out = []
        def getVal(obj):
            lit = g.value(obj, L9['value']) or g.value(obj, L9['scaledValue'])
            ret = lit.toPython()
            if isinstance(ret, decimal.Decimal):
                ret = float(ret)
            return ret
        with self.graph.currentState() as g:
            for obj in g.objects(sample, L9['setting']):
                out.append((g.value(obj, L9['device']),
                            g.value(obj, L9['deviceAttr']),
                attr = g.value(obj, L9['deviceAttr'])
                val = getVal(g, obj)
                if attr == L9['color']:
                    val = scaledHex(val, scale)
                out.append((g.value(obj, L9['device']), attr, val))
        return out


    def simulationLayers(self, settings):
        how should a simulation preview approximate the light settings
        (device attribute values) by combining photos we have?

        compiled = {} # dev: { attr: val }
        for row in settings:
            compiled.setdefault(row[0], {})[row[1]] = row[2]
        layers = []

        for (sample, path), s in self.sampleSettings.items():
            for d, dav in s.items():
                if d not in compiled:
                requestedAttrs = compiled[d].copy()
                picAttrs = dav.copy()
                del requestedAttrs[L9['color']]
                del picAttrs[L9['color']]
                if requestedAttrs == picAttrs:
                    requestedColor = compiled[d][L9['color']]
                    picColor = dav[L9['color']]
                    layers.append({'path': path,
                                   'color': colorRatio(requestedColor,
        return layers
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import unittest
import solve
from light9.namespaces import RDF, L9, DEV
from light9.rdfdb.localsyncedgraph import LocalSyncedGraph

class TestSolve(unittest.TestCase):
    def testBlack(self):
    def setUp(self):
        graph = LocalSyncedGraph(files=['show/dance2017/cam/test/bg.n3'])
        s = solve.Solver(graph)
        devAttrs = s.solve({'strokes': []})
        self.solver = solve.Solver(graph)

    def testBlack(self):
        devAttrs = self.solver.solve({'strokes': []})
        self.assertEqual([], devAttrs)

    def testSingleLightCloseMatch(self):
        graph = LocalSyncedGraph(files=['show/dance2017/cam/test/bg.n3'])
        s = solve.Solver(graph)
        devAttrs = s.solve({'strokes': [{'pts': [[224, 141],
        devAttrs = self.solver.solve({'strokes': [{'pts': [[224, 141],
                                                 [223, 159]],
                                         'color': '#ffffff'}]})
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], u"#ffffff"),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5 ),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], 0.573),
        ]), sorted(devAttrs))
        ], devAttrs)
class TestSimulationLayers(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        graph = LocalSyncedGraph(files=['show/dance2017/cam/test/bg.n3'])
        self.solver = solve.Solver(graph)
    def testBlack(self):
        self.assertEqual([], self.solver.simulationLayers(settings=[]))

    def testPerfect1Match(self):
        layers = self.solver.simulationLayers(settings=[
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], u"#ffffff"),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5 ),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], 0.573)])
        self.assertEqual([{'path': 'bg2-d.jpg', 'color': (1, 1, 1)}], layers)

    def testPerfect1MatchTinted(self):
        layers = self.solver.simulationLayers(settings=[
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], u"#304050"),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5 ),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], 0.573)])
        self.assertEqual([{'path': 'bg2-d.jpg', 'color': (.188, .251, .314)}], layers)
    def testPerfect2Matches(self):
        layers = self.solver.simulationLayers(settings=[
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['color'], u"#ffffff"),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['rx'], 0.5 ),
            (DEV['aura1'], L9['ry'], 0.573),
            (DEV['aura2'], L9['color'], u"#ffffff"),
            (DEV['aura2'], L9['rx'], 0.7 ),
            (DEV['aura2'], L9['ry'], 0.573),
            {'path': 'bg2-d.jpg', 'color': (1, 1, 1)},
            {'path': 'bg2-f.jpg', 'color': (1, 1, 1)},
                      ], layers)
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@@ -219,30 +219,30 @@ background: rgba(126, 52, 245, 0.0784313
     This element has the right Y coords.
     We compute X coords from the zoom setting.
     diagram-layer draws the note body. -->
<dom-module id="light9-timeline-note">
     :host {
         display: block;
         background: green;
         /* outline: 2px solid red; */
    <light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs rect="{{inlineRect}}"
    <xlight9-timeline-note-inline-attrs rect="{{inlineRect}}"

<!-- All the adjusters you can edit or select. Tells a light9-adjusters-canvas how to draw them. Probabaly doesn't need to be an element.
     This element manages their layout and suppresion.
     Owns the selection.
     Maybe includes selecting things that don't even have adjusters.
     Maybe manages the layout of other labels and text too, to avoid overlaps.
<dom-module id="light9-timeline-adjusters">
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@@ -24,17 +24,18 @@
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

:sample3 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-d.jpg"; :setting 
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.5 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

:sample4 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-e.jpg"; :setting 
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.6 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

# note: different device
:sample5 a :LightSample; :path "bg2-f.jpg"; :setting 
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.7 ],
[ :device dev:aura1; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .
[ :device dev:aura2; :deviceAttr :color;  :scaledValue "#ffffff" ],
[ :device dev:aura2; :deviceAttr :rx;     :value 0.7 ],
[ :device dev:aura2; :deviceAttr :ry;     :value 0.573 ] .

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