Changeset - a3267d8c498e
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Drew Perttula - 19 years ago 2006-06-18 22:01:41
leave in a comment about how to offset the audio time in case your sound card is lying
we didn't eventually need this because we found a good-sounding card
that could report offset correctly. But if you're stuck with a card
that reports offset incorrectly, you can play with this offset for
a partial workaround. note that song intros will probably still be
corrupted (but you could workaround that by prepending some silence)
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@@ -195,12 +195,17 @@ class Output:
        dispatcher.send("update status",val=e.getErrorMessage())
        if self.later and not self.later.cancelled and not self.later.called:
        self.later = reactor.callLater(1,self.update)
    def update2(self,t):

        # spot alsa soundcard offset is always 0, we get times about a
        # second ahead of what's really getting played
        #t = t - .7
        dispatcher.send("update status",
                        val="ok: receiving time from music player")
        if self.later and not self.later.cancelled and not self.later.called:

        self.later = reactor.callLater(.05, self.update)
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