Changeset - a460ce76b301
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0 1 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-29 18:45:06
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import debug from "debug";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { ControlValue, Effect } from "./Effect";
const log = debug("g2c");
// import debug from "debug";
// import { NamedNode } from "n3";
// import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
// import { ControlValue, Effect } from "./Effect";
// const log = debug("g2c");

// Callback for GraphToControls to set a ControlValue on a
// Light9LiveControl (widget for a Device+Attr)
type NewValueCb = (newValue: ControlValue | null) => void;
// // Callback for GraphToControls to set a ControlValue on a
// // Light9LiveControl (widget for a Device+Attr)
// type NewValueCb = (newValue: ControlValue | null) => void;

// More efficient bridge between liveControl widgets and graph edits (inside Effect),
// as opposed to letting each widget scan the graph and push lots of
// tiny patches to it.
// When you create a Light9LiveControl, it registers with GraphToControls (and does not
// watch value updates from the graph).
export class GraphToControls {
  // rename to PageControls?
  private effect: Effect | null = null; // this uri should sync to the editchoice
// // More efficient bridge between liveControl widgets and graph edits (inside Effect),
// // as opposed to letting each widget scan the graph and push lots of
// // tiny patches to it.
// //
// // When you create a Light9LiveControl, it registers with GraphToControls (and does not
// // watch value updates from the graph).
// export class GraphToControls {
//   // rename to PageControls?
//   private effect: Effect | null = null; // this uri should sync to the editchoice

  // This will fill with every device+attr in the show. Currently there's no unregister to forget a device or attr.
  private registeredWidgets: Map<
    NamedNode /*Device*/,
      NamedNode /*DeviceAttr*/, //
  > = new Map();
  constructor(public graph: SyncedGraph) {
//   // This will fill with every device+attr in the show. Currently there's no unregister to forget a device or attr.
//   private registeredWidgets: Map<
//     NamedNode /*Device*/,
//     Map<
//       NamedNode /*DeviceAttr*/, //
//       NewValueCb
//     >
//   > = new Map();
//   constructor(public graph: SyncedGraph) {
//   }

  debugDump() {
    log("dump: effect", this.effect);
    log("registered widgets");
    for (let e of this.registeredWidgets.entries()) {
      log(" rw:", e[0], e[1]);
//   debugDump() {
//     log("dump: effect", this.effect);
//     log("registered widgets");
//     for (let e of this.registeredWidgets.entries()) {
//       log(" rw:", e[0], e[1]);
//     }
//   }

  setEffect(effect: NamedNode | null) {
    log(`setEffect ${effect?.value}`);
    this.effect = effect ? new Effect(this.graph, effect, this.onValuesChanged.bind(this)) : null;
//   setEffect(effect: NamedNode | null) {
//     log(`setEffect ${effect?.value}`);
//     this.effect = effect ? new Effect(this.graph, effect, this.onValuesChanged.bind(this)) : null;
//   }

  newEffect(): NamedNode {
    // wrong- this should be our editor's scratch effect, promoted to a
    // real one when you name it.
    const uri = this.graph.nextNumberedResource(this.graph.Uri(""));
//   newEffect(): NamedNode {
//     // wrong- this should be our editor's scratch effect, promoted to a
//     // real one when you name it.
//     const uri = this.graph.nextNumberedResource(this.graph.Uri(""));

    this.effect = new Effect(this.graph, uri, this.onValuesChanged.bind(this));
    log("add new eff");
    return this.effect.uri;
//     this.effect = new Effect(this.graph, uri, this.onValuesChanged.bind(this));
//     log("add new eff");
//     this.effect.addNewEffectToGraph();
//     return this.effect.uri;
//   }

  emptyEffect() {
    throw new Error("not implemented");
//   emptyEffect() {
//     throw new Error("not implemented");
//   }

  private onValuesChanged() {
    log(`i learned values changed for ${this.effect?.uri.value} `);
    this.registeredWidgets.forEach((d1: Map<NamedNode, NewValueCb>, device: NamedNode) => {
      d1.forEach((cb: NewValueCb, deviceAttr: NamedNode) => {
        const v = this.effect ? this.effect.currentValue(device, deviceAttr) : null;
//   private onValuesChanged() {
//     log(`i learned values changed for ${this.effect?.uri.value} `);
//     this.registeredWidgets.forEach((d1: Map<NamedNode, NewValueCb>, device: NamedNode) => {
//       d1.forEach((cb: NewValueCb, deviceAttr: NamedNode) => {
//         const v = this.effect ? this.effect.currentValue(device, deviceAttr) : null;
//         cb(v);
//       });
//     });
//   }

  register(device: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode, graphValueChanged: NewValueCb) {
    // log(`control for ${device.value}-${deviceAttr.value} registring with g2c`);
    let d1 = this.registeredWidgets.get(device);
    if (!d1) {
      d1 = new Map();
      this.registeredWidgets.set(device, d1);
    d1.set(deviceAttr, graphValueChanged);
//   register(device: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode, graphValueChanged: NewValueCb) {
//     // log(`control for ${device.value}-${deviceAttr.value} registring with g2c`);
//     let d1 = this.registeredWidgets.get(device);
//     if (!d1) {
//       d1 = new Map();
//       this.registeredWidgets.set(device, d1);
//     }
//     d1.set(deviceAttr, graphValueChanged);

    if (this.effect) {
      const nv = this.effect.currentValue(device, deviceAttr);
      // log(`i have a a cb for ${device.value}-${deviceAttr.value}; start value is ${nv}`);
//     if (this.effect) {
//       const nv = this.effect.currentValue(device, deviceAttr);
//       // log(`i have a a cb for ${device.value}-${deviceAttr.value}; start value is ${nv}`);
//       graphValueChanged(nv);
//     }
//   }

  controlChanged(device: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode, value: ControlValue) {
    // todo: controls should be disabled if there's no effect and they won't do anything.
    if (!this.effect) {
      log("controlChanged, no effect");
    const p = this.effect.edit(device, deviceAttr, value);
//   controlChanged(device: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode, value: ControlValue) {
//     // todo: controls should be disabled if there's no effect and they won't do anything.
//     if (!this.effect) {
//       log("controlChanged, no effect");
//       return;
//     }
//     const p = this.effect.edit(device, deviceAttr, value);
//     this.graph.applyAndSendPatch(p);
//   }
// }
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