Changeset - a6c5b87890ae
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-24 20:14:30
fix effect and fader tests
2 files changed with 22 insertions and 27 deletions:
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import time
import unittest

from freezegun import freeze_time
from light9.effect.effecteval import EffectEval
from light9.effect.settings import BareEffectSettings, DeviceSettings, EffectSettings
from light9.effect.simple_outputs import SimpleOutputs
from rdflib import Namespace

from light9.collector.collector import Collector
from light9.collector.output import Output
from light9.collector.weblisteners import WebListeners
from light9.effect.effecteval import EffectEval2
from light9.effect.settings import DeviceSettings, EffectSettings
from light9.mock_syncedgraph import MockSyncedGraph
from light9.namespaces import DEV, L9
from light9.newtypes import (ClientSessionType, ClientType, DeviceAttr, DeviceUri, EffectAttr, EffectClass, HexColor, UnixTime)
from light9.newtypes import (DeviceAttr, DeviceUri, EffectAttr, EffectUri, HexColor)

PREFIX = '''
    @prefix : <> .
    @prefix dev: <> .
    @prefix effect: <> .



    :effectClass1 a :EffectClass .
#add light to here
        a :Effect;
        :effectFunction effect:scale;
        :input [ :effectAttr :strength ];
        :setting [ :device dev:light1; :deviceAttr :color; :value "#ff0000" ] .
effectClass1 = EffectClass(L9['effectClass1'])
effect1 = EffectUri(L9['effect1'])


class TestEffectEval:

    def test_scalesColors(self):
        g = MockSyncedGraph(THEATER)
        so = SimpleOutputs(g)
        ee = EffectEval(g, effectClass1, so)
        s = BareEffectSettings(s={EffectAttr(L9['strength']): 0.5})
        ds,report = ee.outputFromEffect(s, songTime=0, noteTime=0)
        assert ds == DeviceSettings(g, [(DeviceUri(L9['light1']), DeviceAttr(L9['color']), HexColor('#888888'))])
        ee = EffectEval2(g, effect1)
        s = EffectSettings(g, [(effect1, EffectAttr(L9['strength']), 0.5)])
        ds = ee.compute(s)
        assert ds == DeviceSettings(g, [(DeviceUri(DEV['light1']), DeviceAttr(L9['color']), HexColor('#7f0000'))])
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@@ -33,31 +33,33 @@ NOTE_GRAPH = PREFIXES + '''

                a :SimpleDimmer;
                :dmxUniverse dmxA:;
                :dmxBase 178 .

                a :Effect;
                :setting effect:effect1_set1 .
                :device :light1;
                :deviceAttr :brightness;
                :scaledValue 0.5 .
                :value 0.5 .
                a :Fader;
                :effectClass effect:effect1;
                :effectAttr :strength;
                :effect effect:effect1;
                :setting :fs1;
                :value 0.6 .
                :effectAttr :strength .



class TestFaderEval:

    def test_faderValueScalesEffectSettings(self):
        g = MockSyncedGraph(NOTE_GRAPH)
        sender = mock.MagicMock()

        f = FaderEval(g, sender)
        f = FaderEval(g)
        devSettings = f.computeOutput()
        assert devSettings == DeviceSettings(g, [(L9['light1'], L9['brightness'], 0.3)])
\ No newline at end of file
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