Changeset - a7de122a7b18
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-12 02:12:28
clients were reading this file a LOT. Probably not a performance issue, but distracting in strace output
Ignore-this: 180916361bbcc3b0e3a4fe82bda0990a
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -19,27 +19,31 @@ def getGraph():
        for f in FilePath(root()).globChildren("*.n3") + FilePath(root()).globChildren("build/*.n3"):
            graph.parse(location=f.path, format='n3')
        _config = graph
    return _config

def root():
    r = getenv("LIGHT9_SHOW")
    if r is None:
        raise OSError(
            "LIGHT9_SHOW env variable has not been set to the show root")
    return r

_showUri = None
def showUri():
    """Return the show URI associated with $LIGHT9_SHOW."""
    return URIRef(file(path.join(root(), 'URI')).read().strip())
    global _showUri
    if _showUri is None:
        _showUri = URIRef(file(path.join(root(), 'URI')).read().strip())
    return _showUri

def songOnDisk(song):
    """given a song URI, where's the on-disk file that mpd would read?"""
    graph = getGraph()
    root = graph.value(showUri(), L9['musicRoot'])
    if not root:
        raise ValueError("%s has no :musicRoot" % showUri())

    name = graph.value(song, L9['songFilename'])
    if not name:
        raise ValueError("Song %r has no :songFilename" % song)

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