Changeset - a92b6d1ac072
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David McClosky - 20 years ago 2005-06-15 04:28:16
SubClient created, keyboardcomposer and gyrocontroller use it now
Plus some minor cleanups in keyboardcomposer and gyrocontroller
3 files changed with 30 insertions and 28 deletions:
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# vi: syntax=python

from __future__ import division
import run_local
from light9.Submaster import combine_subdict
from light9 import dmxclient, showconfig
from light9.subclient import SubClient

class circcycle:
    """Like itertools.cycle, but with a prev() method too.  You lose
    all iterator benefits by using this, since it will store the whole
    sequence/iterator in memory.  Also, do not run this on an infinite
    iterator, as it tuple'ifies the input."""
@@ -24,23 +23,24 @@ class circcycle:
        return ret
    def prev(self):
        ret = self.sequence[self.index]
        return ret

class AbstractSimpleController:
class AbstractSimpleController(SubClient):
    """Simple controller with minimal input and output:
    Input is 4 directions and 3 buttons.
    Output is an integer and a color and maybe more.
    Left + B1/right + B1: prev/next sub
    Y-axis + B2: set current level
    B3: toggle keep/solo mode
    Double-B3: clear kept levels"""
    def __init__(self, subnames):
        self.subnames = subnames
    def refresh(self):
        # reload subs from disk
        self.submasters = Submasters()
        self.all_subs = circcycle(self.subnames)
@@ -57,26 +57,21 @@ class AbstractSimpleController:
        self.current_sub = self.submasters.get_sub_by_name(
    def prev(self):
        if self.keep_solo_mode == 'keep':
            self.kept_levels[self.current_sub] = self.current_level

        self.current_sub = self.submasters.get_sub_by_name(self.all_subs.prev())

    def get_levels_as_sub(self):
        if self.keep_solo_mode == 'keep':
            # send all levels in self.kept_levels
            levels = combine_subdict(self.kept_levels)
            levelsub = combine_subdict(self.kept_levels)
            levels = {self.current_sub : self.current_level}
            levelsub = self.current_sub * self.current_level

        return levels
    def get_dmx_list(self):
        maxes = self.get_levels_as_sub()
        return maxes.get_dmx_list()
    def send_levels(self):
        levels = self.get_dmx_list()
        return levelsub

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if 0:
        x = range(20)
        for z in circcycle(x):
            print z
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@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
from __future__ import division,nested_scopes
import sys, time

from twisted.internet import reactor,tksupport
from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server
from Tix import *
import math, atexit, pickle
import pickle

import run_local
from light9.Fadable import Fadable
from light9.Submaster import Submasters, sub_maxes
from light9 import dmxclient, showconfig
from light9.uihelpers import toplevelat
@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ class SubmasterTk(Frame):
        levellabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.slider_var, font="Arial 11",
            bg='black', fg='white')
        self.scale.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=1, fill=BOTH)

class KeyboardComposer(Frame):
    def __init__(self, root, submasters, current_sub_levels=None, dmxdummy=0):
class KeyboardComposer(Frame, SubClient):
    def __init__(self, root, submasters, current_sub_levels=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, root, bg='black')
        self.submasters = submasters
        self.dmxdummy = dmxdummy

        self.current_sub_levels = {}
        if current_sub_levels:
            self.current_sub_levels = current_sub_levels
@@ -223,23 +223,12 @@ class KeyboardComposer(Frame):
    def send_frequent_updates(self):
        """called when we get a fade -- send events as quickly as possible"""
        if time.time() <= self.stop_frequent_update_time:
            self.after(10, self.send_frequent_updates)

    def get_dmx_list(self):
        maxes = self.get_levels_as_sub()
        return maxes.get_dmx_list()
    def send_levels(self):
        if not self.dmxdummy:
            levels = self.get_dmx_list()
        # print "sending levels", levels
    def send_levels_loop(self):
        self.after(1000, self.send_levels_loop)
    def refresh(self):

        self.submasters = Submasters()
        self.current_sub_levels = \
        for r in self.rows:
@@ -264,13 +253,13 @@ class LevelServer(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = Submasters()

    root = Tk()
    tl = toplevelat("Keyboard Composer", existingtoplevel=root)
    kc = KeyboardComposer(tl, s, dmxdummy=0)
    kc = KeyboardComposer(tl, s)
    kc.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

    ls = LevelServer(kc.name_to_subtk)
    reactor.listenTCP(8050, server.Site(ls))

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new file 100644
from light9 import dmxclient

# later, this stuff will talk to a SubServer
class SubClient:
    def get_levels_as_sub(self):
        """Subclasses must implement this method and return a Submaster
    def get_dmx_list(self):
        maxes = self.get_levels_as_sub()
        return maxes.get_dmx_list()
    def send_levels(self):
        levels = self.get_dmx_list()
    def send_levels_loop(self, delay=1000):
        """This function assumes that we are an instance of a Tk object
        (or at least that we have an 'after' method)"""
        self.after(delay, self.send_levels_loop, delay)
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