Changeset - aaf1f1825009
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Drew Perttula - 12 years ago 2013-06-09 09:43:35
error if we have multiple expressions on one subterm
Ignore-this: f2f7f687ce0cf1f01df300a523f78243
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ class Subterm(object):
        """current graph is being passed as an optimization. It should be
        equivalent to use self.graph in here."""

        expr = current.value(self.uri, L9['expression'])
        objs = list(current.objects(self.uri, L9.expression))
        if len(objs) > 1:
            raise ValueError("found multiple expressions for %s: %s" %
                             (self.uri, objs))
        expr = current.value(self.uri, L9['expression'])
        if not expr:
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