Changeset - ab99105cd4fe
[Not reviewed]
0 1 1 - 16 years ago 2008-09-01 05:53:53
new demo data and instructions
2 files changed with 47 insertions and 0 deletions:
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new file 100644
How to see the original lightsim:

    cd lightsim

    Play with sliders.


How to see the new lightsim:

    Start 3 shells, and in each one set this:
      export LIGHT9_SHOW=/path/to/light9/show/dance2008

    You may need a 'chmod 755 bin/*' if this is a new darcs checkout.
    Shell 1:
      bin/dmxserver --dummy

    Shell 2:
      bin/keyboardcomposer --no-sliders

    Shell 3:
      (it spews tons of Qt stderr, unfortunately)

    In the keyboardcomposer GUI, bring up any combination of these subs:

    As you adjust subs, lightsim should rerender its combination of
    channel photos. I didn't have any properly-photographed lights, so
    all you get are some lousy hand-painted lights on a single photo.


\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -52,48 +52,56 @@ sub:sharlyn :group group:live; :order 1 
sub:cyc :group group:live; :order 2 .
sub:house :group group:live; :order 3 .
sub:scoop :group group:live; :order 4 .
sub:front :group group:live; :order 5 .
sub:curtain :group group:live; :order 6 .



group:song is :group of
sub:song1, sub:song2, sub:song3, sub:song4,
   sub:song5, sub:song6, sub:song7, sub:song8, sub:song9, sub:song10,
   sub:song11, sub:song12, sub:song13, sub:song14, sub:song15, sub:song16,
   sub:song17 .

chase:up a :Chase; :channels ( ch:b13 ch:b21 ch:b22 ch:b35 ) .

chase:corners a :Chase; :channels (ch:b14 ch:b16 ch:cyc ch:b21 ch:b13) .

chase:colors a :Chase; :channels (ch:oran1 ch:gree1 ch:blue1 ch:red1 ch:oran2 ch:gree2 ch:blue2 ch:red2 ch:oran3 ch:gree3 ch:blue3 ch:red3 ch:oran4 ch:gree4 ch:blue4 ch:red4) .

chase:rb a :Chase; :channels ( ch:b12 ch:b36 ch:b14 ch:b34 ch:b16
ch:b32 ch:b22 ch:b26 ) .


ch:b26 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/front-left.png" ] .
ch:front11 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/front-right.png" ] . 
ch:house1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/bg.png" ] . 
ch:gree1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-grn.png" ] . 
ch:oran1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-or.png" ] . 
ch:red1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-red.png" ] . 
ch:blue1 :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-blu.png" ]; rdfs:comment "(image is blank)". 



dmx:c1 :dmxAddress 1 .
dmx:c2 :dmxAddress 2 .
dmx:c3 :dmxAddress 3 .
dmx:c4 :dmxAddress 4 .
dmx:c5 :dmxAddress 5 .
dmx:c6 :dmxAddress 6 .
dmx:c7 :dmxAddress 7 .
dmx:c8 :dmxAddress 8 .
dmx:c9 :dmxAddress 9 .
dmx:c10 :dmxAddress 10 .
dmx:c11 :dmxAddress 11 .
dmx:c12 :dmxAddress 12 .
dmx:c13 :dmxAddress 13 .
dmx:c14 :dmxAddress 14 .
dmx:c15 :dmxAddress 15 .
dmx:c16 :dmxAddress 16 .
dmx:c17 :dmxAddress 17 .
dmx:c18 :dmxAddress 18 .
dmx:c19 :dmxAddress 19 .
dmx:c20 :dmxAddress 20 .
dmx:c21 :dmxAddress 21 .
dmx:c22 :dmxAddress 22 .
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