Changeset - b678c62784f8
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drewp - 22 years ago 2003-07-09 06:19:27

finished entering cues from book, added KT's recent spot recommendations
1 file changed with 24 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ 1-2-17 chorus fills DL then whole stage
1-2-18 fadeout
1-3-19 outside hatshop, DL
1-3-20 enter hatshop
1-3-21 alone for song, walks R then LC
1-3-22 return to scene
1-3-21 spot for ribbons song, walks R then LC
1-3-22 spot out, return to scene
1-3-23 song again
1-3-23 return to scene
1-3-36 set breaks apart, actors are DL to runway
1-3-36 stage fills with dancers
1-3-37 dolly alone in L runway corner
1-3-38 guys enter from UL
1-3-38 dolly alone
1-3-38 spot dolly alone
1-3-38 crowd arrives
1-3-39 spot out
1-3-39 add patio
1-3-39 center scene
1-3-40 dolly DC alone
@@ -64,3 +65,23 @@ 2-2-10 waiters talk about dolly at the b
2-2-11 dimmer..
2-2-12 dolly arrives and walks down stairs
2-2-14 "down center" dolly's scene
2-2-18 "dim" for polka dance
2-2-18 "light stairs"
2-2-19 "bright" during chase
2-2-19 fadeout right after freeze
2-3-20 "cold" courtroom
2-3-22 room warms up
2-3-22 spot on cornelius song
2-3-23 spot done, room is cold again
2-3-25 fadeout
2-4-26 store
2-4-26 trapdoor up
2-4-26 trapdoor down
2-4-28 dolly alone at top of R stairs
2-4-28 restore
2-4-30 fade to front
2-4-30 crowd arrives
2-4-31 flat splits
2-4-31 dolly enters


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