Changeset - ba24eeb2853a
[Not reviewed]
0 4 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-12 19:07:00
effects and config
Ignore-this: dccc8e21c4def7776ed23e975f7b3373
4 files changed with 46 insertions and 14 deletions:
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@@ -17,77 +17,77 @@ from light9.collector.collector import C
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9 import networking
from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph
from light9.rdfdb import clientsession

class WebServer(object):
    stats = scales.collection('/webServer',
    app = klein.Klein()
    def __init__(self, collector):
        self.collector = collector
    @app.route('/attrs', methods=['PUT'])
    def putAttrs(self, request):
        with WebServer.stats.setAttr.time():
            body = json.load(request.content)
            settings = []
            for device, attr, value in body['settings']:
                settings.append((URIRef(device), URIRef(attr), Literal(value)))

    @app.route('/stats', methods=['GET'])
    def getStats(self, request):
        return StatsResource('collector')
def startZmq(port, collector):
    stats = scales.collection('/zmqServer',
    zf = ZmqFactory()
    e = ZmqEndpoint('bind', 'tcp://*:%s' % port)
    s = ZmqPullConnection(zf, e)
    def onPull(message):
        with stats.setAttrZmq.time():
            # todo: new compressed protocol where you send all URIs up
            # front and then use small ints to refer to devices and
            # attributes in subsequent requests.
    s.onPull = onPull

def launch(graph):

    # todo: drive outputs with config files
    outputs = [
        EnttecDmx(L9['output/dmx0/'], '/dev/dmx3', 80),
        EnttecDmx(L9['output/dmx0/'], '/dev/dmx0', 80),
        Udmx(L9['output/udmx/'], 510),
    c = Collector(graph, outputs)

    server = WebServer(c)
    startZmq(networking.collectorZmq.port, c)
                      interface='::')'serving http on %s, zmq on %s', networking.collector.port,
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO)

    graph = SyncedGraph(networking.rdfdb.url, "collector")

    graph.initiallySynced.addCallback(lambda _: launch(graph))

if __name__ == '__main__':
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@@ -68,86 +68,117 @@ class EffectEval(object):
    def outputFromEffect(self, effectSettings, songTime):
        From effect attr settings, like strength=0.75, to output device
        settings like light1/bright=0.72;light2/bright=0.78. This runs
        the effect code.
        # both callers need to apply note overrides
        effectSettings = dict(effectSettings) # we should make everything into nice float and Color objects too

        strength = float(effectSettings[L9['strength']])
        if strength <= 0:
            return []

        out = {} # (dev, attr): value


        if self.effect.startswith(L9['effect/']):
            tail = 'effect_' + self.effect[len(L9['effect/']):]
                func = globals()[tail]
            except KeyError:
                out.update(func(effectSettings, strength, songTime))

        # todo: callers should prefer the dict form too
        outList = [(d, a, v) for (d, a), v in out.iteritems()]
        #import pprint; pprint.pprint(outList, width=170)
        return outList
    def simpleOutput(self, strength):
        out = {}
        for dev, attr, value, isScaled in self.effectOutputs.get(self.effect, []):
            if isScaled:
                value = scale(value, strength)
            out[(dev, attr)] = value
        return out



def effect_Curtain(effectSettings, strength, songTime):
    return {
        (L9['device/lowPattern%s' % n], L9['color']):
        literalColor(0*strength, strength, strength)
        literalColor(strength, strength, strength)
        for n in range(301,308+1)
def effect_animRainbow(effectSettings, strength, songTime):
    out = {}
    tint = effectSettings.get(L9['tint'], '#ffffff')
    tintStrength = float(effectSettings.get(L9['tintStrength'], 0))
    print tint, tintStrength
    tr, tg, tb = hex_to_rgb(tint)
    for n in range(1, 5+1):
        scl = strength * nsin(songTime + n * .3)**3
        col = literalColor(
            scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2), tr/255, tintStrength),
            scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2 + .3), tg/255, tintStrength),
            scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .3 + .6), tb/255, tintStrength))

        dev = L9['device/aura%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): col,
            (dev, L9['zoom']): .9,
        ang = songTime * 4
        (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.27, .7, (n-1)/4) + .2 * math.sin(ang+n),
        (dev, L9['ry']): lerp(.46, .52, (n-1)/4) + .5 * math.cos(ang+n),
    return out

def effect_orangeSearch(effectSettings, strength, songTime):
    dev = L9['device/auraStage']
    return {(dev, L9['color']): '#c1905d',
            (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.31, .68, nsquare(songTime / 2.0)),
            (dev, L9['ry']): lerp(.32, .4,  nsin(songTime / 5)),
            (dev, L9['zoom']): .88,
    tint = effectSettings.get(L9['tint'], '#ffffff')
    tintStrength = float(effectSettings.get(L9['tintStrength'], 0))
    print tint, tintStrength
    tr, tg, tb = hex_to_rgb(tint)
    for n in range(1, 5+1):
        scl = strength * nsin(songTime + n * .3)**3
        col = literalColor(
            scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2), tr/255, tintStrength),
            scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .2 + .3), tg/255, tintStrength),
            scl * lerp(nsin(songTime + n * .3 + .6), tb/255, tintStrength))

        dev = L9['device/aura%s' % n]
            (dev, L9['color']): col,
            (dev, L9['zoom']): .9,
        ang = songTime * 4
        (dev, L9['rx']): lerp(.27, .7, (n-1)/4) + .2 * math.sin(ang+n),
        (dev, L9['ry']): lerp(.46, .52, (n-1)/4) + .5 * math.cos(ang+n),
    return out

def effect_Strobe(effectSettings, strength, songTime):
    rate = 2
    duty = .3
    offset = 0
    f = (((songTime + offset) * rate) % 1.0)
    c = (f < duty) * strength
    col = rgb_to_hex([c * 255, c * 255, c * 255])
    return {(L9['device/colorStrip'], L9['color']): Literal(col)}

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@prefix : <> .
@prefix dev: <> .
@prefix effect: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .



#effect:usa a :mockupEffect; rdfs:label "USA"; :chaseOffset 0;
#     :chaseTempo 120; :code "chase()"; :devices dev:colorStrip, dev:moving1;
#     :fadeShape :fadeCurve1; :palette "#0000ff", "#ff0000", "#ffffff";
#     :publishAttr :strength .

effect:Strobe a :Effect; rdfs:label "strobe"; :publishAttr :duty, :offset, :rate, :strength .


effect:animRainbow a :Effect; rdfs:label "animRainbow"; :publishAttr :strength, :rate .


effect:animRainbow a :Effect; rdfs:label "animRainbow"; :publishAttr :strength, :rate ; :group "anim".

effect:usa a :mockupEffect; rdfs:label "USA"; :chaseOffset 0;
     :chaseTempo 120; :code "chase()"; :devices dev:colorStrip, dev:moving1;
     :fadeShape :fadeCurve1; :palette "#0000ff", "#ff0000", "#ffffff";
     :publishAttr :strength .
effect:orangeSearch a :Effect; :publishAttr :strength ; :group "anim".

effect:house :group "main" .
effect:cyc :group "main" .

effect:centerSpot a :Effect; rdfs:label "center spot";
     :group "main"; :order 3; :publishAttr :strength;
     :setting effect:centerSpots0, effect:centerSpots1, effect:centerSpots2, effect:centerSpots3, effect:centerSpots4 .
effect:centerSpots0 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :color;
     :scaledValue "#ffffff" .
effect:centerSpots1 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :focus;
     :value 0.31 .
effect:centerSpots2 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :rx;
     :value 0.50 .
effect:centerSpots3 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :ry;
     :value 0.26 .
effect:centerSpots4 :device dev:q2; :deviceAttr :zoom;
     :value 0.42 .


:fadeCurve1 a :Curve; :point :fc1p0, :fc1p1, :fc1p2, :fc1p3 .
:fc1p0 :time 0.00; :value 0 .
:fc1p1 :time 0.02; :value 1 .
:fc1p2 :time 0.10; :value 1 .
:fc1p3 :time 0.15; :value 0 .
:strength rdfs:label "strength" .
Show inline comments
@prefix : <> .
@prefix dev: <> .
@prefix effect: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix song: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

:a01 :effectAttr :chaseOffset; :value 0.12 .
:ao0 :effectAttr :chaseTempo; :value 100 .
<> :note song:n0, song:n3 .

song:n0 a :Note; :curve song:n0c0; :effectClass effect:centerSpot;
     :originTime 30.398 .
     :originTime 30.836 .

song:n0c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n0c0p0, song:n0c0p1, song:n0c0p2, song:n0c0p3 .
song:n0c0p0 :time 0.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n0c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n0c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n0c0p3 :time 3.000; :value 0.000 .
song:n0c0p2 :time 4.170; :value 1.000 .
song:n0c0p3 :time 5.772; :value 0.000 .

song:n3 a :Note; :curve song:n3c0; :effectClass effect:Curtain;
     :originTime 32.297 .
     :originTime 32.932 .

song:n3c0 a :Curve; :attr :strength; :point song:n3c0p0, song:n3c0p1, song:n3c0p2, song:n3c0p3 .
song:n3c0p0 :time 0.153; :value 0.000 .
song:n3c0p1 :time 1.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n3c0p2 :time 2.000; :value 1.000 .
song:n3c0p3 :time 2.928; :value 0.000 .
song:n3c0p3 :time 3.236; :value 0.000 .
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