Changeset - ba9aca728d65
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-26 23:29:29
fix v slider update; 'color' input attribute; clean up logs
2 files changed with 18 insertions and 24 deletions:
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// Note that this file deals only with hue+sat. See Light9ColorPicker for the value component.

import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement } from "lit";
import { customElement, query } from "lit/decorators.js";
import color from "onecolor";
import { SubEvent } from "sub-events";

const log = debug("control");
const log = debug("control.color.pick");

function clamp(x: number, lo: number, hi: number) {
  return Math.max(lo, Math.min(hi, x));

class RainbowCoord {
  // origin is rainbow top-lefft
  constructor(public x: number, public y: number) {}

export class ClientCoord {
  //  origin is top-left of client viewport (regardless of page scroll)
  constructor(public x: number, public y: number) {}

// Load the rainbow, and map between colors and pixels.
class RainbowCanvas {
  ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
  colorPos: { [color: string]: RainbowCoord } = {};
  _loaded = false;
  _loadWatchers: (() => void)[] = [];
  constructor(url: string, public size: RainbowCoord) {
    var elem = document.createElement("canvas");
    elem.width = size.x;
@@ -235,77 +235,73 @@ class PickerFloat {
    return this.floatEl;

  private subscribeToFloatElement(el: Light9ColorPickerFloat) {
    el.mouseUp.subscribe(() => {

  private onCanvasMove(pos: RainbowCoord) {
    pos = new RainbowCoord( //
      clamp(pos.x, 0, 400 - 1), //
      clamp(pos.y, 0, 200 - 1)
    if (this.currentListener) {

  private onOutsideMove(pos: ClientCoord) {
    const rp = this.toRainbow(pos);
    log("rp", rp);

  private getRainbow(): RainbowCanvas {
    if (!this.rainbow) {
      this.rainbow = new RainbowCanvas("/colorpick_rainbow_large.png", new RainbowCoord(400, 200));
    return this.rainbow;

  startPick(clickPoint: ClientCoord, startColor: string, onNewHueSatColor: (hsc: string) => void) {
    log("start pick", clickPoint);
    const el = this.getFloatEl();

    let pos: RainbowCoord;
    try {
      pos = this.getRainbow().posFor(startColor);
    } catch (e) {
      pos = new RainbowCoord(-999, -999);

    this.rainbowOrigin = new ClientCoord( //
      clickPoint.x - clamp(pos.x, 0, 400), //
      clickPoint.y - clamp(pos.y, 0, 200)
    log("rainbow goes to", this.rainbowOrigin);

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1);
  = "block";
    log("set listener");
    this.currentListener = onNewHueSatColor;

  private hide() {
    const el = this.getFloatEl(); = "none";
    this.currentListener = undefined;

  private toRainbow(pos: ClientCoord): RainbowCoord {
    return new RainbowCoord( //
      pos.x - this.rainbowOrigin.x, //
      pos.y - this.rainbowOrigin.y

export const pickerFloat = new PickerFloat();
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import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyValueMap } from "lit";
import { customElement, property, query } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { customElement, property, queryAsync, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import color from "onecolor";
import { SubEvent } from "sub-events";
import { ClientCoord, pickerFloat } from "./floating_color_picker";
import { Slider } from "@material/mwc-slider";
export { Slider } from "@material/mwc-slider";

const log = debug("control");
const log = debug("control.color");
type int8 = number;

export class Light9ColorPicker extends LitElement {
  static styles = [
      :host {
        position: relative;
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
        user-select: none;

      #swatch {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 50px;
        height: 30px;
        margin-right: 3px;
        border: 1px solid #333;

      mwc-slider {
        width: 160px;

      #vee {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
  render() {
    return html`
      <div id="swatch" style="background-color: ${this.color}; border-color: ${this.hueSatColor}" @mousedown=${this.startFloatingPick}></div>
      <span id="vee"> V: <mwc-slider id="value" step="1" min="0" max="255" @input=${this.onVSliderChange}></mwc-slider> </span>
      <span id="vee"> V: <mwc-slider id="value" .value=${this.value} step="1" min="0" max="255" @input=${this.onVSliderChange}></mwc-slider> </span>
  @property() color: string = "#000"; // actual output color, computed by value*hueSatColor
  @property() hueSatColor: string = "#fff"; // always V=1, to be scaled down
  @property() value: int8 = 0;

  // Selected color. Read/write. Equal to value*hueSatColor. Never null.
  @property() color: string = "#000";

  @query("#swatch") swatchEl!: HTMLElement;
  @query("#outOfBounds") outOfBoundsEl!: HTMLElement;
  @state() hueSatColor: string = "#fff"; // always full value
  @state() value: int8 = 0;

  @queryAsync("#swatch") swatchEl!: Promise<HTMLElement>;

  connectedCallback(): void {
  update(changedProperties: PropertyValueMap<this>) {
    if (changedProperties.has("color")) {
    if (changedProperties.has("value") || changedProperties.has("hueSatColor")) {
      this.color = color(this.hueSatColor)
        .value(this.value / 255)
      const sl = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("#value") as Slider;
      if (sl) {
        sl.value = this.value;

      this.swatchEl.then((sw) => {
 = this.hueSatColor;

  private onVSliderChange(ev: CustomEvent) {
    this.value = ev.detail.value; = this.hueSatColor;

  // for outside users of the component
  setColor(col: string) {
    log(`set color pick to color ${col}`);
    if (col == "") {
      col = "#000";
    if (col === null) throw new Error("col===null");
    if (typeof col !== "string") throw new Error("typeof col=" + typeof col);
    this.value = color(col).value() * 255;

    // don't update this if only the value changed, or we desaturate
    this.hueSatColor = color(col).value(1).hex();

  private startFloatingPick(ev: MouseEvent) {
    if (this.value < (20 as int8)) {
      this.value = 255 as int8;
    pickerFloat.startPick(new ClientCoord(ev.clientX, ev.clientY), this.color, (hsc: string) => {
      this.hueSatColor = hsc;
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