Changeset - bb4d1e9b30c1
[Not reviewed]
0 0 1 - 20 years ago 2005-04-20 05:26:53
outline of new subserver
1 file changed with 24 insertions and 0 deletions:
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new file 100644
# keep the database of submasters, and mix up the current client
# requests into dmx levels for dmxserver

class SubServe:
    """call the server with these messages"""
    def allSubs(self):
        """list of all the known subs"""

    def output(self,levels):
        """pass a dict of {sub : level} mappings"""


class SubClient:
    """each client can receive these messages"""
    def subAdded(self,newsub):
        """sub was just added to the db"""

    def subRemove(self,pastsub):
        """this sub is about to be removed from the db"""

    def subChange(self,sub):
        """this is a new version of an existing sub"""
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