Changeset - c1face79c0e1
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Drew Perttula - 11 years ago 2014-05-29 06:46:18
fix rdfdb's filename<->uri mapping system
Ignore-this: 2236b295035273370138943857894699
2 files changed with 45 insertions and 37 deletions:
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@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, URI
from light9.rdfdb.graphfile import GraphFile
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch, ALLSTMTS
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import patchQuads

from light9.rdfdb.file_vs_uri import correctToTopdirPrefix, fileForUri, uriFromFile
from light9.rdfdb.patchsender import sendPatch
from light9.rdfdb.patchreceiver import makePatchEndpointPutMethod

@@ -165,16 +165,10 @@ class WatchedFiles(object):

    This object watches directories. Each GraphFile watches its own file.
    def __init__(self, topDirsToWatch, patch, getSubgraph):
        self.topDirsToWatch = topDirsToWatch
    def __init__(self, dirUriMap, patch, getSubgraph):
        self.dirUriMap = dirUriMap # {abspath : uri prefix}
        self.patch, self.getSubgraph = patch, getSubgraph
        # files from cwd become uris starting with this. *should* be
        # building uris from the show uri in $LIGHT9_SHOW/URI
        # instead. Who wants to keep their data in the same dir tree
        # as the source code?!
        self.topUri = URIRef("")

        self.graphFiles = {} # context uri : GraphFile
        self.notifier = INotify()
@@ -185,7 +179,7 @@ class WatchedFiles(object):
    def findAndLoadFiles(self):
        self.initialLoad = True
            for topdir in self.topDirsToWatch:
            for topdir in self.dirUriMap:
                for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(topdir):
                    for base in filenames:
                        self.watchFile(os.path.join(dirpath, base))
@@ -209,15 +203,8 @@ class WatchedFiles(object):
        if not os.path.isfile(inFile):
        if not any(inFile.startswith(prefix) for prefix in self.topDirsToWatch):
            for prefix in self.topDirsToWatch:
                prefixAbs = os.path.abspath(prefix)
                if inFile.startswith(prefixAbs):
                    inFile = prefix + inFile[len(prefixAbs):]
                raise ValueError("can't correct %s to start with one of %s" %
                                 (inFile, self.topDirsToWatch))

        inFile = correctToTopdirPrefix(self.dirUriMap, inFile)
        if os.path.splitext(inFile)[1] not in ['.n3']:

@@ -235,7 +222,7 @@ class WatchedFiles(object):
        if inFile.endswith("config.n3"):
        ctx = self.uriFromFile(inFile)
        ctx = uriFromFile(self.dirUriMap, inFile)
        gf = GraphFile(self.notifier, inFile, ctx,
                       self.patch, self.getSubgraph)
        self.graphFiles[ctx] = gf
@@ -256,7 +243,7 @@ class WatchedFiles(object):
        g = self.getSubgraph(ctx)

        if ctx not in self.graphFiles:
            outFile = self.fileForUri(ctx)
            outFile = fileForUri(self.dirUriMap, ctx)
  "starting new file %r", outFile)
            self.graphFiles[ctx] = GraphFile(self.notifier, outFile, ctx,
                                             self.patch, self.getSubgraph)
@@ -274,30 +261,17 @@ class WatchedFiles(object):
            g = self.getSubgraph(ctx)

    def uriFromFile(self, filename):
        assert filename.endswith('.n3'), filename
        if not any(filename.startswith(t) for t in self.topDirsToWatch):
            raise ValueError("filename %s doesn't start with any of %s" %
                             (filename, self.topDirsToWatch))
        return URIRef(self.topUri + filename[:-len('.n3')])

    def fileForUri(self, ctx):
        assert isinstance(ctx, URIRef), ctx
        if not ctx.startswith(self.topUri):
            raise ValueError("don't know what filename to use for %s" % ctx)
        return ctx[len(self.topUri):] + ".n3"

class Db(object):
    the master graph, all the connected clients, all the files we're watching
    def __init__(self, topDirsToWatch):
    def __init__(self, dirUriMap):
        self.clients = []
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph()

        self.watchedFiles = WatchedFiles(topDirsToWatch,
        self.watchedFiles = WatchedFiles(dirUriMap,
                                         self.patch, self.getSubgraph)
@@ -444,7 +418,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":

    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO)

    db = Db(topDirsToWatch=[os.environ['LIGHT9_SHOW']])
    db = Db(dirUriMap={os.environ['LIGHT9_SHOW'].rstrip('/') + '/':

    from twisted.python import log as twlog
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new file 100644
note that if there are ambiguities in dirUriMap, you'll get
undefined results that depend on python's items() order.
import os
from rdflib import URIRef

def uriFromFile(dirUriMap, filename):
    assert filename.endswith('.n3'), filename
    for d, prefix in dirUriMap.items():
        if filename.startswith(d):
            return URIRef(prefix + filename[len(d):-len('.n3')])
    raise ValueError("filename %s doesn't start with any of %s" %
                     (filename, dirUriMap.keys()))

def fileForUri(dirUriMap, ctx):
    assert isinstance(ctx, URIRef), ctx
    for d, prefix in dirUriMap.items():
        if ctx.startswith(prefix):
            return d + ctx[len(prefix):] + '.n3'
    raise ValueError("don't know what filename to use for %s" % ctx)

def correctToTopdirPrefix(dirUriMap, inFile):
    if not any(inFile.startswith(prefix) for prefix in dirUriMap):
        for prefix in dirUriMap:
            prefixAbs = os.path.abspath(prefix)
            if inFile.startswith(prefixAbs):
                inFile = prefix + inFile[len(prefixAbs):]
            raise ValueError("can't correct %s to start with one of %s" %
                             (inFile, dirUriMap.keys()))
    return inFile
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