Changeset - c1face79c0e1
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Drew Perttula - 11 years ago 2014-05-29 06:46:18
fix rdfdb's filename<->uri mapping system
Ignore-this: 2236b295035273370138943857894699
2 files changed with 45 insertions and 37 deletions:
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@@ -110,25 +110,25 @@ Our web ui:
from twisted.internet import reactor
import twisted.internet.error
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.internet.inotify import humanReadableMask, IN_CREATE
import sys, optparse, logging, json, os
import cyclone.web, cyclone.httpclient, cyclone.websocket
from light9 import networking, showconfig, prof
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, URIRef, Graph
from light9.rdfdb.graphfile import GraphFile
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch, ALLSTMTS
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import patchQuads

from light9.rdfdb.file_vs_uri import correctToTopdirPrefix, fileForUri, uriFromFile
from light9.rdfdb.patchsender import sendPatch
from light9.rdfdb.patchreceiver import makePatchEndpointPutMethod

from twisted.internet.inotify import INotify
from run_local import log

    import sys
    from cycloneerr import PrettyErrorHandler
except ImportError:
@@ -156,157 +156,131 @@ class Client(object):

    def sendPatch(self, p):
        return sendPatch(self.updateUri, p)

class WatchedFiles(object):
    find files, notice new files.

    This object watches directories. Each GraphFile watches its own file.
    def __init__(self, topDirsToWatch, patch, getSubgraph):
        self.topDirsToWatch = topDirsToWatch
    def __init__(self, dirUriMap, patch, getSubgraph):
        self.dirUriMap = dirUriMap # {abspath : uri prefix}
        self.patch, self.getSubgraph = patch, getSubgraph
        # files from cwd become uris starting with this. *should* be
        # building uris from the show uri in $LIGHT9_SHOW/URI
        # instead. Who wants to keep their data in the same dir tree
        # as the source code?!
        self.topUri = URIRef("")

        self.graphFiles = {} # context uri : GraphFile
        self.notifier = INotify()

    def findAndLoadFiles(self):
        self.initialLoad = True
            for topdir in self.topDirsToWatch:
            for topdir in self.dirUriMap:
                for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(topdir):
                    for base in filenames:
                        self.watchFile(os.path.join(dirpath, base))
          , autoAdd=True,
            self.initialLoad = False

    def dirChange(self, watch, path, mask):
        if mask & IN_CREATE:
            log.debug("%s created; consider adding a watch", path)
    def watchFile(self, inFile):
        consider adding a GraphFile to self.graphFiles

        inFile needs to be a relative path, not an absolute (e.g. in a
        FilePath) because we use its exact relative form in the
        context URI
        if not os.path.isfile(inFile):
        if not any(inFile.startswith(prefix) for prefix in self.topDirsToWatch):
            for prefix in self.topDirsToWatch:
                prefixAbs = os.path.abspath(prefix)
                if inFile.startswith(prefixAbs):
                    inFile = prefix + inFile[len(prefixAbs):]
                raise ValueError("can't correct %s to start with one of %s" %
                                 (inFile, self.topDirsToWatch))

        inFile = correctToTopdirPrefix(self.dirUriMap, inFile)
        if os.path.splitext(inFile)[1] not in ['.n3']:

        # an n3 file with rules makes it all the way past this reading
        # and the serialization. Then, on the receiving side, a
        # SyncedGraph calls graphFromNQuad on the incoming data and
        # has a parse error. I'm not sure where this should be fixed
        # yet.
        if '-rules' in inFile:

        # for legacy versions, compile all the config stuff you want
        # read into one file called config.n3. New versions won't read
        # it.
        if inFile.endswith("config.n3"):
        ctx = self.uriFromFile(inFile)
        ctx = uriFromFile(self.dirUriMap, inFile)
        gf = GraphFile(self.notifier, inFile, ctx,
                       self.patch, self.getSubgraph)
        self.graphFiles[ctx] = gf
"%s do initial read", inFile)

    def aboutToPatch(self, ctx):
        warn us that a patch is about to come to this context. it's more
        straightforward to create the new file now

        this is meant to make the file before we add triples, so we
        wouldn't see the blank file and lose those triples. But it
        didn't work, so there are other measures that make us not lose
        the triples from a new file. Calling this before patching the
        graph is still a reasonable thing to do, though.
        g = self.getSubgraph(ctx)

        if ctx not in self.graphFiles:
            outFile = self.fileForUri(ctx)
            outFile = fileForUri(self.dirUriMap, ctx)
  "starting new file %r", outFile)
            self.graphFiles[ctx] = GraphFile(self.notifier, outFile, ctx,
                                             self.patch, self.getSubgraph)

    def dirtyFiles(self, ctxs):
        """mark dirty the files that we watch in these contexts.

        the ctx might not be a file that we already read; it might be
        for a new file we have to create, or it might be for a
        transient context that we're not going to save

        if it's a ctx with no file, error
        for ctx in ctxs:
            g = self.getSubgraph(ctx)

    def uriFromFile(self, filename):
        assert filename.endswith('.n3'), filename
        if not any(filename.startswith(t) for t in self.topDirsToWatch):
            raise ValueError("filename %s doesn't start with any of %s" %
                             (filename, self.topDirsToWatch))
        return URIRef(self.topUri + filename[:-len('.n3')])

    def fileForUri(self, ctx):
        assert isinstance(ctx, URIRef), ctx
        if not ctx.startswith(self.topUri):
            raise ValueError("don't know what filename to use for %s" % ctx)
        return ctx[len(self.topUri):] + ".n3"

class Db(object):
    the master graph, all the connected clients, all the files we're watching
    def __init__(self, topDirsToWatch):
    def __init__(self, dirUriMap):
        self.clients = []
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph()

        self.watchedFiles = WatchedFiles(topDirsToWatch,
        self.watchedFiles = WatchedFiles(dirUriMap,
                                         self.patch, self.getSubgraph)

    def patch(self, p, dueToFileChange=False):
        apply this patch to the master graph then notify everyone about it

        dueToFileChange if this is a patch describing an edit we read
        *from* the file (such that we shouldn't write it back to the file)

        if p has a senderUpdateUri attribute, we won't send this patch
@@ -435,25 +409,26 @@ class NoExts(cyclone.web.StaticFileHandl

if __name__ == "__main__":
    log = logging.getLogger()

    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if options.verbose else logging.INFO)

    db = Db(topDirsToWatch=[os.environ['LIGHT9_SHOW']])
    db = Db(dirUriMap={os.environ['LIGHT9_SHOW'].rstrip('/') + '/':

    from twisted.python import log as twlog

    port = 8051
    reactor.listenTCP(port, cyclone.web.Application(handlers=[
        (r'/live', Live),
        (r'/graph', GraphResource),
        (r'/patches', Patches),
        (r'/graphClients', GraphClients),

        (r'/static/(.*)', cyclone.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': 'static/'}),
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new file 100644
note that if there are ambiguities in dirUriMap, you'll get
undefined results that depend on python's items() order.
import os
from rdflib import URIRef

def uriFromFile(dirUriMap, filename):
    assert filename.endswith('.n3'), filename
    for d, prefix in dirUriMap.items():
        if filename.startswith(d):
            return URIRef(prefix + filename[len(d):-len('.n3')])
    raise ValueError("filename %s doesn't start with any of %s" %
                     (filename, dirUriMap.keys()))

def fileForUri(dirUriMap, ctx):
    assert isinstance(ctx, URIRef), ctx
    for d, prefix in dirUriMap.items():
        if ctx.startswith(prefix):
            return d + ctx[len(prefix):] + '.n3'
    raise ValueError("don't know what filename to use for %s" % ctx)

def correctToTopdirPrefix(dirUriMap, inFile):
    if not any(inFile.startswith(prefix) for prefix in dirUriMap):
        for prefix in dirUriMap:
            prefixAbs = os.path.abspath(prefix)
            if inFile.startswith(prefixAbs):
                inFile = prefix + inFile[len(prefixAbs):]
            raise ValueError("can't correct %s to start with one of %s" %
                             (inFile, dirUriMap.keys()))
    return inFile
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