Changeset - c2d94c4fb810
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 18 years ago 2007-06-11 00:58:58
dance2007 test configs
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -23,32 +23,36 @@ show:dance2007 :playList (
sh:song1  rdfs:label "1 stars and stripes";      :showPath "music/1.wav" .
sh:song2  rdfs:label "2 st louis blues";         :showPath "music/2.wav" .
sh:song3  rdfs:label "3 good morning baltimore"; :showPath "music/3.wav" .
sh:song4  rdfs:label "4 las vegas tap";          :showPath "music/4.wav" .
sh:song5  rdfs:label "5 hula";                   :showPath "music/5.wav" .
sh:song6  rdfs:label "6 kansas / chicago";       :showPath "music/6mixintrobeats.wav" .
sh:song7  rdfs:label "7 country remix";          :showPath "music/7mix.wav" .
sh:song8  rdfs:label "8 robert e lee";           :showPath "music/8.wav" .
sh:song9  rdfs:label "9 california girls";       :showPath "music/9.wav" .
sh:song10 rdfs:label "10 42nd st";                :showPath "music/10.wav" .
sh:song11 rdfs:label "11 new york";               :showPath "music/11mix.wav" .
sh:song12 rdfs:label "12 indiana";                :showPath "music/12.wav" .
sh:song13 rdfs:label "13 carolina";               :showPath "music/13.wav" .
sh:song14 rdfs:label "14 oklahoma";               :showPath "music/14.wav" .
sh:song15 rdfs:label "15 swing mix";              :showPath "music/15mix.wav" .
sh:song16 rdfs:label "16 urban rap";              :showPath "music/16mix.wav" .
sh:song17 rdfs:label "17 dancing in the streets"; :showPath "music/17.wav" .



@prefix ch: <> .
@prefix dmx: <> .
:Channel rdfs:comment "one value that light9 can control. The channel might output via dmx on some address." .

ch:frontLeft a :Channel; rdfs:label "frontLeft"; :output dmx:c1 .
ch:frontRight a :Channel; rdfs:label "frontRight"; :output dmx:c2 . 
ch:frontLeft a :Channel; rdfs:label "frontLeft"; :output dmx:c1;
  :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/front-left.png" ] .
ch:frontRight a :Channel; rdfs:label "frontRight"; :output dmx:c2;
  :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/front-right.png" ] . 

ch:work a :Channel; rdfs:label "work"; :output dmx:c3;
  :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/bg.png" ] . 

dmx:c1 :dmxAddress 1 .
dmx:c2 :dmxAddress 2 .
dmx:c3 :dmxAddress 3 .

ch:frontLeft :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-red.png" ] .
ch:frontRight :previewLayer [ :path "lightsim/skyline/cyc-lo-grn.png" ] .
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