Changeset - c74fe7efabc1
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dmcc - 22 years ago 2002-07-11 15:27:17

Submaster analysis to help with gel pickage
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 6 deletions:
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from Subs import *
from Patch import *
from types import TupleType

from Config import patch, subs

import re
import Patch

def resolve_name(channelname):
    "Insure that we're talking about the primary name of the light"
    return Patch.get_channel_name(Patch.get_dmx_channel(channelname))

subusage = {}

# colors = 'ROGBVndcihs'
colors = 'ndcihs'

color_chart = {
    '1-01' : 'ROYd',   # broadway (morning - afternoon)
    '1-02' : 'i',      # int. mission
    '1-03' : 'R',      # phone booth
    '1-04' : 'RBVh',   # hotbox
    '1-05' : 'RBd',    # off broadway
    '1-06' : 'ROYd',   # ext. mission
@@ -49,52 +52,49 @@ scene_names = {

    '2-01' : 'hotbox',
    '2-02' : 'more can i wish you',
    '2-03' : 'sewer (crap game)',
    '2-04' : 'sue me',
    '2-05' : 'rock the boat (int. mission)',
    '2-06' : 'marry (trav)',
    '2-07' : 'finale (broadway)',

sub_to_scene = {}

# blacklist is a list of *prefixes* to light names that won't be shown
blacklist = 'god upfill red blue cyc oran sidefill'.split()
blacklist = 'god upfill1 upfill2 upfill3 upfill4 red1 red2 red3 red4 blue1 blue2 blue3 blue4 cycleft cycright sidefill1 sidefill2'.split()
blacklist.extend(['side l','side r'])

for subname, levdict in subs.items():
    if type(subname) == TupleType:
        subname = subname[0]
    oldname = subname
    subname = re.sub(r'\*(\d-\d+)-.*', r'\1', subname)
    if oldname == subname: continue
    sub_to_scene[oldname] = subname
    subname = oldname # restore 'em.  restore 'em good.
    if not levdict:
        print "Warning: %s is useless (empty sub)." % subname
        for ch, lev in levdict.items():
            if lev:
                ch = resolve_name(ch)
                subusage.setdefault(ch, [])
                subusage[ch].append((lev, subname))

def twist(l):
    return [(b,a) for a,b in l]

def format_usage(ch, usage):
    if max([ch.startswith(pre) for pre in blacklist]):
    if ch in blacklist: return
#    usage.reverse()
    print "======= %s ======= (%d uses)" % (ch, len(usage))
    if 1:
        use_str = ''
        for lev, sub in usage:
            if lev>30:
                if sub_to_scene[sub] in color_chart:
                    subcolors = color_chart[sub_to_scene[sub]]
                    col_str = ''
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