Changeset - c8d24bd2a99e
CueFaders: autoload/shifting bug fixed
CueFaders: autoload/shifting bug fixed
mute button added
cuenum attribute added
cursor is visible in CueEditron
Subcomposer: not a dummy! use DMXDUMMY=1 if you want to do dummy
cues/dolly: changes from 7.8.2003 rehearsal
CueFaders: autoload/shifting bug fixed
mute button added
cuenum attribute added
cursor is visible in CueEditron
Subcomposer: not a dummy! use DMXDUMMY=1 if you want to do dummy
cues/dolly: changes from 7.8.2003 rehearsal
3 files changed with 696 insertions and 792 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)