Changeset - ce8a71fab284
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0 1 0 - 10 years ago 2015-06-14 03:30:34
trying to fix SC bad graph reload behavior, but this barely works. other tools have trouble too
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1 file changed with 20 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
        self.graph = graph
        self.session = session
        self.launchTime = time.time()
        self.localSerial = 0

        # this is a URIRef or Local. Strangely, the Local case still
        # has a uri, which you can get from
@@ -158,13 +160,20 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):

        def graphChanged():
            # some bug where SC is making tons of graph edits and many
            # are failing. this calms things down.
            log.warn('skip graphChanged')
            s = graph.value(self.session, L9['currentSub'])
            log.debug('HANDLER getting session currentSub from graph: %s', s)
            if s is None:
                s = self.switchToLocal()
            self.currentSub(Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, s))

        def subChanged(newSub):
            log.debug('HANDLER currentSub changed to %s', newSub)
            if newSub is None:
                                  self.session, L9['currentSub'], None)
@@ -176,21 +185,25 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):
            localStmt = (newSub.uri, RDF.type, L9['LocalSubmaster'])
            with graph.currentState(tripleFilter=localStmt) as current:
                if newSub and localStmt in current:
                    log.debug('  HANDLER set _currentChoice to Local')
                    # i think right here is the point that the last local
                    # becomes garbage, and we could clean it up. 
                    # becomes garbage, and we could clean it up.
                    log.debug('  HANDLER set _currentChoice to newSub.uri')

        dispatcher.connect(self.levelsChanged, "sub levels changed")
        def choiceChanged(newChoice):
            log.debug('HANDLER choiceChanged to %s', newChoice)
            if newChoice is Local:
                newChoice = self.switchToLocal()
            if newChoice is not None:
                    graph, newChoice))
                newSub = Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, newChoice)
                log.debug('write new choice to currentSub, from %r to %r', self.currentSub(), newSub)

    def levelsChanged(self, sub):
        if sub == self.currentSub():
@@ -202,8 +215,10 @@ class Subcomposer(tk.Frame):
        # todo: where will these get stored, or are they local to this
        # subcomposer process and don't use PersistentSubmaster at all?

        new = URIRef("" % time.time())
        localId = "%s-%s" % (self.launchTime, self.localSerial)
        self.localSerial += 1
        new = URIRef("" % localId)
        log.debug('making up a local sub %s', new)
            (new, RDF.type, L9['Submaster'], self.session),
            (new, RDF.type, L9['LocalSubmaster'], self.session),
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