Changeset - d1946cb32121
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0 2 0 - 8 months ago 2024-05-28 22:34:21
bool support
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@@ -23,48 +23,49 @@ def _expandUnion(t: Type) -> List[Type]:
def _typeIncludes(t1: Type, t2: Type) -> bool:
    """same as issubclass but t1 can be a NewType"""
    if t2 is None:
        t2 = type(None)
    if t1 == t2:
        return True

    if getattr(t1, '__supertype__', None) == t2:
        return True

    ts = _expandUnion(t1)
    if len(ts) > 1:
        return any(_typeIncludes(t, t2) for t in ts)

    return False


def _convLiteral(objType: Type[_ObjType], x: Literal) -> _ObjType:
    if _typeIncludes(objType, Literal):
        return cast(objType, x)

    for outType, dtypes in [
        (float, (XSD['integer'], XSD['double'], XSD['decimal'])),
        (int, (XSD['integer'],)),
        (bool, (XSD['boolean'],)), # todo tests
        (str, ()),
        for t in _expandUnion(objType):
            if _typeIncludes(t, outType) and (not dtypes or x.datatype in dtypes):
                # e.g. user wants float and we have xsd:double
                return cast(objType, outType(x.toPython()))
    raise ConversionError


def typedValue(objType: Type[_ObjType], graph: EitherGraph, subj: Node, pred: URIRef) -> _ObjType:
    """graph.value(subj, pred) with a given return type.
    If objType is not an rdflib.Node, we toPython() the value.

    Allow objType to include None if you want a None return for not-found.
    if objType is None:
        raise TypeError('must allow non-None result type')
    obj = graph.value(subj, pred)
    if obj is None:
        if _typeIncludes(objType, None):
            return cast(objType, None)
        raise ValueError(f'No obj for {subj=} {pred=}')

    ConvFrom: Type[Node] = type(obj)
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from typing import NewType, Optional, cast

import pytest
from rdflib import BNode, Graph, Literal, URIRef
from rdflib.term import Node
from light9.mock_syncedgraph import MockSyncedGraph
from light9.namespaces import L9, XSD
from light9.typedgraph import ConversionError, _typeIncludes, typedValue

g = cast(
    @prefix : <> .
        :uri :c;
        :bnode [];
        # see for syntaxes.
        :int 0;
        :float1 0.0;
        :float2 1.0e1;
        :float3 0.5;
        :boolt true;
        :boolf false;
        :color "#ffffff"^^:hexColor;
        :definitelyAString "hello" .

subj = L9['subj']


class TestTypeIncludes:

    def test_includesItself(self):
        assert _typeIncludes(str, str)

    def test_includesUnionMember(self):
        assert _typeIncludes(int | str, str)

    def test_notIncludes(self):
        assert not _typeIncludes(int | str, None)

    def test_explicitOptionalWorks(self):
        assert _typeIncludes(Optional[int], None)

    def test_3WayUnionWorks(self):
        assert _typeIncludes(int | str | float, int)

@@ -68,48 +70,51 @@ class TestTypedValueReturnsBasicTypes:

        assert typedValue(int, g, subj, L9['int']) == 0
        # These retrieve rdf floats that happen to equal
        # ints, but no one should be relying on that.
        with pytest.raises(ConversionError):
            typedValue(int, g, subj, L9['float1'])
        with pytest.raises(ConversionError):
            typedValue(int, g, subj, L9['float2'])
        with pytest.raises(ConversionError):
            typedValue(int, g, subj, L9['float3'])

    def test_getsString(self):
        tv = typedValue(str, g, subj, L9['color'])
        assert tv == '#ffffff'

    def test_getsLiteral(self):
        tv = typedValue(Literal, g, subj, L9['float2'])
        assert type(tv) == Literal
        assert tv.datatype == XSD['double']

        tv = typedValue(Literal, g, subj, L9['color'])
        assert type(tv) == Literal
        assert tv.datatype == L9['hexColor']

    def test_getsBoolean(self):
        assert typedValue(bool, g, subj, L9['boolt'])
        assert not typedValue(bool, g, subj, L9['boolf'])

class TestTypedValueDoesntDoInappropriateUriStringConversions:

    def test_noUriToString(self):
        with pytest.raises(ConversionError):
            typedValue(str, g, subj, L9['uri'])

    def test_noUriToLiteral(self):
        with pytest.raises(ConversionError):
            typedValue(Literal, g, subj, L9['uri'])

    def test_noStringToUri(self):
        with pytest.raises(ConversionError):
            typedValue(URIRef, g, subj, L9['definitelyAString'])


class TestTypedValueOnMissingValues:

    def test_errorsOnMissingValue(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            typedValue(float, g, subj, L9['missing'])

    def test_returnsNoneForMissingValueIfCallerPermits(self):
        assert (float | None) == Optional[float]
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