Changeset - d4de13e83b7f
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Drew Perttula - 8 years ago 2017-05-10 07:00:22
graph.js don't error if a statement is in multiple graphs
Ignore-this: 6ba903b20b1177dea8e0c96d0ab67d6
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -222,20 +222,22 @@ class window.SyncedGraph
    # forget your queries from the first time).
    @_autoDeps.runHandler(func, label)

  _singleValue: (s, p) ->
    @_autoDeps.askedFor(s, p, null, null)
    quads = @graph.findByIRI(s, p)
    switch quads.length
    objs = new Set(q.object for q in quads)
    switch objs.size
      when 0
        throw new Error("no value for "+s+" "+p)
      when 1
        obj = quads[0].object
        obj = objs.values().next().value
        return obj
        throw new Error("too many values: " + JSON.stringify(quads))
        throw new Error("too many different values: " + JSON.stringify(quads))

  floatValue: (s, p) ->
    key = s + '|' + p
    hit = @cachedFloatValues.get(key)
    return hit if hit != undefined

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