Changeset - d7f1f868eb6c
[Not reviewed]
0 5 0 - 12 years ago 2012-10-20 21:52:10
toplevel window pos is saved in the graph. Patch conflicts no longer break as hard, but they don't exactly reset themselves right yet eiher
Ignore-this: 56f96fd0b1a8602abc4e41851685794c
5 files changed with 61 insertions and 22 deletions:
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@@ -540,29 +540,28 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser.add_option('-v', action='store_true', help="log info level")
    opts, args = parser.parse_args()

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO if opts.v else logging.WARN)
    log = logging.getLogger('keyboardcomposer')

    graph = SyncedGraph("keyboardcomposer")

    root = Tk()
    initTkdnd(, 'tkdnd/trunk/')

    # this has yet to be moved into the session graph
    session = clientsession.getUri('keyboardcomposer', opts)

    tl = toplevelat("Keyboard Composer - %s" % opts.session,

    session = clientsession.getUri('keyboardcomposer', opts)
                    existingtoplevel=root, graph=graph, session=session)

    kc = KeyboardComposer(tl, graph, session,
                          hw_sliders=not opts.no_sliders)
    kc.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

    for helpline in ["Bindings: B3 mute; C-l edit levels in subcomposer"]:
        tk.Label(root,text=helpline, font="Helvetica -12 italic",

    if 0: # needs fixing, or maybe it's obsolete because other progs can just patch the rdf graph
        import twisted.internet
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@@ -7,25 +7,30 @@ we immediately PUT them back all the con
of adds.

later we PUT them back with patches (del/add lists) when there are

If we fail to reach a registered caller, we forget about it for future
calls. We could PUT empty diffs as a heartbeat to notice disappearing
callers faster.

A caller can submit a patch which we'll persist and broadcast to every
other client.

Global data undo should probably happen within this service.
Global data undo should probably happen within this service. Some
operations should not support undo, such as updating the default
position of a window. How will we separate those? A blacklist of
subj+pred pairs that don't save undo? Or just save the updates like
everything else, but when you press undo, there's a way to tell which
updates *should* be part of your app's undo system?

Maybe some subgraphs are for transient data (e.g. current timecode,
mouse position in curvecalc) that only some listeners want to hear about.

Deletes are graph-specific, so callers may be surprised to delete a
stmt from one graph but then find that statement is still true.

Alternate plan: would it help to insist that every patch is within
only one subgraph? I think it's ok for them to span multiple ones.

Inserts can be made on any subgraphs, and each subgraph is saved in
its own file. The file might not be in a format that can express
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from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, RDFS, RDF, Graph
import logging, cyclone.httpclient, traceback, urllib
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
log = logging.getLogger('syncedgraph')
from light9.rdfdb.patch import Patch, ALLSTMTS
from light9.rdfdb.rdflibpatch import patchQuads

def sendPatch(putUri, patch, **kw):
    kwargs will become extra attributes in the toplevel json object
    body = patch.makeJsonRepr(kw)
    log.debug("send body: %r", body)
    def ok(done):
        if not str(done.code).startswith('2'):
@@ -100,52 +100,55 @@ class PatchSender(object):
    SyncedGraph may generate patches faster than we can send
    them. This object buffers and may even collapse patches before
    they go the server
    def __init__(self, target, myUpdateResource):
 = target
        self.myUpdateResource = myUpdateResource
        self._patchesToSend = []
        self._currentSendPatchRequest = None

    def sendPatch(self, p):
        sendResult = defer.Deferred()
        self._patchesToSend.append((p, sendResult))
        return sendResult

    def _continueSending(self):
        if not self._patchesToSend or self._currentSendPatchRequest:
        if len(self._patchesToSend) > 1:
  "%s patches left to send", len(self._patchesToSend))
            # this is where we could concatenate little patches into a
            # bigger one. Often, many statements will cancel each
            # other out. not working yet:
            if 0:
                p = self._patchesToSend[0].concat(self._patchesToSend[1:])
                print "concat down to"
                print 'dels'
                for q in p.delQuads: print q
                print 'adds'
                for q in p.addQuads: print q
                print "----"
                p = self._patchesToSend.pop(0)
                p, sendResult = self._patchesToSend.pop(0)
            p = self._patchesToSend.pop(0)
            p, sendResult = self._patchesToSend.pop(0)
        self._currentSendPatchRequest = sendPatch(
  , p, senderUpdateUri=self.myUpdateResource)

    def _sendPatchDone(self, result):
        self._currentSendPatchRequest = None

    def _sendPatchErr(self, e):
        self._currentSendPatchRequest = None
        # we're probably out of sync with the master now, since
        # SyncedGraph.patch optimistically applied the patch to our
        # local graph already. What happens to this patch? What
        # happens to further pending patches? Some of the further
        # patches, especially, may be commutable with the bad one and
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@@ -19,34 +19,41 @@

      <div id="out"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="websocket.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      // <![CDATA[

          function collapseCuries(s) {
              return s
                  .replace(/<http:\/\/\/2001\/XMLSchema#/g, function (match, short) { return "xsd:"+short; })
                  .replace(/<http:\/\/\/(.*?)>/g, function (match, short) { return "light9:"+short; })
                  .replace(/<http:\/\/\/show\/dance2012\/sessions\/(.*?)>/g, function (match, short) { return "kcsession:"+short });

          function onMessage(d) {
              if (d.clients !== undefined) {
              if (d.patch !== undefined) {

          reconnectingWebSocket("ws://localhost:8051/live", onMessage);
      // ]]>

\ No newline at end of file
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"""all the tiny tk helper functions"""

from __future__ import nested_scopes
from Tkinter import *
from Tix import *
from types import StringType
#from Tkinter import Button
from rdflib import Literal
from Tix import Button, Toplevel, Tk, IntVar, Entry, DoubleVar
from light9.namespaces import L9

windowlocations = {
    'sub' : '425x738+00+00',
    'console' : '168x24+848+000',
    'leveldisplay' : '144x340+870+400',
    'cuefader' : '314x212+546+741',
    'effect' : '24x24+0963+338',
    'stage' : '823x683+37+030',
    'scenes' : '504x198+462+12',

def bindkeys(root,key, func):
@@ -23,39 +24,63 @@ def bindkeys(root,key, func):

def toplevel_savegeometry(tl,name):
        geo = tl.geometry()
        if not geo.startswith("1x1"):
            f=open(".light9-window-geometry-%s" % name.replace(' ','_'),'w')
        # else the window never got mapped
    except Exception, e:
        # it's ok if there's no saved geometry

def toplevelat(name, existingtoplevel=None):
def toplevelat(name, existingtoplevel=None, graph=None, session=None):
    tl = existingtoplevel or Toplevel()

        f=open(".light9-window-geometry-%s" % name.replace(' ','_'))
        windowlocations[name] # file has no newline
        # it's ok if there's no saved geometry
    lastSaved = [None]
    setOnce = [False]
    def setPosFromGraphOnce():
        the graph is probably initially empty, but as soon as it gives
        us one window position, we stop reading them
        if setOnce[0]:
        geo = graph.value(session, L9.windowGeometry)

        if geo is not None and geo != lastSaved[0]:
            setOnce[0] = True
            lastSaved[0] = geo

    def savePos():
        geo = tl.geometry()
        # todo: need a way to filter out the startup window sizes that
        # weren't set by the user
        if geo.startswith("1x1") or geo.startswith(("378x85", "378x86")):
        if geo == lastSaved[0]:
        lastSaved[0] = geo
        graph.patchObject(session, session, L9.windowGeometry, Literal(geo))

    if graph is not None and session is not None:

    if name in windowlocations:

    tl._toplevelat_funcid = tl.bind("<Configure>",lambda ev,tl=tl,name=name: toplevel_savegeometry(tl,name))
    if graph is not None:
        tl._toplevelat_funcid = tl.bind("<Configure>",lambda ev,tl=tl,name=name: savePos())

    return tl

def positionOnCurrentDesktop(xform, screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1440):
    size, x, y = xform.split('+')
    x = int(x) % screenWidth
    y = int(y) % screenHeight
    return "%s+%s+%s" % (size, x, y)

def toggle_slider(s):
    if s.get() == 0:
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