Changeset - d9e61d97c578
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 14 years ago 2011-06-26 00:52:09
final checkpoint for 2011
Ignore-this: 9fef28eee9129ea16ee38dd98e6dcb4a
2 files changed with 45 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -79,33 +79,76 @@ got through 16 songs until the sliders d
the solo special on until i could grab the mouse and take it
out. worked around this by restarting a zeroed-out KC so it
reconnected to sliders. i am still getting no error messages anywhere
for this slider failure. maybe i can constantly ping the sliders

16 goes briefly to black at 323!

16 the color and back chases that last until 512, those are really
extreme and long, when the theater is all dark. we should have been
stricter about dark theater during the day

CC bug: new subterms don't make the subterm area scroll right.
CC bug: new subterms don't make the subterm area scroll correctly.

vidref segfaults sometimes for no reason, and usually at exit.

we should have mixed all the audio to mono to avoid issues with the
songs from the era when they panned certain instruments all the way to
one side

i should buy a little usb light we can point over the sound board,
and maybe another for my laptop's nonilluminated keyboard

second night, with ascoltami EOS fixes: everything was fine until the
playthru of 16, which somehow went right into 17 and started fading
lights in. We grabbed the audio level and wound ascoltami back to 0 to
take the lights back out. Unclear why asco can sometimes play on to
the next song, but i suspect all the async gst commands are not being
handled right. i need a better state machine that really captures all
the states that happen, and doesn't take it for granted that stuff
like pause();seek(0) will happen as written





  plus laptop ran most things; a macbook running chrome had the
  ascoltami gui. plus needed a usb hub for all its devices:
    wireless mouse
    phone charger
    usb sound

  plus had my garage LCD for 2 monitors, but we undid that for the
  shows since plugging in the lcd added a lot of audio noise (even
  with the usb sound card). Maybe my nicer lcd monitors don't cause
  that problem

  used one of my 3-pin/5-pin dmx convertors to connect the strobe
  light. Used a plain 5-pin extension to connect the enttec dmx to the
  theater- probably pointless


  points on any number of curves

  create curve
  create subtermx
    scale selected pts
    shift selected pts
    adjust fade widths 

multiple time grids overlaid on the scene: song breaks, sections
within a song, beats. let them take optional labels

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