Changeset - dc35587fbbb6
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Drew Perttula - 12 years ago 2013-06-05 00:11:22
hack up the window-save-position code to try to ignore automatic size changes at start
Ignore-this: c563fa4e2f0a42444afd5ad223e84cb9
1 file changed with 22 insertions and 7 deletions:
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"""all the tiny tk helper functions"""

from __future__ import nested_scopes
#from Tkinter import Button
import logging, time
from rdflib import Literal
from Tix import Button, Toplevel, Tk, IntVar, Entry, DoubleVar
import Tkinter
from light9.namespaces import L9

log = logging.getLogger("toplevel")

windowlocations = {
    'sub' : '425x738+00+00',
    'console' : '168x24+848+000',
    'leveldisplay' : '144x340+870+400',
    'cuefader' : '314x212+546+741',
    'effect' : '24x24+0963+338',
@@ -36,46 +40,57 @@ def toplevel_savegeometry(tl,name):
def toplevelat(name, existingtoplevel=None, graph=None, session=None):
    tl = existingtoplevel or Toplevel()

    lastSaved = [None]
    setOnce = [False]
    graphSetTime = [0]
    def setPosFromGraphOnce():
        the graph is probably initially empty, but as soon as it gives
        us one window position, we stop reading them
        if setOnce[0]:
        geo = graph.value(session, L9.windowGeometry)
        log.debug("setPosFromGraphOnce %s", geo)

        if geo is not None and geo != lastSaved[0]:
            setOnce[0] = True
            lastSaved[0] = geo

    def savePos():
        geo = tl.geometry()
            graphSetTime[0] = time.time()

        # todo: need a way to filter out the startup window sizes that
        # weren't set by the user
        if geo.startswith("1x1") or geo.startswith(("378x85", "378x86")):
    def savePos(ev):
        geo = tl.geometry()
        if not isinstance(ev.widget, Tkinter.Tk):
            # I think these are due to internal widget size changes,
            # not the toplevel changing
        # this is trying to not save all the startup automatic window
        # sizes. I don't have a better plan for this yet.
        if graphSetTime[0] == 0 or time.time() < graphSetTime[0] + 3:

        if geo == lastSaved[0]:
        if not setOnce[0]:
        lastSaved[0] = geo
        log.debug("saving position %s", geo)
        graph.patchObject(session, session, L9.windowGeometry, Literal(geo))

    if graph is not None and session is not None:

    if name in windowlocations:

    if graph is not None:
        tl._toplevelat_funcid = tl.bind("<Configure>",lambda ev,tl=tl,name=name: savePos())
        tl._toplevelat_funcid = tl.bind("<Configure>",
                                        lambda ev,tl=tl,name=name: savePos(ev))

    return tl

def positionOnCurrentDesktop(xform, screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1440):
    size, x, y = xform.split('+')
    x = int(x) % screenWidth
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