Changeset - dc38b9af77c0
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 17 years ago 2008-06-15 23:22:11
1 file changed with 13 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ issues to note during the show:

better sound cables



next time:

@@ -103,7 +105,9 @@ next time:

  bug where empty sub doesn't save from SC

  in KC, exclude house lights from being saved in any subs
  in KC, exclude house lights from being saved in any subs. But
  really, there should be another program for aux stuff like house

  bring 500W bulbs, wire strippers

@@ -117,15 +121,16 @@ next time:
  in the current row, numbered as hardware sliders. This would be put
  on the screen where it's always visible, when KC is hidden

  subterms on nonexistent subs are getting lost, but i need those for chase and effects
  subterms on nonexistent subs are getting lost, but i need those for
  chase and effects

  subcomposer should save its geometry
OK  subcomposer should save its geometry

  how to reset the dmx channels on a dimmer pack: [dmx] [erase] [clear]

  make a program to test chases

  curvecalc should always start up zoomed-out
OK  curvecalc should always start up zoomed-out

need curve delete button. show on each curve whether it's in use
anywhere. let me hide a music curve if i'm low on space.
@@ -141,3 +146,7 @@ curvecalc_all_subterms needs redo

touched dmx cable; ~/dmxcrash in dmesg; process went to 'D' status; rebooted

  a nice startup would be: take a cd, boot up our OS image, make a new
  show from the cd tracks, UI for naming the channel numbers. 

  bring gaffer's tape
\ No newline at end of file
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