Changeset - dd9474bef2a6
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 20 months ago 2023-05-29 22:16:57
decimal not double! this caused patch comparisons to fail and led to redundant work
2 files changed with 25 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -101,25 +101,25 @@ export class SyncedGraph {
      if (uri.value.startsWith(row.lo)) {
        return + ":" + uri.value.substring(row.lo.length);
    return uri.value;

  Literal(jsValue: string | number) {
    return N3.DataFactory.literal(jsValue);

  LiteralRoundedFloat(f: number) {
    return N3.DataFactory.literal(f.toPrecision(3), this.Uri(""));
    return N3.DataFactory.literal(f.toPrecision(3), this.Uri(""));

  Quad(s: any, p: any, o: any, g: any) {
    return N3.DataFactory.quad(s, p, o, g);

  toJs(literal: { value: any }) {
    // incomplete
    return parseFloat(literal.value);

  loadTrig(trig: any, cb: () => any) {
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import { assert, describe, expect, it } from "vitest";

import { Quad, NamedNode } from "n3";
import { Patch, QuadPattern } from "./patch";
import * as N3 from "n3";

const node1 = new NamedNode("");
const node2 = new NamedNode("");
const node3 = new NamedNode("");

const decimalDT = new NamedNode("");

function QP(
  subject: N3.Quad_Subject | null, //
  predicate: N3.Quad_Predicate | null,
  object: N3.Quad_Object | null,
  graph: N3.Quad_Graph | null
): QuadPattern {
  return { subject, predicate, object, graph };

describe("Patch.matches", () => {
  it("matches any quads against an open pattern", () => {
    const quad1 = new Quad(node1, node2, node3);
@@ -34,22 +36,44 @@ describe("Patch.matches", () => {
    assert.isFalse(p.matches(QP(null, null, null, null)));
  it("compares terms correctly", () => {
    assert.isTrue(new Patch([new Quad(node1, node2, node3)], []).matches(QP(node1, null, null, null)));
    assert.isFalse(new Patch([new Quad(node1, node2, node3)], []).matches(QP(node2, null, null, null)));
  it("matches on just one set term", () => {
    assert.isTrue(new Patch([new Quad(node1, node2, node3)], []).matches(QP(node1, null, null, null)));
    assert.isTrue(new Patch([new Quad(node1, node2, node3)], []).matches(QP(null, node2, null, null)));
    assert.isTrue(new Patch([new Quad(node1, node2, node3)], []).matches(QP(null, null, node3, null)));

describe("Patch.empty", () => {
  it("works with no quads", () => {
    const p = new Patch([], []);
  it("works with unmatched quads", () => {
    const p = new Patch([], [new Quad(node1, node2, node3)]);
  it("understands floats are equal", () => {
    const p = new Patch(
      [new Quad(node1, node2, N3.DataFactory.literal((0.12345).toPrecision(3), decimalDT))],
      [new Quad(node1, node2, N3.DataFactory.literal((0.1234).toPrecision(3), decimalDT))]
  it("...and when they're not", () => {
    const p = new Patch(
      [new Quad(node1, node2, N3.DataFactory.literal(0.123, decimalDT))], //
      [new Quad(node1, node2, N3.DataFactory.literal(0.124, decimalDT))]
  it("understands literals are equal", () => {
    const p = new Patch(
      [new Quad(node1, node2, node3)], //
      [new Quad(node1, node2, new NamedNode("" + "3"))]
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