Changeset - e06c2c105035
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-05-14 02:10:05
workaround for coffee issue with static getters. polymer wasn't seeing my attributes at all
Ignore-this: 192b2826e728db8b7ca6cfb67609241e
10 files changed with 88 insertions and 69 deletions:
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new file 100644
# Polymer seems to need static getters for 'observers' and
# 'listeners', not just static attributes, though I don't know how it
# can even tell the difference.
# This workaround is to use names like '@getter_properties' in the
# class then register with this function that fixes them.
# Also see
window.coffeeElementSetup = (cls) ->
  for attr in ['properties', 'observers', 'listeners']
    val = cls['getter_' + attr]
    if val?
      do (val) ->
        Object.defineProperty(cls, attr, {get: ( -> val)})  
  customElements.define(, cls)
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@@ -39,23 +39,22 @@ window.setupDrop = (senseElem, highlight
    catch e



class EditChoice extends Polymer.Element
coffeeElementSetup(class EditChoice extends Polymer.Element
    @is: "edit-choice",
        graph: {type: Object, notify: true},
        uri: {type: String, notify: true},

    connectedCallback: ->
      @uri = null
      setupDrop @$.box, @$.box, null, (uri) =>

    unlink: ->
      @uri = null

customElements.define(, EditChoice)
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@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
    <div id="box">
      <resource-display graph="{{graph}}" uri="{{uri}}" rename></resource-display>
      <button on-click="unlink">Unlink</button>
  <script src="coffee_element.js"></script>
  <script src="edit-choice.js"></script>
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log = console.log

# port of light9/curvecalc/
  is: "light9-music",
coffeeElementSetup(class Music extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-music",
    status: { type: String, notify: true }
    statusTitle: { type: String, notify: true }
    turboSign: { type: String, notify: true }
    duration: { type: Number, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    # It does not yet work to write back to the playing/t
    # properties. See seekPlayOrPause.
    playing: { type: Boolean, notify: true }
    t: { type: Number, notify: true }
  ready: ->
    @turboUntil = 0
    @$.getTime.addEventListener('response', @onResponse.bind(@))
    @$.getTime.addEventListener 'error', (e) =>
      req = @$.getTime.lastRequest
      @status = "✘"
      @statusTitle = "GET "+req.url+ " -> " + req.status + " " + req.statusText
      setTimeout(@poll.bind(@), 2000)
    setInterval(@estimateTimeLoop.bind(@), 30)

  onError: (e) ->
    req = @$.getTime.lastRequest
    @status = "✘"
    @statusTitle = "GET "+req.url+ " -> " + req.status + " " + req.statusText
    setTimeout(@poll.bind(@), 2000)
  estimateTimeLoop: ->
    if @playing
      @t = @remoteT + ( - @remoteAsOfMs) / 1000
      @t = @remoteT
  poll: ->
    if not @$?.getTime?
      setTimeout(@poll.bind(@), 200)
    clearTimeout(@nextPoll) if @nextPoll
    @status = "♫"
  onResponse: ->
    @status = " "
@@ -62,7 +66,8 @@ Polymer
  seekPlayOrPause: (t) ->
    @$.seek.body = {t: t}
    @turboUntil = + 1000

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<link rel="import" href="/lib/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/lib/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="/lib/iron-ajax/iron-ajax.html">

<!-- remote control of ascoltami -->
<dom-module id="light9-music">
@@ -11,15 +11,16 @@
         background: black;
         color: white;
         border: 1px solid #2782ad;
         font-size: 12px;
    <iron-ajax id="getTime" url="/ascoltami/time"></iron-ajax>
    <iron-ajax id="getTime" on-response="onResponse" on-error="onError" url="/ascoltami/time"></iron-ajax>
    <iron-ajax id="seek"
  <script src="coffee_element.js"></script>
  <script src="light9-music.js"></script>
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log = console.log
Drawing = window.Drawing


class AdjustersCanvas extends Polymer.Element
coffeeElementSetup(class AdjustersCanvas extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-adjusters-canvas'
  @behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
    adjs: { type: Object, notify: true }, # adjId: Adjustable
  @observers: [
  @getter_observers: [
    'iron-resize': 'resizeUpdate'
  connectedCallback: ->
    @adjs = {}
    @ctx = @$.canvas.getContext('2d')

@@ -155,8 +154,7 @@ class AdjustersCanvas extends Polymer.El

    # coords from a center that's passed in
    # # special layout for the thaeter ones with middinh 
    # l/r arrows
    # mouse arrow cursor upon hover, and accent the hovered adjuster
    # connector

customElements.define(, AdjustersCanvas)
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  is: 'light9-cursor-canvas'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
  listeners: 'iron-resize': 'update'
coffeeElementSetup(class CursorCanvas extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-cursor-canvas'
    viewState: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: "onViewState" }
  ready: ->
  @getter_listeners: 'iron-resize': 'update'
  connectedCallback: ->
    @mouseX = 0
    @mouseY = 0
    @cursorPath = null
    @ctx = @$.canvas.getContext('2d')

  onViewState: ->
@@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ Polymer
      @ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0303'
      @ctx.lineWidth = 3
      Drawing.line(@ctx, @cursorPath.bot0, @cursorPath.bot1, '#ff0303', '3px')
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Show inline comments
log = console.log

class InlineAttrs extends Polymer.Element
coffeeElementSetup(class InlineAttrs extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-timeline-note-inline-attrs"
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    uri: { type: String, notify: true }  # the Note
    rect: { type: Object, notify: true }
    effect: { type: String, notify: true }
    colorScale: { type: String, notify: true }
    noteLabel: { type: String, notify: true }
    selection: { type: Object, notify: true }
  @observers: [
  @getter_observers: [
    'addHandler(graph, uri)'
    'onColorScale(graph, uri, colorScale)'
  displayed: ->
  onColorScale: ->
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class InlineAttrs extends Polymer.Elemen
      @colorScale = '#ffffff'
    #console.timeEnd('attrs update')


  onDel: ->
    deleteNote(@graph, @song, @uri, @selection)
customElements.define(, InlineAttrs)
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@@ -264,11 +264,12 @@
<script src="/lib/sylvester/sylvester.js"></script>
<script src="/lib/underscore/underscore-min.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/d3/dist/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/n3/n3-browser.js"></script> 
<script src="/node_modules/pixi.js/dist/pixi.min.js"></script>

<script src="../coffee_element.js"></script>
<script src="adjustable.js"></script>
<script src="adjusters.js"></script>
<script src="drawing.js"></script>
<script src="timeline.js"></script>
<script src="cursor_canvas.js"></script>
Show inline comments
@@ -178,42 +178,43 @@ class ViewState
        setTimeout(gotoStep, delay)
        lastTime = delay
      , lastTime + 10)  

class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
coffeeElementSetup(class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-timeline-editor'
    viewState: { type: Object }
    debug: {type: String}
    graph: {type: Object, notify: true}
    project: {type: Object}
    setAdjuster: {type: Function, notify: true}
    playerSong: {type: String, notify: true}
    followPlayerSong: {type: Boolean, notify: true, value: true}
    song: {type: String, notify: true}
    show: {value: ''}
    songTime: {type: Number, notify: true},#, observer: '_onSongTime'}
    songDuration: {type: Number, notify: true},#, observer: '_onSongDuration'}
    songTime: {type: Number, notify: true}
    songDuration: {type: Number, notify: true}
    songPlaying: {type: Boolean, notify: true}
    selection: {type: Object, notify: true}
  @observers: [
  @getter_observers: [
    'setSong(playerSong, followPlayerSong)',
    '_onSongDuration(songDuration, viewState)',
    '_onSongTime(songTime, viewState)',
  connectedCallback: ->
    ko.options.deferUpdates = true;
    @dia = @$.dia

    @selection = {hover: ko.observable(null), selected: ko.observable([])}

    window.debug_zoomOrLayoutChangedCount = 0
    window.debug_adjUpdateDisplay = 0
    @viewState = new ViewState()
@@ -370,42 +371,31 @@ class TimelineEditor extends Polymer.mix
      # fullzoom is not right- the sides shouldn't be able to go
      # offscreen
      getTarget: () => $V([@fullZoomX(panObs()), yMid()])
      getSuggestedTargetOffset: () => $V([0, 0])
      getValueForPos: valForPos
customElements.define(, TimelineEditor)


# plan: in here, turn all the notes into simple js objects with all
# their timing data and whatever's needed for adjusters. From that, do
# the brick layout. update only changing adjusters.
class TimeZoomed extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
coffeeElementSetup(class TimeZoomed extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-timeline-time-zoomed'
  @behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    project: { type: Object }
    selection: { type: Object, notify: true }
    dia: { type: Object, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    viewState: { type: Object, notify: true }
  @observers: [
  @getter_observers: [
    'onGraph(graph, setAdjuster, song, viewState, project)',
  update: ->
    @renderer.resize(@clientWidth, @clientHeight)

  onZoom: ->
    updateZoomFlattened = ->
      @zoomFlattened = ko.toJS(@viewState.zoomSpec)

  constructor: ->
    @stage = new PIXI.Container()
    @renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer({
         backgroundColor: 0xff6060,
@@ -416,14 +406,25 @@ class TimeZoomed extends Polymer.mixinBe
    @addEventListener('iron-resize', @update.bind(@))
  update: ->
    @renderer.resize(@clientWidth, @clientHeight)

  onZoom: ->
    updateZoomFlattened = ->
      @zoomFlattened = ko.toJS(@viewState.zoomSpec)
  onGraph: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@gatherNotes.bind(@), 'zoom notes')
  gatherNotes: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)

    log('assign rows',@song, 'graph has', @graph.quads().length)
    graphics = new PIXI.Graphics({nativeLines: true})

@@ -473,38 +474,37 @@ class TimeZoomed extends Polymer.mixinBe
    dropTime = @viewState.zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1))

    desiredWidthX = @offsetWidth * .3
    desiredWidthT = @viewState.zoomInX.invert(desiredWidthX) - @viewState.zoomInX.invert(0)
    desiredWidthT = Math.min(desiredWidthT, @zoom.duration() - dropTime)
    @project.makeNewNote(effect, dropTime, desiredWidthT)
customElements.define(, TimeZoomed)


class TimeAxis extends Polymer.Element
coffeeElementSetup(class TimeAxis extends Polymer.Element
  @is: "light9-timeline-time-axis",
    viewState: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: "onViewState" }
  onViewState: ->
    ko.computed =>
      dependOn = [@viewState.zoomSpec.t1(), @viewState.zoomSpec.t2()]
      pxPerTick = 50
      axis = d3.axisTop(@viewState.zoomInX).ticks(@viewState.width() / pxPerTick)$.axis).call(axis)

customElements.define(, TimeAxis)

class NoteRow
  constructor: (@graph, @dia, @song, @zoomInX, @noteUris, @rowIndex, @selection) ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "row notes #{@rowIndex}")

  observers: [
    'observedUpdate(graph, song, rowIndex)'


  observedUpdate: (graph, song, rowIndex) ->
    @update() # old behavior
    #@graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "row notes #{@rowIndex}")

  update: (patch) ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
@@ -693,16 +693,16 @@ class Note
      $V([0, 30])
      $V([0, -30])
class DiagramLayer extends Polymer.Element
coffeeElementSetup(class DiagramLayer extends Polymer.Element
  # note boxes. 
  @is: 'light9-timeline-diagram-layer'
  @properties: {
  @getter_properties: {
    selection: {type: Object, notify: true}
  connectedCallback: ->
    @elemById = {}

@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ class DiagramLayer extends Polymer.Eleme
      elem.setAttribute('class', classes)
    #elem = @getOrCreateElem(uri+'/label', 'noteLabels', 'text', {style: "font-size:13px;line-height:125%;font-family:'Verana Sans';text-align:start;text-anchor:start;fill:#000000;"})
    #elem.setAttribute('x', curvePts[0].e(1)+20)
    #elem.setAttribute('y', curvePts[0].e(2)-10)
    #elem.innerHTML = effectLabel;
customElements.define(, DiagramLayer)
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