Changeset - e3de5d1208ca
[Not reviewed]
0 1 0 - 9 years ago 2016-06-11 17:16:55
refactor makeNewNote
Ignore-this: b1f934761ccb6359f9625cf4cc5969f8
1 file changed with 29 insertions and 27 deletions:
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@@ -212,63 +212,65 @@ Polymer
    rows: { value: [0, 1, 2] }
    zoom: { type: Object, notify: true, observer: 'onZoom' }
    zoomFlattened: { type: Object, notify: true }
  onZoom: ->
    updateZoomFlattened = ->
      @zoomFlattened = ko.toJS(@zoom)
  ready: ->

  attached: ->
    root = @closest('light9-timeline-editor')
    setupDrop @, @$.rows, root, (effect, pos) =>

      U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
      quad = (s, p, o) => {subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: @song}

      # we could probably accept some initial overrides right on the
      # effect uri, maybe as query params
      if not @graph.contains(effect, RDF + 'type', U(':Effect'))
        log("drop #{effect} is not an effect")
      dropTime = @zoomInX.invert(pos.e(1))
      @makeNewNote(effect, dropTime)
      newNote = graph.nextNumberedResource("#{@song}/n")
      newCurve = graph.nextNumberedResource("#{newNote}c")
      points = graph.nextNumberedResources("#{newCurve}p", 4)
  makeNewNote: (effect, dropTime) ->
    U = (x) -> @graph.Uri(x)
    quad = (s, p, o) => {subject: s, predicate: p, object: o, graph: @song}
      curveQuads = [
          quad(@song, U(':note'), newNote)
          quad(newNote, RDF + 'type', U(':Note'))
          quad(newNote, U(':originTime'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(dropTime))
          quad(newNote, U(':effectClass'), effect)
          quad(newNote, U(':curve'), newCurve)
          quad(newCurve, RDF + 'type', U(':Curve'))
          quad(newCurve, U(':attr'), U(':strength'))
      pointQuads = []
      for i in [0...4]
        pt = points[i]
        pointQuads.push(quad(newCurve, U(':point'), pt))
        pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':time'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i)))
        pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':value'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i == 1 or i == 2)))
      patch = {
        delQuads: []
        addQuads: curveQuads.concat(pointQuads)
    newNote = @graph.nextNumberedResource("#{@song}/n")
    newCurve = @graph.nextNumberedResource("#{newNote}c")
    points = @graph.nextNumberedResources("#{newCurve}p", 4)

    curveQuads = [
        quad(@song, U(':note'), newNote)
        quad(newNote, RDF + 'type', U(':Note'))
        quad(newNote, U(':originTime'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(dropTime))
        quad(newNote, U(':effectClass'), effect)
        quad(newNote, U(':curve'), newCurve)
        quad(newCurve, RDF + 'type', U(':Curve'))
        quad(newCurve, U(':attr'), U(':strength'))
    pointQuads = []
    for i in [0...4]
      pt = points[i]
      pointQuads.push(quad(newCurve, U(':point'), pt))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':time'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i)))
      pointQuads.push(quad(pt, U(':value'), @graph.LiteralRoundedFloat(i == 1 or i == 2)))

    patch = {
      delQuads: []
      addQuads: curveQuads.concat(pointQuads)

  is: "light9-timeline-time-axis",
  # for now since it's just one line calling dia,
  # light9-timeline-editor does our drawing work.

  is: 'light9-timeline-graph-row'
  behaviors: [ Polymer.IronResizableBehavior ]
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    dia: { type: Object, notify: true }
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