Changeset - e644d8f10c04
[Not reviewed]
0 0 8
Drew Perttula - 10 years ago 2015-06-10 05:50:04
start 2015 show data
Ignore-this: 1534a0efa18679c66781bea463b8b74e
8 files changed with 404 insertions and 0 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
new file 100644
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new file 100644
@prefix : <> .
@prefix dmx: <> .

dmx:c1 :dmxAddress 1 .
dmx:c2 :dmxAddress 2 .
dmx:c3 :dmxAddress 3 .
dmx:c4 :dmxAddress 4 .
dmx:c5 :dmxAddress 5 .
dmx:c6 :dmxAddress 6 .
dmx:c7 :dmxAddress 7 .
dmx:c8 :dmxAddress 8 .
dmx:c9 :dmxAddress 9 .
dmx:c10 :dmxAddress 10 .
dmx:c11 :dmxAddress 11 .
dmx:c12 :dmxAddress 12 .
dmx:c13 :dmxAddress 13 .
dmx:c14 :dmxAddress 14 .
dmx:c15 :dmxAddress 15 .
dmx:c16 :dmxAddress 16 .
dmx:c17 :dmxAddress 17 .
dmx:c18 :dmxAddress 18 .
dmx:c19 :dmxAddress 19 .
dmx:c20 :dmxAddress 20 .
dmx:c21 :dmxAddress 21 .
dmx:c22 :dmxAddress 22 .
dmx:c23 :dmxAddress 23 .
dmx:c24 :dmxAddress 24 .
dmx:c25 :dmxAddress 25 .
dmx:c26 :dmxAddress 26 .
dmx:c27 :dmxAddress 27 .
dmx:c28 :dmxAddress 28 .
dmx:c29 :dmxAddress 29 .
dmx:c30 :dmxAddress 30 .
dmx:c31 :dmxAddress 31 .
dmx:c32 :dmxAddress 32 .
dmx:c33 :dmxAddress 33 .
dmx:c34 :dmxAddress 34 .
dmx:c35 :dmxAddress 35 .
dmx:c36 :dmxAddress 36 .
dmx:c37 :dmxAddress 37 .
dmx:c38 :dmxAddress 38 .
dmx:c39 :dmxAddress 39 .
dmx:c40 :dmxAddress 40 .
dmx:c41 :dmxAddress 41 .
dmx:c42 :dmxAddress 42 .
dmx:c43 :dmxAddress 43 .
dmx:c44 :dmxAddress 44 .
dmx:c45 :dmxAddress 45 .
dmx:c46 :dmxAddress 46 .
dmx:c47 :dmxAddress 47 .
dmx:c48 :dmxAddress 48 .
dmx:c49 :dmxAddress 49 .
dmx:c50 :dmxAddress 50 .
dmx:c51 :dmxAddress 51 .
dmx:c52 :dmxAddress 52 .
dmx:c53 :dmxAddress 53 .
dmx:c54 :dmxAddress 54 .
dmx:c55 :dmxAddress 55 .
dmx:c56 :dmxAddress 56 .
dmx:c57 :dmxAddress 57 .
dmx:c58 :dmxAddress 58 .
dmx:c59 :dmxAddress 59 .
dmx:c60 :dmxAddress 60 .
dmx:c61 :dmxAddress 61 .
dmx:c62 :dmxAddress 62 .
dmx:c63 :dmxAddress 63 .
dmx:c64 :dmxAddress 64 .
dmx:c65 :dmxAddress 65 .
dmx:c66 :dmxAddress 66 .
dmx:c67 :dmxAddress 67 .
dmx:c68 :dmxAddress 68 .
dmx:c69 :dmxAddress 69 .
dmx:c70 :dmxAddress 70 .
dmx:c71 :dmxAddress 71 .
dmx:c72 :dmxAddress 72 .

dmx:c73 :dmxAddress 73 .
dmx:c74 :dmxAddress 74 .
dmx:c75 :dmxAddress 75 .
dmx:c76 :dmxAddress 76 .
dmx:c77 :dmxAddress 77 .
dmx:c78 :dmxAddress 78 .
dmx:c79 :dmxAddress 79 .
dmx:c80 :dmxAddress 80 .
dmx:c81 :dmxAddress 81 .
dmx:c82 :dmxAddress 82 .
dmx:c83 :dmxAddress 83 .
dmx:c84 :dmxAddress 84 .
dmx:c85 :dmxAddress 85 .
dmx:c86 :dmxAddress 86 .
dmx:c87 :dmxAddress 87 .
dmx:c88 :dmxAddress 88 .
dmx:c89 :dmxAddress 89 .
dmx:c90 :dmxAddress 90 .
dmx:c91 :dmxAddress 91 .

Show inline comments
new file 100644
@prefix : <> .
@prefix effect: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

@prefix ch: <> .
@prefix chase: <> .

# when these are inserted, a curve called 'env' will be added to this
# code, so multiply by that. Also if you mention 'music' anywhere, an
# output 'music' will be set to the current song.


effect:cycFlash a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "cycFlash";
  :code "out = <> * nsin(t*2) * env" .

# Notes for quneo pads:
# 48 49 50 51
# 44 45 46 47
# 40 41 42 43
# 36 37 38 39
effect:cycToMusic a :EffectClass; rdfs:label "cyc to music";
:quneoNote 36;
:code "out = <> * music * env" .


effect:fullToMusic a :EffectClass; rdfs:label "full to music";
:quneoNote 38;
:code "out = <> * music * env" .



effect:blacklight a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "blacklight";
  :quneoNote 37;
    "out = [env * p1, env * p2, env * p4]",
    "p1 = <> * .3",
    "p2 = Strip.solid('LR', (0,0,1))",
    "p4 = Blacklight(1)" 

effect:whiteLed a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "whiteLed";
  :code "out = Strip.solid('LR', (1,1,1)) * env" .

effect:slowColor a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "slow color chase";
  :quneoNote 37;
    "period = 5",
    "r = <> * nsin(t / period)",
    "y = <> * nsin((t+.3) / period)",
    "b = <> * nsin((t+.6) / period)",
    "out = [r*env,y*env,b*env]"

chase:backchase a :Chase; :channels (
) .


effect:backChase a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "back chase";
  :code "out = chase(t, names=backchase, ontime=.3, offset=-.11) * env" .

effect:backChaseSlower a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "back chase slower";
  :code "out = chase(t, names=backchase, ontime=.7, offset=-.11) * env" .

chase:frontrand a :Chase; :channels (
) .


effect:frontrandChase a :EffectClass;
  rdfs:label "frontrand chase";
  :code "out = chase(t, names=frontrand, ontime=.3, offset=-.11) * env" .
Show inline comments
new file 100644
build/patch.n3: patch-source.n3 patch-rules.n3
	  cwm patch-source.n3 --filter=patch-rules.n3 --n3=/ > build/patch.n3

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new file 100644
@prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .

show:dance2015 :networking sh:netHome .
  :webServer        <http://dash:8200/>;
  :patchReceiverUpdateHost "localhost";
  :curveCalc        <http://dash:8201/>;
  :dmxServer        <http://dash:8202/>;
  :dmxServerZmq     <http://dash:8203/>;
  :effectEval       <http://dash:8204/>;
  :keyboardComposer <http://dash:8205/>;
  :musicPlayer      <http://dash:8206/>;
  :oscDmxServer     <udp://dash:8207/>;
  :picamserve       <>;
  :rdfdb            <http://dash:8209/>;
  :subComposer      <http://dash:8210/>;
  :subServer        <http://dash:8211/>;
  :vidref           <http://dash:8212/> .

:curveCalc        :urlPath "curveCalc" .
:dmxServer        :urlPath "dmxServer" .
:effectEval       :urlPath "effectEval" .
:keyboardComposer :urlPath "keyboardComposer" .
:musicPlayer      :urlPath "ascoltami" .
:picamserve       :urlPath "picamserve" .
:rdfdb            :urlPath "rdfdb" .
:subComposer      :urlPath "subComposer" .
:subServer        :urlPath "subServer" .
:vidref           :urlPath "vidref" .
\ No newline at end of file
Show inline comments
new file 100644
@prefix ch: <> .
@prefix dmx: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix l9: <> .
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix string: <>.

@prefix prep: <> .

  [prep:name ?name; prep:output ?c] . 

  ch: log:uri ?channelNamespace .
  (?channelNamespace ?name) string:concatenation ?uriString . 
  ?chanUri log:uri ?uriString . 
} => { 
  ?chanUri a l9:Channel; rdfs:label ?name; l9:output ?c . 
} .
Show inline comments
new file 100644
@prefix : <> .
@prefix dmx: <> .

[ :name "f1";      :output dmx:c1 ] .
[ :name "f2";      :output dmx:c2 ] .
[ :name "f3";      :output dmx:c3 ] .
[ :name "f4";      :output dmx:c4 ] .
[ :name "f5";      :output dmx:c5 ] .
[ :name "sharlyn"; :output dmx:c6 ] .
[ :name "f7";      :output dmx:c7 ] .
[ :name "f8";      :output dmx:c8 ] .
[ :name "f9";      :output dmx:c9 ] .
[ :name "f10";     :output dmx:c10 ] .
[ :name "f11";     :output dmx:c11 ] .
[ :name "f12";     :output dmx:c12 ] .

#[ :name "c13"; :output dmx:c13 ] .
#[ :name "c14"; :output dmx:c14 ] .
#[ :name "c15"; :output dmx:c15 ] .
#[ :name "c16"; :output dmx:c16 ] .
#[ :name "c17"; :output dmx:c17 ] .
#[ :name "c18"; :output dmx:c18 ] .
[ :name "down-c-P"; :output dmx:c19 ] .
#[ :name "c20"; :output dmx:c20 ] .

[ :name "oran1"; :output dmx:c21 ] .
[ :name "oran2"; :output dmx:c25 ] .
[ :name "oran3"; :output dmx:c29 ] .
[ :name "oran4"; :output dmx:c33 ] .
[ :name "gree1"; :output dmx:c22 ] .
[ :name "gree2"; :output dmx:c26 ] .
[ :name "gree3"; :output dmx:c30 ] .
[ :name "gree4"; :output dmx:c34 ] .
[ :name "blue1"; :output dmx:c23 ] .
[ :name "blue2"; :output dmx:c27 ] .
[ :name "blue3"; :output dmx:c31 ] .
[ :name "blue4"; :output dmx:c35 ] .
[ :name "red1"; :output dmx:c24 ] .
[ :name "red2"; :output dmx:c28 ] .
[ :name "red3"; :output dmx:c32 ] .
[ :name "red4"; :output dmx:c36 ] .

[ :name "upright"; :output dmx:c37 ] .
[ :name "upleft"; :output dmx:c38 ] .

#[ :name "c39"; :output dmx:c39 ] .
#[ :name "c40"; :output dmx:c40 ] .
#[ :name "c41"; :output dmx:c41 ] .

[ :name "cyc-right"; :output dmx:c42 ] .
[ :name "cyc-mid"; :output dmx:c43 ] .
[ :name "cyc-left"; :output dmx:c44 ] .

[ :name "post-l"; :output dmx:c45 ] .
[ :name "post-r"; :output dmx:c46 ] .

[ :name "strobespeed"; :output dmx:c47 ] .
[ :name "strobebright"; :output dmx:c48 ] .

[ :name "b11"; :output dmx:c54 ] .
[ :name "b12"; :output dmx:c53 ] .
[ :name "b13"; :output dmx:c52 ] .
[ :name "b14"; :output dmx:c51 ] .
[ :name "b15"; :output dmx:c50 ] .
[ :name "b16"; :output dmx:c49 ] .

[ :name "b21"; :output dmx:c55 ] .
[ :name "b22"; :output dmx:c56 ] .
[ :name "b23"; :output dmx:c57 ] .
[ :name "b24"; :output dmx:c58 ] .
[ :name "b25"; :output dmx:c59 ] .
[ :name "b26"; :output dmx:c60 ] .

[ :name "b31"; :output dmx:c61 ] .
[ :name "b32"; :output dmx:c62 ] .
[ :name "b33"; :output dmx:c63 ] .
[ :name "b34"; :output dmx:c64 ] .
[ :name "b35"; :output dmx:c65 ] .
[ :name "b36"; :output dmx:c66 ] .

[ :name "house-side"; :output dmx:c68 ] .
[ :name "house1"; :output dmx:c69 ] .
[ :name "house4"; :output dmx:c70 ] .
[ :name "house3"; :output dmx:c71 ] .
[ :name "house2"; :output dmx:c72 ] .

#[ :name "rgb1-r"; :output dmx:c73 ] .
#[ :name "rgb1-g"; :output dmx:c74 ] .
#[ :name "rgb1-b"; :output dmx:c75 ] .

#[ :name "rgb2-r"; :output dmx:c80 ] .
#[ :name "rgb2-g"; :output dmx:c81 ] .
#[ :name "rgb2-b"; :output dmx:c82 ] .

[ :name "rgb3-mode"; :output dmx:c87 ] .
[ :name "rgb3-r"; :output dmx:c88 ] .
[ :name "rgb3-g"; :output dmx:c89 ] .
[ :name "rgb3-b"; :output dmx:c90 ] .

Show inline comments
new file 100644
@prefix : <> .
@prefix show: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

show:dance2015 :musicRoot "show/dance2015/music/" .

show:dance2015 :playList (
  sh:song1  sh:song2  sh:song3  sh:song4  sh:song5
  sh:song6  sh:song7  sh:song8  sh:song9  sh:song10
  sh:song11 sh:song12 sh:song13 sh:song14 sh:song15
  sh:song16 sh:song17
) .

sh:song1 a :Song; rdfs:label  "01 dancingqueen-crop";        :songFilename "01-dancingqueen-crop.wav" .
sh:song2 a :Song; rdfs:label  "02 gotta-dance-boost";        :songFilename "02-gotta-dance-boost.wav" .
sh:song3 a :Song; rdfs:label  "03 tonight-crop";             :songFilename "03-tonight-crop.wav" .
sh:song4 a :Song; rdfs:label  "04 cheek-denoise";            :songFilename "04-cheek-denoise.wav" .
sh:song5 a :Song; rdfs:label  "05 sohappy-crop";             :songFilename "05-sohappy-crop.wav" .
sh:song6 a :Song; rdfs:label  "06 comedance";                :songFilename "06-comedance.wav" .
sh:song7 a :Song; rdfs:label  "07 mix";                      :songFilename "07-mix.wav" .
sh:song8 a :Song; rdfs:label  "08 mix";                      :songFilename "08-mix.wav" .
sh:song9 a :Song; rdfs:label  "09 mix";                      :songFilename "09-mix.wav" .
sh:song10 a :Song; rdfs:label "10 happy-crop";               :songFilename "10-happy-crop.wav" .
sh:song11 a :Song; rdfs:label "11 gointo-declick1";          :songFilename "11-gointo-declick1.wav" .
sh:song12 a :Song; rdfs:label "12 clip";                     :songFilename "12-clip.wav" .
sh:song13 a :Song; rdfs:label "13 mix";                      :songFilename "13-mix.wav" .
sh:song14 a :Song; rdfs:label "14 machine-crop";             :songFilename "14-machine-crop.wav" .
sh:song15 a :Song; rdfs:label "15 mix";                      :songFilename "15-mix.wav" .
sh:song16 a :Song; rdfs:label "16 mix-fixword";              :songFilename "16-mix-fixword.wav" .
sh:song17 a :Song; rdfs:label "17 dancetothemusic-extended"; :songFilename "17-dancetothemusic-extended.wav" .



# wavecurve should probably be responsible for making these when it
# makes the curve files.
sh:song1 :curve sh:song1music, sh:song1smooth_music. sh:song1music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song1-music" . sh:song1smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song1-smooth_music" .
sh:song2 :curve sh:song2music, sh:song2smooth_music. sh:song2music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song2-music" . sh:song2smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song2-smooth_music" .
sh:song3 :curve sh:song3music, sh:song3smooth_music. sh:song3music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song3-music" . sh:song3smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song3-smooth_music" .
sh:song4 :curve sh:song4music, sh:song4smooth_music. sh:song4music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song4-music" . sh:song4smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song4-smooth_music" .
sh:song5 :curve sh:song5music, sh:song5smooth_music. sh:song5music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song5-music" . sh:song5smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song5-smooth_music" .
sh:song6 :curve sh:song6music, sh:song6smooth_music. sh:song6music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song6-music" . sh:song6smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song6-smooth_music" .
sh:song7 :curve sh:song7music, sh:song7smooth_music. sh:song7music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song7-music" . sh:song7smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song7-smooth_music" .
sh:song8 :curve sh:song8music, sh:song8smooth_music. sh:song8music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song8-music" . sh:song8smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song8-smooth_music" .
sh:song9 :curve sh:song9music, sh:song9smooth_music. sh:song9music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song9-music" . sh:song9smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song9-smooth_music" .
sh:song10 :curve sh:song10music, sh:song10smooth_music. sh:song10music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song10-music" . sh:song10smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song10-smooth_music" .
sh:song11 :curve sh:song11music, sh:song11smooth_music. sh:song11music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song11-music" . sh:song11smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song11-smooth_music" .
sh:song12 :curve sh:song12music, sh:song12smooth_music. sh:song12music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song12-music" . sh:song12smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song12-smooth_music" .
sh:song13 :curve sh:song13music, sh:song13smooth_music. sh:song13music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song13-music" . sh:song13smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song13-smooth_music" .
sh:song14 :curve sh:song14music, sh:song14smooth_music. sh:song14music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song14-music" . sh:song14smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song14-smooth_music" .
sh:song15 :curve sh:song15music, sh:song15smooth_music. sh:song15music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song15-music" . sh:song15smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song15-smooth_music" .
sh:song16 :curve sh:song16music, sh:song16smooth_music. sh:song16music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song16-music" . sh:song16smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song16-smooth_music" .
sh:song17 :curve sh:song17music, sh:song17smooth_music. sh:song17music a :Curve; rdfs:label "music"; :pointsFile "song17-music" . sh:song17smooth_music a :Curve; rdfs:label "smooth music"; :pointsFile "song17-smooth_music" .
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)