Changeset - e99bd20dad85
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David McClosky - 20 years ago 2005-06-18 18:09:34
curvecalc: fully catch and display errors in expr eval
1 file changed with 13 insertions and 11 deletions:
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@@ -146,17 +146,19 @@ class Subterm:
        make_attributes_from_args('submaster', 'subexpr')
    def scaled(self, t):
        subexpr_eval = self.subexpr.eval(t)
        # this stops an error that didn't used to happen. i think when
        # the expr is empty, subexpr_eval becomes None, so this zero
        # is ok
        if subexpr_eval is None:
            subexpr_eval = 0
        if isinstance(subexpr_eval, Submaster.Submaster):
            # if the expression returns a submaster, just return it
            return subexpr_eval
            # otherwise, return our submaster multiplied by the value returned
            return self.submaster * subexpr_eval
        # we prevent any exceptions from escaping, since they cause us to
        # stop sending levels
            if isinstance(subexpr_eval, Submaster.Submaster):
                # if the expression returns a submaster, just return it
                return subexpr_eval
                # otherwise, return our submaster multiplied by the value 
                # returned
                return self.submaster * subexpr_eval
        except Exception, e:
            dispatcher.send("expr_error", sender=self.subexpr, exc=str(e))
            return Submaster.Submaster('Error: %s' % str(e), temporary=True)

class Subtermview(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self,master,st,**kw):
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