Changeset - ee3273dc1589
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-05-19 23:35:42
restore the code that updates zoomFlattened
Ignore-this: cc276917562be6e3a3837f5dc728855a
1 file changed with 7 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -286,24 +286,25 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class TimelineEditor 
# the brick layout. update only changing adjusters.
coffeeElementSetup(class TimeZoomed extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.IronResizableBehavior], Polymer.Element)
  @is: 'light9-timeline-time-zoomed'
    graph: { type: Object, notify: true }
    project: { type: Object }
    selection: { type: Object, notify: true }
    song: { type: String, notify: true }
    viewState: { type: Object, notify: true }
    inlineAttrConfigs: { type: Array, value: [] } # only for inlineattrs that should be displayed
  @getter_observers: [
    '_onGraph(graph, setAdjuster, song, viewState, project)',
  constructor: ->
    @notes = []
    @stage = new PIXI.Container()
    @renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer({
        backgroundColor: 0x606060,
        antialias: true,
        forceCanvas: true,
@@ -325,25 +326,30 @@ coffeeElementSetup(class TimeZoomed exte
  _onResize: ->
    @$ = 'relative'
    @$ = -@viewState.rowsY() + 'px'

    @renderer.resize(@clientWidth, @clientHeight + @viewState.rowsY())
  _onGraph: (graph, setAdjuster, song, viewState, project)->
    return unless @song # polymer will call again
    @graph.runHandler(@gatherNotes.bind(@), 'zoom notes')
  onZoom: ->
    updateZoomFlattened = ->
      @zoomFlattened = ko.toJS(@viewState.zoomSpec)

  gatherNotes: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    return unless @song?

    songNotes = @graph.objects(U(@song), U(':note'))
    n.destroy() for n in @notes
    @notes = []
    noteNum = 0
    for uri in _.sortBy(songNotes, 'id')
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