Changeset - f2f2206281c4
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Drew Perttula - 7 years ago 2018-05-29 07:55:05
indicate hover and selection on notes
Ignore-this: 230f1cf1493ac7727f1df56dc155949b
1 file changed with 22 insertions and 18 deletions:
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@@ -460,60 +460,64 @@ class Note
    throw new Error("curve #{@uri.value} has no attr #{curveAttr.value}")

  draw: ->
    U = (x) => @graph.Uri(x)
    [pointUris, worldPts] = @getCurvePoints(@uri, U(':strength'))
    effect = @graph.uriValue(@uri, U(':effectClass'))

    yForV = (v) => @rowBotY + (@rowTopY - @rowBotY) * v
    dependOn = [@viewState.zoomSpec.t1(), @viewState.zoomSpec.t2(), @viewState.width()]
    screenPts = (new PIXI.Point(@viewState.zoomInX(pt.e(1)), yForV(pt.e(2))) for pt in worldPts)

    graphics = new PIXI.Graphics({nativeLines: false})
    graphics.interactive = true
    @graphics = new PIXI.Graphics({nativeLines: false})
    @graphics.interactive = true

    @selection.selected().forEach (s) =>
      if s.equals(@uri)
        @_traceBorder(screenPts, 8, 0xff2900)
    if @uri.equals(@selection.hover())
      @_traceBorder(screenPts, 6, 0x888888)

    shape = new PIXI.Polygon(screenPts)
    graphics.beginFill(@_noteColor(effect), .313)
    @graphics.beginFill(@_noteColor(effect), .313)

    # stroke should vary with @selection.hover() == @uri and with @uri in @selection.selected()
    # #notes > path.hover {stroke-width: 1.5; stroke: #888;}
    # #notes > path.selected {stroke-width: 5; stroke: red;}
    graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffd900, 1)
    graphics.moveTo(screenPts[0].x, screenPts[0].y)
    for p in screenPts.slice(1)
      graphics.lineTo(p.x, p.y)
    @_traceBorder(screenPts, 2, 0xffd900)

    graphics.on 'mousedown', (ev) =>
    @graphics.on 'mousedown', (ev) =>
      log('down gfx', @uri.value)

    graphics.on 'mouseover', =>
    @graphics.on 'mouseover', =>
      log('hover', @uri.value)

    graphics.on 'mouseout', =>
    @graphics.on 'mouseout', =>
      log('hoverout', @uri.value)

    @graphics = graphics
    curveWidthCalc = () => @project.curveWidth(worldPts)
    @_updateAdjusters(screenPts, worldPts, curveWidthCalc, yForV, @song)

  _traceBorder: (screenPts, thick, color) ->
    @graphics.lineStyle(thick, color, 1)
    @graphics.moveTo(screenPts[0].x, screenPts[0].y)
    for p in screenPts.slice(1)
      @graphics.lineTo(p.x, p.y)

  onUri: ->
    @graph.runHandler(@update.bind(@), "note updates #{@uri}")

  patchCouldAffectMe: (patch) ->
    if patch and patch.addQuads # sometimes patch is a polymer-sent value. @update is used as a listener too
      if patch.addQuads.length == patch.delQuads.length == 1
        add = patch.addQuads[0]
        del = patch.delQuads[0]
        if (add.predicate.equals(del.predicate) and del.predicate.equals(@graph.Uri(':time')) and add.subject.equals(del.subject))
          timeEditFor = add.subject
          if @worldPts and timeEditFor not in @pointUris
            return false
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