Changeset - f8b5cb5fbeed
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0
dmcc - 21 years ago 2003-07-09 03:59:40

- CueFader is hopefully done:
- CueFader is hopefully done:
- The TimedGoButton accepts a wheel to change the times. You can also
enter times directly.
- TimedGoButton really has a default starting time of 2 now. (there was
a variable attached to the wrong widget before)
- We send DMX levels with dmxclient now.
- Autoload Times is a new option.
- We load times from the next cue if Autoload Times is true.
- Time predictions in the LabelledScale are slightly better. You still
can change the time of an active fade.
- Cue cache and DMX level computing now have their own functions, which
get called at (hopefully) All The Right Times.
- There are even some docs now!
- Cues: sub_level parsing is better, will only throw out one line if
it encounters problems (instead of the rest of the cue)
- CueList: lots of 0 vs. None bugs fixed.
- TkCueList: stores a reference to the controlling fader so it can alert
it about changed cues.
- CueEditron: You can edit sub_levels now.
- cuelist1 was edited, checking it in for consistency's sake
2 files changed with 167 insertions and 82 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
from __future__ import division, nested_scopes
import Tix as Tk
import time
from TreeDict import TreeDict, allow_class_to_be_pickled
from TLUtility import enumerate
import Submaster
import Submaster, dmxclient

cue_state_indicator_colors = {
             # bg       fg
    'prev' : ('blue',   'white'),
    'cur' :  ('yellow', 'black'),
    'next' : ('red',    'white'),
@@ -72,25 +72,36 @@ class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):
 = name
        self.scale_to_fade = scale_to_fade
        self.button = Tk.Button(self, text=name, command=self.start_fade, **kw)
        self.button.pack(fill='both', expand=1, side='left')

        self.timer_var = Tk.DoubleVar()
        self.timer_entry = Tk.Control(self, step=0.5, min=0, integer=0)
        self.timer_entry.entry.configure(textvariable=self.timer_var, width=5, 
            bg='black', fg='white')
        self.timer_entry = Tk.Control(self, step=0.5, min=0, integer=0, 
            variable=self.timer_var, selectmode='immediate')
        for widget in (self.timer_entry, self.timer_entry.entry, 
            self.timer_entry.incr, self.timer_entry.decr, self.button, self):
            widget.bind("<4>", self.wheelscroll)
            widget.bind("<5>", self.wheelscroll)
        self.timer_entry.entry.configure(width=5, bg='black', fg='white')
        self.timer_entry.pack(fill='y', side='left')
        self.disabled = (self.button['state'] == 'disabled')
        self.fading = 0
    def wheelscroll(self, event):
        """Mouse wheel increments or decrements timer."""
        if event.num == 4: # scroll up
        else:            # scroll down
    def start_fade(self, end_level=1):
            fade_time = float(self.timer_var.get())
        except ValueError:
            # since we use a control now, i don't think we need to worry about
            # validation any more.
            print "can't fade -- bad time"
            print ">>> Can't fade -- bad time", self.timer_var.get()

        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.start_level = self.scale_to_fade.scale_var.get()
        self.end_level = end_level
        self.fade_length = fade_time
@@ -127,14 +138,17 @@ class TimedGoButton(Tk.Frame):
        return self.fading

class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, cuelist):
        Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
        self.cuelist = cuelist
        self.auto_shift = Tk.IntVar()

        self.last_levels_sent = 0
        self.current_dmx_levels = [0] * 68
        self.after(0, self.send_dmx_levels_loop) # start DMX sending loop

        # this is a mechanism to stop Tk from autoshifting too much.
        # if this variable is true, the mouse button is down.  we don't want
        # to shift until they release it.  when it is released, we will
        # set it to false and then call autoshift.
        self.no_shifts_until_release = 0
@@ -147,18 +161,30 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):

        self.set_prev_button = Tk.Button(topframe, text='Set Prev',
            command=lambda: cuelist.set_selection_as_prev(),
            fg='white', bg='blue')

        self.auto_shift = Tk.IntVar()

        self.auto_shift_checkbutton = Tk.Checkbutton(topframe, 
            variable=self.auto_shift, text='Autoshift', 
            command=self.toggle_autoshift, bg='black', fg='white',
        self.auto_shift_checkbutton.pack(fill='both', side='left')

        self.auto_load_times = Tk.IntVar()

        self.auto_load_times_checkbutton = Tk.Checkbutton(topframe, 
            variable=self.auto_load_times, text='Autoload Times', 
            command=self.toggle_autoshift, bg='black', fg='white', 
        self.auto_load_times_checkbutton.pack(fill='both', side='left')

        self.set_next_button = Tk.Button(topframe, text='Set Next',
            command=lambda: cuelist.set_selection_as_next(),
            fg='white', bg='red')

@@ -185,24 +211,66 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
            self.scales[name] = scale
            self.shift_buttons[name] = shift
            self.go_buttons[name] = go

            scale.scale_var.trace('w', \
                lambda x, y, z, name=name, scale=scale: self.xfade(name, scale))
                lambda x, y, z, scale=scale: scale.update_value_label())

            def button_press(event, name=name, scale=scale):
                self.no_shifts_until_release = 1 # prevent shifts until release
            def button_release(event, name=name, scale=scale):
                self.no_shifts_until_release = 0
                self.autoshift(name, scale)

            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonPress>", button_press)
            scale.scale.bind("<ButtonRelease>", button_release)
        faderframe.pack(side='bottom', fill='both', expand=1)

        self.current_dir = 'Next'
        self.cues_as_subs = {}
    def reload_cue_times(self):
        prev, cur, next = self.cuelist.get_current_cues()
    def update_cue_cache(self):
        """Rebuilds subs from the current cues.  As this is expensive, we don't
        do it unless necessary (i.e. whenever we shift or a cue is edited)"""
        # load the subs to fade between
        for cue, name in zip(self.cuelist.get_current_cues(), 
                             ('Prev', 'Cur', 'Next')):
            self.cues_as_subs[name] = cue.get_levels_as_sub()
    def compute_dmx_levels(self):
        """Compute the DMX levels to send.  This should get called whenever the
        DMX levels could change: either during a crossfade or when a cue is
        edited.  Since this is called when we know that a change might occur,
        we will send the new levels too."""
        cur_sub = self.cues_as_subs.get('Cur')
        if cur_sub:
            scale = self.scales[self.current_dir]
            scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 

            other_sub = self.cues_as_subs[self.current_dir]
            current_levels_as_sub = cur_sub.crossfade(other_sub, scale_val)
            self.current_dmx_levels = current_levels_as_sub.get_dmx_list()
    def send_dmx_levels(self):
        # print "send_dmx_levels", self.current_dmx_levels
        self.last_levels_sent = time.time()
    def send_dmx_levels_loop(self):
        diff = time.time() - self.last_levels_sent
        if diff >= 2: # too long since last send
            self.after(200, self.send_dmx_levels_loop)
            self.after(int((2 - diff) * 100), self.send_dmx_levels_loop)
    def get_scale_desc(self, val, name):
        """Returns a description to the TimedGoButton"""
        go_button = self.go_buttons.get(name)
        if go_button:
            time = go_button.get_time()
            return "%0.2f%%, %0.1fs left" % (val, time - ((val / 100.0) * time))
            return "%0.2f%%" % val
@@ -218,17 +286,15 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):

        for scale_name, scale in self.scales.items():
        self.cuelist.shift((-1, 1)[name == 'Next'])

        # now load the subs to fade between
        for cue, name in zip(self.cuelist.get_current_cues(), 
                             ('Prev', 'Cur', 'Next')):
            self.cues_as_subs[name] = cue.get_levels_as_sub()
        print "cues_as_subs", self.cues_as_subs
        if self.auto_load_times.get():
    def autoshift(self, name, scale):
        scale_val = scale.scale_var.get() 

        if scale_val == 1:
            if self.auto_shift.get():
@@ -251,19 +317,14 @@ class CueFader(Tk.Frame):
            # undo above work

        cur_sub = self.cues_as_subs.get('Cur')
        if cur_sub:
            other_sub = self.cues_as_subs[name]
            # print 'fade between %s and %s (%.2f)' % (cur_sub, other_sub, scale_val)
            self.current_levels_as_sub = cur_sub.crossfade(other_sub, scale_val)
            print "current levels", self.current_levels_as_sub.get_dmx_list()
            # print
        self.current_dir = name
    def opposite_direction(self, d):
        if d == 'Next':
            return 'Prev'
            return 'Next'

@@ -279,25 +340,23 @@ class Cue:
    def get_levels_as_sub(self):
        """Get this Cue as a combined Submaster, normalized.  This method
        should not be called constantly, since it is somewhat expensive.  It
        will reload the submasters from disk, combine all subs together, and
        then compute the normalized form."""
        subdict = {}
            print self, self.sub_levels
            for line in self.sub_levels.split(','):
        for line in self.sub_levels.split(','):
                line = line.strip()
                # print 'line', line
                if not line: 
                sub, scale = line.split(':')
                # print 'sub', sub, 'scale', scale
                sub = sub.strip()
                scale = float(scale)
                subdict[sub] = scale
            # print 'subdict', subdict
        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
            print "parsing error when computing sub for", self
            except ValueError:
                print "Parsing error for '%s' in %s" % (self.sub_levels, self)

        s = Submaster.Submasters()
        newsub = Submaster.sub_maxes(*[s[sub] * scale 
            for sub, scale in subdict.items()])
        return newsub.get_normalized_copy()

@@ -344,29 +403,33 @@ class CueList:
            self.current_cue_index = old_index + diff
    def set_next(self, index):
        self.next_pointer = index
    def set_prev(self, index):
        self.prev_pointer = index
    def bound_index(self, index):
        if not self.cues:
        if not self.cues or index < 0:
            return None
            return max(0, min(index, len(self.cues) - 1))
            return min(index, len(self.cues) - 1)
    def get_current_cue_indices(self):
        """Returns a list of the indices of three cues: the previous cue,
        the current cue, and the next cue."""
        cur = self.current_cue_index
        return [self.bound_index(index) for index in
                    (self.prev_pointer or cur - 1, 
                     self.next_pointer or cur + 1)]
    def get_current_cues(self):
        """Returns a list of three cues: the previous cue, the current cue,
        and the next cue."""
        return [self.get_cue_by_index(index) 
            for index in self.get_current_cue_indices()]
    def get_cue_by_index(self, index):
        if index:
            return self.cues[self.bound_index(index)]
        except TypeError:
            return empty_cue
    def __del__(self):

    def save(self):
        print "Saving cues to", self.filename

@@ -376,15 +439,17 @@ class CueList:

class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, filename):
        CueList.__init__(self, filename)
        Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black')
        self.fader = None
        self.edit_tl = Tk.Toplevel()
        self.editor = CueEditron(self.edit_tl, changed_callback=self.redraw_cue)
        self.editor = CueEditron(self.edit_tl, 
        self.editor.pack(fill='both', expand=1)

        def edit_cue(index):
            index = int(index)
@@ -408,30 +473,37 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
                text=header, style=header_style)

        self.cue_label_windows = {}
        for count, cue in enumerate(self.cues):
            self.display_cue(count, cue)
    def set_fader(self, fader):
        self.fader = fader
    def wheelscroll(self, evt):
        """Perform mouse wheel scrolling"""
        amount = 2
        if evt.num == 4:
        if evt.num == 4: # scroll down
            amount = -2
        else:            # scroll up
            amount = 2
        self.hlist.yview('scroll', amount, 'units')
    def redraw_cue(self, cue):
    def cue_changed(self, cue):
        path = self.cues.index(cue)
        for col, header in enumerate(self.columns):
                text = getattr(cue, header)
            except AttributeError:
                text = ''

            if col == 0:
                self.cue_label_windows[path]['text'] = text
                self.hlist.item_configure(path, col, text=text)

        if cue in self.get_current_cues() and self.fader:
    def display_cue(self, path, cue):
        for col, header in enumerate(self.columns):
                text = getattr(cue, header)
            except AttributeError:
                text = ''
@@ -449,30 +521,35 @@ class TkCueList(CueList, Tk.Frame):
                self.hlist.item_create(path, col, text=text)
    def reset_cue_indicators(self, cue_indices=None):
        """If cue_indices is None, we'll reset all of them."""
        cue_indices = cue_indices or self.cue_label_windows.keys()
        for key in cue_indices:
            if key is None:
            window = self.cue_label_windows[key]
            window.configure(fg='white', bg='black')
    def update_cue_indicators(self):
        states = dict(zip(self.get_current_cue_indices(), 
                     ('prev', 'cur', 'next')))

        for count, state in states.items():
            if count is None:
            window = self.cue_label_windows[count]
            bg, fg = cue_state_indicator_colors[state]
            window.configure(bg=bg, fg=fg)
    def shift(self, diff):
        CueList.shift(self, diff)
        # try to see all indices, but next takes priority over all, and cur
        # over prev
        for index in self.get_current_cue_indices():
            if index is not None:
    def select_callback(self, index):
        new_next = int(index)
    def set_next(self, index):
        prev, cur, next = self.get_current_cue_indices()
@@ -511,13 +588,14 @@ class CueEditron(Tk.Frame):
                self.master.title("Editing '%s'" %
            except AttributeError:
    def setup_editing_forms(self):
        self.variables = {}
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 'sub_levels')):
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 
            lab = Tk.Label(self, text=field, fg='white', bg='black')
            lab.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='nsew')

            entryvar = Tk.StringVar()
            entry = Tk.Entry(self, fg='white', bg='black', 
@@ -534,13 +612,14 @@ class CueEditron(Tk.Frame):

            entryvar.trace('w', field_changed)
        self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
    def fill_in_cue_info(self):
        self.enable_callbacks = 0
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 'sub_levels')):
        for row, field in enumerate(('name', 'time', 'page', 'desc', 
            text = ''
            if self.cue:
                    text = getattr(self.cue, field)
                except AttributeError:
Show inline comments
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        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
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        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
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        <attr name="time" type="string" value="14" />
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        <attr name="desc" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="page" type="string" value="" />
        <attr name="name" type="string" value="cue 15" />
        <attr name="sub_levels" type="string" value="red : 1" />
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