Changeset - f9edd9819b7d
[Not reviewed]
9 1 9 - 20 months ago 2023-05-24 21:37:11
move live/ out of web; it's just a normal (web-only) tool now
10 files changed with 17 insertions and 18 deletions:
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pnpm exec vite -c light9/web/live/vite.config.ts &
exec pnpm exec vite -c light9/live/vite.config.ts
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file renamed from light9/web/live/Effect.ts to light9/live/Effect.ts
import debug from "debug";
import { Literal, NamedNode, Quad_Object, Quad_Predicate, Quad_Subject, Term } from "n3";
import { some } from "underscore";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds, patchUpdate } from "../patch";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../SyncedGraph";
import { shortShow } from "../show_specific";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds, patchUpdate } from "../web/patch";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { shortShow } from "../web/show_specific";

type Color = string;
export type ControlValue = number | Color | NamedNode;

const log = debug("effect");

function isUri(x: Term | number | string): x is NamedNode {
  return typeof x == "object" && x.termType == "NamedNode";

function valuePred(graph: SyncedGraph, attr: NamedNode): NamedNode {
  const U = graph.U();
  const scaledAttributeTypes = [U(":color"), U(":brightness"), U(":uv")];
  if (some(scaledAttributeTypes, (x: NamedNode) => attr.equals(x))) {
    return U(":scaledValue");
  } else {
    return U(":value");

// effect settings data; r/w sync with the graph
export class Effect {
  private settings: Array<{ device: NamedNode; deviceAttr: NamedNode; setting: NamedNode; value: ControlValue }> = [];
  private ctxForEffect: NamedNode
    public graph: SyncedGraph,
    public uri: NamedNode,
    // called if the graph changes our values and not when the caller uses edit()
    private onValuesChanged: (values: void) => void
  ) {
    this.ctxForEffect = this.graph.Uri(this.uri.value.replace("", `${shortShow}/effect`));
    graph.runHandler(this.rebuildSettingsFromGraph.bind(this), `effect sync ${uri.value}`);

  addNewEffectToGraph() {
    const U = this.graph.U();
    const quad = (s: Quad_Subject, p: Quad_Predicate, o: Quad_Object) => this.graph.Quad(s, p, o, this.ctxForEffect);

    const addQuads = [
      quad(this.uri, U("rdf:type"), U(":Effect")),
      quad(this.uri, U("rdfs:label"), this.graph.Literal(this.uri.value.replace(/.*\//, ""))),
      quad(this.uri, U(":publishAttr"), U(":strength")),
    const patch = { adds: addQuads, dels: [] } as Patch;
    log("init new effect", patch);
    this.settings = [];
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file renamed from light9/web/live/GraphToControls.ts to light9/live/GraphToControls.ts
import debug from "debug";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../SyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { ControlValue, Effect } from "./Effect";
const log = debug("g2c");

type NewValueCb = (newValue: ControlValue | null) => void;

// More efficient bridge between liveControl widgets and graph edits (inside Effect),
// as opposed to letting each widget scan the graph and push lots of
// tiny patches to it.
export class GraphToControls {
  // rename to PageControls?
  effect: Effect | null = null; // this uri should sync to the editchoice
  registeredWidgets: Map<NamedNode, Map<NamedNode, NewValueCb>> = new Map();
  constructor(public graph: SyncedGraph) {}

  setEffect(effect: NamedNode | null) {
    log(`setEffect ${effect?.value}`);
    this.effect = effect ? new Effect(this.graph, effect, this.onValuesChanged.bind(this)) : null;

  newEffect(): NamedNode {
    // wrong- this should be our editor's scratch effect, promoted to a
    // real one when you name it.
    const uri = this.graph.nextNumberedResource(this.graph.Uri(""));

    this.effect = new Effect(this.graph, uri, this.onValuesChanged.bind(this));
    log("add new eff");
    return this.effect.uri;

  onValuesChanged() {
    log(`i learned values changed for ${this.effect?.uri.value} `);
    this.registeredWidgets.forEach((d1: Map<NamedNode, NewValueCb>, device: NamedNode) => {
      d1.forEach((cb: NewValueCb, deviceAttr: NamedNode) => {
        const v = this.effect ? this.effect.currentValue(device, deviceAttr) : null;

  register(device: NamedNode, deviceAttr: NamedNode, graphValueChanged: NewValueCb) {
    // log(`control for ${device.value}-${deviceAttr.value} registring with g2c`);
    let d1 = this.registeredWidgets.get(device);
    if (!d1) {
      d1 = new Map();
      this.registeredWidgets.set(device, d1);
    d1.set(deviceAttr, graphValueChanged);
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file renamed from light9/web/live/Light9DeviceControl.ts to light9/live/Light9DeviceControl.ts
import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { unique } from "underscore";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds } from "../patch";
import { getTopGraph } from "../RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../SyncedGraph";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds } from "../web/patch";
import { getTopGraph } from "../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { GraphToControls } from "./GraphToControls";
import { Choice } from "./Light9Listbox";
import { Light9LiveControl } from "./Light9LiveControl";
export { ResourceDisplay } from "../ResourceDisplay";
export { ResourceDisplay } from "../web/ResourceDisplay";
export { Light9LiveControl };
const log = debug("devcontrol");

export interface DeviceAttrRow {
  uri: NamedNode; //devattr
  attrClasses: string; // the css kind
  dataType: NamedNode;
  showColorPicker: boolean;
  useColor: boolean;
  useChoice: boolean;
  choices: Choice[];
  choiceSize: number;
  useSlider: boolean;
  max: number;

export class Light9DeviceControl extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;
  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: inline-block;
      .device {
        border: 2px solid #151e2d;
        margin: 4px;
        padding: 1px;
        background: #171717; /* deviceClass gradient added later */
        break-inside: avoid-column;
        width: 335px;
      .deviceAttr {
        border-top: 1px solid #272727;
        padding-bottom: 2px;
        display: flex;
      .deviceAttr > span {
      .deviceAttr > light9-live-control {
        flex-grow: 1;
      h2 {
        font-size: 110%;
        padding: 4px;
        margin-top: 0;
        margin-bottom: 0;
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file renamed from light9/web/live/Light9Listbox.ts to light9/live/Light9Listbox.ts
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file renamed from light9/web/live/Light9LiveControl.ts to light9/live/Light9LiveControl.ts
import debug from "debug";
const log = debug("control");
import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyPart, PropertyValues } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { getTopGraph } from "../RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../SyncedGraph";
import { getTopGraph } from "../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { ControlValue } from "./Effect";
import { GraphToControls } from "./GraphToControls";
import { DeviceAttrRow } from "./Light9DeviceControl";
import { Choice } from "./Light9Listbox";
export { Slider } from "@material/mwc-slider";
export class Light9LiveControl extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;

  static styles = [
      #colorControls {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
      #colorControls > * {
        margin: 0 3px;
      #colorControls paper-slider {
      paper-slider {
        width: 100%;
        height: 25px;

      paper-slider {
        --paper-slider-knob-color: var(--paper-red-500);
        --paper-slider-active-color: var(--paper-red-500);

        --paper-slider-font-color: white;
        --paper-slider-input: {
          width: 75px;

          background: black;
          display: inline-block;

  render() {
    if (this.dataType.value === "") {
      return html`<mwc-slider .value=${this.sliderValue} step=${1 / 255} min="0" max="1" @input=${this.onSliderInput}></mwc-slider> `;
    } else if (this.dataType.value === "") {
      return html`
        <div id="colorControls">
          <button on-click="goBlack">0.0</button>
          <light9-color-picker color="{{value}}"></light9-color-picker>
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file renamed from light9/web/live/Light9LiveControls.ts to light9/live/Light9LiveControls.ts
import debug from "debug";
import { css, html, LitElement, PropertyValues } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { NamedNode } from "n3";
import { sortBy, uniq } from "underscore";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds } from "../patch";
import { getTopGraph } from "../RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../SyncedGraph";
import { Patch, patchContainsPreds } from "../web/patch";
import { getTopGraph } from "../web/RdfdbSyncedGraph";
import { SyncedGraph } from "../web/SyncedGraph";
import { GraphToControls } from "./GraphToControls";
export { EditChoice } from "../EditChoice";
export { EditChoice } from "../web/EditChoice";
export { Light9DeviceControl as Light9LiveDeviceControl } from "./Light9DeviceControl";
const log = debug("controls");

export class Light9LiveControls extends LitElement {
  graph!: SyncedGraph;

  static styles = [
      :host {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
      #preview {
        width: 100%;
      #deviceControls {
        flex-grow: 1;
        position: relative;
        width: 100%;
        overflow-y: auto;

      light9-live-device-control > div {
        break-inside: avoid-column;
      light9-live-device-control {

  render() {
    return html`

      <h1>device control</h1>

      <div id="save">
          <button @click=${this.newEffect}>New effect</button>
          <edit-choice .uri=${this.effectChoice}></edit-choice>
          <button @click=${this.clearAll}>clear settings in this effect</button>
      <div id="deviceControls">
          (device: NamedNode) => html`
            <light9-device-control .uri=${device} .effect=${this.effectChoice} .graphToControls=${this.graphToControls}></light9-device-control>
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file renamed from light9/web/live/ to light9/live/
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file renamed from light9/web/live/index.html to light9/live/index.html
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file renamed from light9/web/live/vite.config.ts to light9/live/vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

const servicePort = 8217;
export default defineConfig({
  base: "/live/",
  root: "./light9/web/live",
  publicDir: "../web",
  root: "./light9/live",
  publicDir: "../..",
  server: {
    host: "",
    strictPort: true,
    port: servicePort + 100,
    hmr: {
      port: servicePort + 200,
  clearScreen: false,
  define: {
    global: {},
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