Changeset - ff36ce3038be
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David McClosky - 15 years ago 2010-06-19 23:40:33
Effects: chase can now randomize with random kw, add stack (untested!)
Ignore-this: 977a062ab00c40b629b568f72c70562f
1 file changed with 29 insertions and 3 deletions:
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from __future__ import division
import random
from random import Random
import light9.Submaster as Submaster
from chase import chase as chase_logic
import showconfig
@@ -8,10 +8,14 @@ from light9 import Patch
from light9.namespaces import L9

def chase(t, ontime=0.5, offset=0.2, onval=1.0, 
          offval=0.0, names=None, combiner=max):
          offval=0.0, names=None, combiner=max, random=False):
    """names is list of URIs. returns a submaster that chases through
    the inputs"""
    sub_vals = {}
    if random:
        r = Random(random)
        names = names[:]

    chase_vals = chase_logic(t, ontime, offset, onval, offval, names, combiner)
    lev = {}
    for uri, value in chase_vals.items():
@@ -26,6 +30,28 @@ def chase(t, ontime=0.5, offset=0.2, onv
    ret = Submaster.Submaster(leveldict=lev, temporary=True)
    return ret

def stack(t, names=None):
    """names is list of URIs. returns a submaster that stacks the the inputs"""
    frac = 1.0 / (len(names) + 1)
    threshold = frac

    lev = {}
    for uri in names:
            dmx = Patch.dmx_from_uri(uri)
        except KeyError:
            print ("chase includes %r, which doesn't resolve to a dmx chan" %
        lev[dmx] = 1

        threshold += frac
        if threshold > t:

    ret = Submaster.Submaster(leveldict=lev, temporary=True)
    return ret

def configExprGlobals():
    graph = showconfig.getGraph()
    ret = {}
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