Changeset - ffecebbdcc95
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0 - 13 years ago 2012-06-16 02:53:49
curvecalc serves the time you're hovering over
Ignore-this: 1175a24abc1de8f6e995e925bb25caab
2 files changed with 21 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@ now launches like this:



todo: curveview should preserve more objects, for speed maybe

from __future__ import division

from twisted.internet import gtk2reactor
from twisted.internet import reactor

import time, textwrap, os, optparse, gtk, linecache, signal, traceback
import time, textwrap, os, optparse, gtk, linecache, signal, traceback, json
import louie as dispatcher 
from rdflib import URIRef, Graph, Literal, RDF, RDFS
import logging
log = logging.getLogger()

import run_local
from light9 import showconfig, prof
from light9 import showconfig, prof, networking
from light9.curvecalc.curve import Curveset
from light9.curvecalc import curveview 
from light9.curvecalc.musicaccess import Music, currentlyPlayingSong
from light9.wavelength import wavelength
from light9.namespaces import L9
from light9.curvecalc.subterm import read_all_subs, savekey, graphPathForSubterms
from light9.curvecalc.subtermview import add_one_subterm
from light9.curvecalc.output import Output
from light9.gtkpyconsole import togglePyConsole

def makeGraph():
    graphOrig = showconfig.getGraph()
@@ -323,15 +323,33 @@ def main():
    maxtime = wavelength(musicfilename)
    dispatcher.connect(lambda: maxtime, "get max time", weak=False)

    start = Main(graph, opts, song, curveset, subterms, music)

    dispatcher.send("max time", maxtime=maxtime)
    dispatcher.send("show all")
    if opts.startup_only:
        log.debug("quitting now because of --startup-only")

    from twisted.web import server, resource
    class Hover(resource.Resource):
        isLeaf = True
        def render_GET(self, request):
            if request.path == '/hoverTime':
                results = dispatcher.send("onPlayPause")
                times = [t for listener, t in results if t is not None]
                if not times:
                    return "not hovering over any time"
                return json.dumps({"song":song, "hoverTime" : times[0]})
            raise NotImplementedError()


 , profile=False)

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@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ class ServiceAddress(object):
        return host

    def url(self):
        return self._url()

    def path(self, more):
        return self.url + str(more)

dmxServer = ServiceAddress(L9['dmxServer'])
musicPlayer = ServiceAddress(L9['musicPlayer'])
keyboardComposer = ServiceAddress(L9['keyboardComposer'])

curveCalc = ServiceAddress(L9['curveCalc'])
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