diff --git a/show/dance2010/readme b/show/dance2010/readme --- a/show/dance2010/readme +++ b/show/dance2010/readme @@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ for 2011: safeUri = song.split('://')[-1].replace('/','_') AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' - CC subterms that are just curve(t) should not appear as rows; they should be described in their curverow -- all machines should have this control panel: set audio output to house or local; what's the song time; scrub around in this song; switches for emergency lights; make a checkpoint (if we dont have complete history yet) +- all machines should have this control panel: set audio output to house or local; what's the song time; scrub around in this song; switches for emergency lights; make a checkpoint (if we dont have complete history yet); "it looks bad" button, to make a todo note for that time - hardest thing is seeing an area on stage and getting light onto it. lightsim could help - +- compute whole-stage brightness and show that as a track, so we can adjust the light mix to create overall looks #3: 306 horns- strobe. 255 light the sides. r first