Files @ a362b892cb43
Branch filter:

Location: light9/doc/baypiggies2008/ui/default/framing.css

Drew Perttula
more makefile hacks to turn debug.js into an ES6 module
Ignore-this: 79b9757e462e9007ae4c2c5eaaf9d917

(can't wait for the js build fairy to come clean all this up)
/* The following styles size, place, and layer the slide components.
   Edit these if you want to change the overall slide layout.
   The commented lines can be uncommented (and modified, if necessary) 
    to help you with the rearrangement process. */

/* target = 1024x768 */

div#header, div#footer, .slide {width: 100%; top: 0; left: 0;}
div#header {top: 0; height: 3em; z-index: 1;}
div#footer {top: auto; bottom: 0; height: 2.5em; z-index: 5;}
.slide {top: 0; width: 92%; padding: 3.5em 4% 4%; z-index: 2;  list-style: none;}
div#controls {left: 50%; bottom: 0; width: 50%; z-index: 100;}
div#controls form {position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; width: 100%;
  margin: 0;}
#currentSlide {position: absolute; width: 10%; left: 45%; bottom: 1em; z-index: 10;}
html>body #currentSlide {position: fixed;}

div#header {background: #FCC;}
div#footer {background: #CCF;}
div#controls {background: #BBD;}
div#currentSlide {background: #FFC;}