#!bin/python from __future__ import division, nested_scopes from optparse import OptionParser import Tkinter as tk import louie as dispatcher from twisted.internet import reactor, tksupport, task from rdflib import URIRef import run_local from light9.dmxchanedit import Levelbox from light9 import dmxclient, Patch, Submaster, showconfig, prof from light9.uihelpers import toplevelat from light9.rdfdb.syncedgraph import SyncedGraph from light9.rdfdb import clientsession from light9.tkdnd import initTkdnd, dragSourceRegister, dropTargetRegister class EditChoice(tk.Frame): """ widget for tying some UI to a shared resource for editing, or unlinking it (which means associating it with a local resource that's not named or shared). This object does not own the choice of resource; the caller does. """ def __init__(self, parent, getResource, onSetResource, onSetLocal): want to pass an observable uri value and an observable isLocal for 2way sync """ getResource is called to get the URI of the currently """ self.frame = tk.Frame(parent) self.subSelection.pack(side='top') tk.Label(self.subSelection, text="Editing:").pack(side='left') self.currentSubFrame = tk.Frame(self.subSelection) self.currentSubFrame.pack(side='left') self.subIcon = tk.Label(self.currentSubFrame, text="sub1", borderwidth=2, relief='raised', padx=10, pady=10) self.subIcon.pack() dragSourceRegister(self.subIcon, 'copy', 'text/uri-list', lambda: self.currentSub.uri) def onEv(*args): print "ev", args return "link" self.onEv = onEv dropTargetRegister(self, onDrop=onEv, hoverStyle=dict(background="#555500", bd=3, relief='groove')) tk.Label(self.currentSubFrame, text="local data (drag sub here)").pack() tk.Button(text="unlink", command=self.switchToLocalSub) class Subcomposer(tk.Frame): """ l9:currentSub ?sub is the URI of the sub we're tied to for displaying and editing. If we don't have a currentSub, then we're actually editing a session-local sub called l9:currentSub UI actions: - drag a sub uri on here to make it the one we're editing - button to clear the currentSub (putting it back to sessionLocalSub, and also resetting sessionLocalSub to be empty again) - drag the sub uri off of here to send it to another receiver, but session local sub is not easily addressable elsewhere - make a new sub: transfers the current data (from a shared sub or from the local one) to the new sub. If you're on a local sub, the new sub is named automatically, ideally something brief, pretty distinct, readable, and based on the lights that are on. If you're on a named sub, the new one starts with a 'namedsub 2' style name. The uri can also be with a '2' suffix, although maybe that will be stupid. If you change the name before anyone knows about this uri, we could update the current sub's uri to a slug of the new label. - rename this sub: not available if you're on a local sub. Sets the label of a named sub. Might update the uri of the named sub if it's new enough that no one else would have that uri. Not sure where we measure that 'new enough' value. Maybe track if the sub has 'never been dragged out of this subcomposer session'? But subs will also show up in other viewers and finders. """ def __init__(self, master, graph, session): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='black') self.graph = graph self.session = session self.currentSub = Submaster.PersistentSubmaster(graph, URIRef('http://hello')) self.levelbox = Levelbox(self, graph) self.levelbox.pack(side='top') EditChoice(self).frame.pack(side='top') def alltozero(): for lev in self.levelbox.levels: lev.setlevel(0) tk.Button(self, text="all to zero", command=alltozero).pack(side='top') dispatcher.connect(self.sendupdate, "levelchanged") def switchToLocalSub(self, *args): """ stop editing a shared sub and go back to our local sub """ def fill_both_boxes(self, subname): for box in [self.savebox, self.loadbox]: box.set(subname) def savenewsub(self, subname): leveldict={} for i,lev in zip(range(len(self.levels)),self.levels): if lev!=0: leveldict[Patch.get_channel_name(i+1)]=lev s=Submaster.Submaster(subname,leveldict=leveldict) s.save() # this is going to be more like 'tie to sub' and 'untied' def loadsub(self, subname): """puts a sub into the levels, replacing old level values""" s=Submaster.Submasters(showconfig.getGraph()).get_sub_by_name(subname) self.set_levels(s.get_dmx_list()) dispatcher.send("levelchanged") def toDmxLevels(self): # the dmx levels we edit and output, range is 0..1 (dmx chan 1 is # the 0 element) out = {} for lev in self.levelbox.levels: out[lev.channelnum] = lev.currentlevel if not out: return [] return [out.get(i, 0) for i in range(max(out.keys()) + 1)] def sendupdate(self): dmxclient.outputlevels(self.toDmxLevels(), twisted=True) class EntryCommand(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master, verb="Save", cmd=None): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=2, relief='raised') tk.Label(self, text="Sub name:").pack(side='left') self.cmd = cmd self.entry = tk.Entry(self) self.entry.pack(side='left', expand=True, fill='x') self.entry.bind("", self.action) tk.Button(self, text=verb, command=self.action).pack(side='left') def action(self, *args): subname = self.entry.get() self.cmd(subname) print "sub", self.cmd, subname def set(self, text): self.entry.delete(0, 'end') self.entry.insert(0, text) ############################# if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [subname]") parser.add_option('--no-geometry', action='store_true', help="don't save/restore window geometry") clientsession.add_option(parser) opts, args = parser.parse_args() root=tk.Tk() root.config(bg='black') root.tk_setPalette("#004633") initTkdnd(root.tk, 'tkdnd/trunk/') graph = SyncedGraph("subcomposer") session = clientsession.getUri('subcomposer', opts) if not opts.no_geometry: toplevelat("subcomposer - %s" % opts.session, root, graph, session) sc = Subcomposer(root, graph, session) sc.pack() tk.Label(root,text="Bindings: B1 adjust level; B2 set full; B3 instant bump", font="Helvetica -12 italic",anchor='w').pack(side='top',fill='x') if len(args) == 1: root.config(bg='green') # trying to make these look distinctive sc.loadsub(args[0]) sc.fill_both_boxes(args[0]) task.LoopingCall(sc.sendupdate).start(1) root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', reactor.stop) tksupport.install(root,ms=10) prof.run(reactor.run, profile=False)